May 27, 2022
Please do your job. Your job is to become yourself and expand and evolve. The only way you accomplish that is to become willing to walk through your fear and doubt, which plague most of you in human experience.
This message will be lengthy as we want more of you to absorb its information to decide about our work so Roger might do his job.
Due to this restructuring, you are now in a different place in your life and world, and you intended to aid your world by becoming yourself. We gave you a program to help, but due to Roger not being willing to do his job, he will again become an excellent example for you as he also knows he was meant to be a teacher.
Roger has known what was occurring in your word but has resisted this information as you have. We will leave one message of many we have given him over the years, but now he knows he must accept his role, as will you.
We are offering you information that will be vital for you to absorb before our live conversation Monday. You will also understand why we insisted he changes the price of the program, for again, he has placed himself in challenging situations because he resisted his job as you have resisted becoming yourself.
November 30, 2019
Please do your job. Some of you will find great comfort and solace in this message. You each were born with a job to do, and it was one that you provided for yourself.
You knew that your job, should you choose to fulfill it, would cause the evolution of the world. You have no conscious memory of this; many of your actions, inclinations, situations, and circumstances seem confusing. But rest assured, they were all a part of the plan you set forth.
Now for further understanding. The world you live in is born and continues to expand and evolve from contrast. Contrast means that you are provided with choices. Your choices throughout your life will tell you if you are fulfilling your job. If you are happy with your choice, then you are. If you are not happy, then you are not. You want to make it more complicated than this, yet it is not.
We awakened Roger in the night to hear a video from Victor, who he admires. The subject was lightworkers. Now Roger has not used that term as he has an aversion to labels. But he did know we wanted him to speak on this.
A lightworker is a term that humans created to understand and accept some inexplicable feelings and thoughts they hold, like Roger. We will show you how all of your experiences lead you to your job.
Roger has never maintained a focus on money and knew that he withheld money from himself as a means of motivation so he might fulfill his job. This morning he was reminded of a story he has often told of his mother. Roger can still hear her saying, “don’t be so selfish.” Roger took that to heart, so he lived a life where he would give to others, not to be seen as selfish. Now he finds others drawn to him with these inclinations, and they find their solace in his example. You all do this in your own ways.
We have told you that the worst public figures in your history provided you with contrast for your world to become its best. Those are subjective terms you will comprehend.
Here is what we want you all to take away from this communication. Your job is to be yourself, which causes your world to evolve. You should now know how important you are.
Now Open! Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization. It is 100% Guaranteed.
Please join usMonday, May 30, 2022 8 AM PST “Your Ascension Process”Please register here:
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