April 4, 2022
You were needed in the world now. If you are reading this message, then we are speaking to you. You never born at a time that does not serve your evolutionary journey or that of the world. That’s why you are needed now.
When you examine your world today and question what might be occurring, we will tell you that the world is waiting for you to embrace and believe in yourself and actualize your gifts now. Your higher self has also given you your mission, but you might have had difficulty believing in yourself, and the current condition of your world is causing you to have more doubt than usual; we will help.
Last night we reminded Roger of a song brought to him by a friend about thirty-five years ago, and it caused him to remember his mission, and he will release it later. Then we told him to find the message we gave you all on this date in 2012 because our only intention is to empower you.
Finally, we told him that now he has the opportunity to complete what he was born to do, as do you. But then we also had him notice the timing of today, for he is working on his new website, for which we gave him a few words to begin spelling out his mission.
You will understand why the world needs you when you hear them and put them together with the “old” message.
“You were born perfect. All of your attributes, characteristics, challenges, gifts, faults, and abilities are the tools you were given to create a magnificent life. You only had to know how to accomplish that. There are no exceptions to that statement, only those who choose not to accept it.”
You all will be fine.
April 4, 2012
Begin again. In each and every moment of your physical life existence, you are given a new moment of now or a fresh beginning. Most times, you either take it for granted or never notice this is the case, for you are attempting to hold on to some past moments. Or you are lamenting what you might consider to be past mistakes.
Nothing that has already occurred in your life can affect your now life unless you think it can and allow it to do so.
There is no more glorious realization than that in anything you attempt to do or accomplish. You have the ability to begin again.
Every time you begin again, you do so with a fresh perspective and greater awareness. It continually grows from there.
Free Masterclass – “How Fear And Doubt Can Help You” You can register here: https://bit.ly/3Je6yox
Conversations with Wilhelm “The Most Profitable Full Moon Of Your Life” Apr 16, 2022 12:00 PM Pacific Time You can register here: https://bit.ly/3qVjiKq
Here is the replay of Friday’s Conversations with Wilhelm, Apirl 1, 2022 https://youtu.be/xP-Uk6Jd13E