Here is the message you wanted

February 22, 2023

Here is the message you wanted. We are referring to the one we gave you ten years ago, but today your awareness has grown, and your consciousness is expanding enough that you might hear us now, or better yet, you will hear yourself, for you have always had guidance.

But today, we took advantage of another galactic shift in your world that is an opportunity for you all; if you can accept the message we provided and embrace it more now, you will create the life and world you want. 

February 22, 2013

You have never been alone. When you set out to accomplish any particular goal, the only thing you do alone is decide to start. This concept is to make you more aware of the times that you fail to start on your journey or procrastinate about doing it because you think you either do not have the ability, intelligence, or skill, but the fact is your entire purpose on your journey in physical life was to gain those things along the way. 

You gain them from others, your observations and experiences, and ultimately Infinite Intelligence. All you ever need do is hold the idea that you know whatever is required will show up along the way. This journey is precisely the adventure you sought.  


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