Many of your questions will be answered today

April 30, 2022

Many of your questions will be answered today. We know that the last several years of your lives have been challenging, and the fear in your world has been immense recently, so we decided to reveal much more to Roger last night. 

In our conversation later today, we will reveal more that will cause each of you to have more trust and belief in yourself and your world at this time. As we’ve said, you’re moving through a massive restructuring, and we know that is challenging, but we’ve also told you that it is for your highest good.  

While you may not have understood that, you will understand more of it today as it is time for you to acknowledge who you are and give your essence to the world, and we have always been here to aid and help you. We will do so much more today. 

You will understand why we have always said you will be fine.

Only until Sunday – Special Wilhelm’s program: Your Pathway to Self-Actualization

Conversations with Wilhelm, April 30, 2022 Please register here:

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