You are closer to living your life purpose today

January 12, 2024

You are closer to living your life purpose today. We are referring to our live conversation yesterday and the message we provided on this date in 2012.

You are in a continual state of evolution, individually and collectively. You were never lost. You awaken to who you intended to become.  

January 12, 2012

Seek to know the purpose behind all that you do. You decided to come onto the physical plane so that you might use all things physical to facilitate your expansion.

Everything then that you do physically is to further that goal. You often act mindlessly, if you will, with no clear vision or understanding of the purpose behind what you do during your waking hours.

This purpose is never hidden from you, but you may choose not to allow that particular purpose into your awareness. All it takes is a moment of clarity, orchestrated by you, to allow that purpose to be revealed before you act. When you consciously utilize this process, you will be much more effective on your journey.


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Your journey has been meaningful

January 11, 2024

Your journey has been meaningful

In our live conversation, you will understand more today, but the following message will prepare you better.

January 11, 2020

You needed this experience. First of all, we must explain that there is nothing physical that any of you need to live a happy and fulfilled life. However, on an emotional, spiritual, and mental level, that is a different story. 

We must also set the premise, although many refuse to believe it. You each are born with specific things you want to accomplish in this lifetime. Those individual accomplishments then add to your expansion or evolvement and to all that is, or collective consciousness. None of you are more or less important than another. That is the part you all still have difficulty believing and accepting. 

Roger has also labeled himself as a sensitive person, which has caused challenges. There are two sides to every emotion and experience, so pick one that serves you now.

Here is the story, albeit one Roger does not want to tell. Yesterday, while watching a movie, Roger saw a notification on his phone of a message on Facebook. When he examined the message, he became angry and needed to answer it immediately. The essence of the message was the person felt Roger was giving others false hope as to what others might accomplish in their lives. Roger also knew and felt that his role on the earth was to dispel that myth. Roger responded and immediately felt horrible, carrying that feeling the rest of the evening. We must say the person apologized, but Roger has yet to read this. 

The critical part here for him and why he needed this experience is that he can never accomplish what he desires if he remains too sensitive. We told him to find his “harsh” response and post it here. Through his example, many of you will see how you judge yourselves needlessly, and it is your interpretations of events that hold you back from what you might accomplish in this world. 

Here is the response Roger judged as being far too harsh. 

“I have been coaching for more than 30 years, and I have taken people who have no natural talent or ability and developed them into becoming not great singers, but decent and somewhat good singers. I believe in the potential of anything people desire to achieve if they take the time and are shown the correct skills and techniques to develop that talent. I never do anything just for money. You obviously do not know me, and that comment was a bit insulting. But I do wish you the best in your career.”


Please join us for the next Wilhelm Channeling session
‘It’s Time to Own Your Life Purpose’ – Thursday Jan 11th at 8am Pacific Time

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Your life changes when you can move beyond fear

January 10, 2024

Your life changes when you can move beyond fear. We are restating a message and title we provided four years ago that you will understand today, and it is also the reason for our live conversation tomorrow.

January 10, 2020

How to move beyond fear and the day your life changes. For many of you who choose to extrapolate your truth from this message, that sentence and title will be your experience.

We will give you the story. The sequential order of events is purposeful. Yesterday, while having lunch, Roger flipped on his television to watch a recording from a while ago, which contained Oprah. Roger didn’t know why he had waited so long, but when he watched it, he did. 

Roger had just finished a meeting with several other coaches he would be working with. Roger expressed his continual reluctance and fear of embracing and revealing himself. This fear included the mention of us or his guidance. Then Roger happened to notice the television show of Mel Robbins, who he has admired and we have mentioned. Mel was doing what Roger wanted, but Roger thought this type of thing could not be brought to television or the public, but now he was witnessing both Oprah and Mel doing so. 

Then Roger fell asleep with his television on. When we awakened him in the middle of the night, there was a talk show playing of someone Roger also had judged and didn’t understand why they had a television show. He noticed this host was doing what he wanted, but his lack of belief in himself didn’t even allow him to view the show previously. Gabby Bernstein, who we have also mentioned, was also in the show. Again, Gabby said everything Roger was afraid to say, and she was living a glorious life. 

Then, this morning, when Roger went to his computer, a video of Lisa Nichols was staring at him. Yes, you guessed it; we have mentioned her. Again, Roger saw someone saying what he wouldn’t say, but she owned every word and played something from Dr. Martin Luther King, who, surprisingly, we also mentioned. None of this was accidental, and you reading this isn’t accidental either. 

We know this was long, but it could have been much longer as we bombarded Roger with information. We did so because we didn’t want this information, or this day, to be lost on him or any of you. You’re welcome. 


Please join us for the next Wilhelm Channeling session
‘It’s Time to Own Your Life Purpose’ – Thursday Jan 11th at 8am Pacific Time

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You could use a boost today

January 9, 2024

You could use a boost today. We felt the collective energy of your world and thought it might arouse more fear and doubt. But we were ahead of you and began providing messages on this date in 2020 when many erroneously believed your pandemic was disrupting you. We assure you it was for your highest good, and you have never been alone.

We also had our messenger unveil another session he cleverly hid from himself and you as you have hidden some of your gifts and talents. More will come to light during our live conversation on your new moon. Today is preparation. We will never allow you to forget your importance.

January 9, 2020

You find yourself gradually and continually. This message is one of those messages we are thrilled to give you. As we discussed yesterday, Roger made great strides in creating his website. Now, this is not about the mere act of fashioning some physical object, but it is him fashioning himself. We are using those words intentionally.

At a certain point last night, he found himself somewhat stuck as he kept questioning what he was including, or more appropriately, what he should include. Roger knew he wanted to express his authenticity but also judged it.

This morning, we led him to a video discussion of several people he admires, discussing much of our information to the point where Roger could not ignore what he was hearing. Then we told him no one has a monopoly on truth. Roger thought that sounded familiar; then, we told him to search our words. There could be no better ending to this message than to post that message here. You each will know you received the intended meaning when you feel liberated, as Roger does now. Also, notice the date.

December 24, 2016

You are continually in the process of questioning your reality. This process is not necessarily a “bad” thing as it sometimes feels to you. First, you must remember that no soul living in your world monopolizes truth because they create their own truth and, therefore, reality based on the beliefs and thoughts they choose to hold. You do precisely the same thing.

The difficulty for you sometimes is you hear the opinions of others or their perceived truth and reality and then make yours “wrong” in some way, and then you begin to doubt your truth. The value of questioning your reality while hearing the opinions of others is to finally come to know and own your truth and, therefore, reality. Please do that now.

January 9, 2021

Eventually, you come to understand why you were born. While we have spoken about your current restructuring before, we have another story that may provide you with further context.

Several days ago, Roger received an email asking if he had heard a voice message this person left, which he had not. Then Roger attempted to return the call but had to leave a message. When the person returned the call, and the two of them had a conversation, Roger was struck with another memory that reminded him of why he was born.

In 1978, Roger moved from Chicago to New York City. At the time, he left his business and some thirty-five employees. In particular, Roger’s attention was held by one person because they were experiencing mental challenges, and Roger had always been supportive. Soon after Roger arrived in New York, he heard the news the person jumped off an apartment building to his death.

The person, fortunately, left a note detailing the reason for their departure. Even with the letter, Roger has carried false guilt that maybe he could have done more, but that was not the reason for the experience, and it only made sense yesterday.

The person who called was ready to commit suicide. Roger did not fear this due to his prior experience, which revealed its purpose now. By the end of the conversation and after all the tears, the person ended up with more clarity and peace and sent Roger an email to that effect.

As you move through the next several months of your life, you will be called upon to remember why you were born and what you wanted to achieve. For each person, it will be moving through some previous limitations. For Roger, yesterday’s experience revealed that the purpose of the program we created is being revealed now, as your reason will be shown.

You will move beyond some limitations, for that is the only reason any of you were born. This period will be challenging, but it will be worth it. It is the one you wanted, and you will be fine.

January 9, 2022

Your greatest fear has been becoming yourself. With the current conditions of your world and the restructuring you are undergoing, you will experience new aspects of yourself that you feared. You feared them because they moved you to some unknown place, and your attachment to certainty has held back your evolution.

Please understand that we collectively speak to you, the individual, and the world. You each come into the world to contribute to expansion or evolution, but you only achieve that goal by becoming yourself. But often, you have not given yourself the freedom to do so due to fear of judgment from others or somehow not fitting in the established norms. You never intended to do that.

Your religions have controlled some of you, and you failed to notice. We had a lively conversation yesterday, and many found value. Roger decided to send the recording to all on his list as he knew it might spark conversation and that it indeed did. He also knew that was his biggest fear. For his delivery of us was what has held him back. One person felt that our information might be evil somehow as it was not the same as their idea of God.

The restructuring of your world asks each of you to examine that issue. You have used your ideas of God and religion as either a means of creating control and division or for healing and transformation, and you get to decide. When you need others to believe what you believe before you believe it yourself, you discover the real reason for your life not moving forward as you desired. Study this a bit more; the illumination will emerge, and you all will be fine.

January 9, 2022

You were born to change the world. If that were not true, there would be no other reason for your existence on your planet. You will not do this alone, for you knew this would be a cooperative movement in your world now. The way that you help change the world is by becoming yourself.

You may not have thought that action would not be as critical to your world as it could be, but we will tell you it is. Your world is moving through a restructuring. And as we have also said, we guided you in 2012 and have used synchronicity so you could believe in yourself more. We also wanted you to move beyond your fear and doubt, for generational limitations will not serve the world and dimension you sought to manifest.

Roger said that he was not happy with his presentation the other day. The reason for that is it dawned on him he was given something that could help change the world, but he attempted to use outside sources to prove his point.

You have done that, but now it is time to believe in your contribution. Everything you need to change your life and world is within you; we merely gave you a tool to discover that yourself.

January 9, 2012

The only limitation you ever experience is in your thinking. While this concept is familiar to you, it is one you would do well to remember. Anything you desire to be, do, have, or create is only possible if you believe it is.

You may argue that there are certain physical limitations that you may have that would prevent that, but you have seen numerous accounts of other souls who did not believe that to be true and performed what you

considered to be impossible.

The only reason you do not accomplish what you set out to do is that you are unwilling to do whatever that might involve or that particular path is not for your highest good in this lifetime.

Here is the Video:
Watch the Video Here


Please join us for the next Wilhelm Channeling session
‘It’s Time to Own Your Life Purpose’ – Thursday Jan 11th at 8am Pacific Time

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Caution is always overrated

January 8, 2024

Caution is always overrated. You might believe you need to be cautious with everything you do while concealing the fact that you are acting in this manner to avoid some calamity, and for most of you, that is your physical death, which only happens in this dimension.

The message we provided four years ago will aid you on your ascension journey now. 

January 8, 2020

Please throw caution to the wind again. If you decide to follow our guidance, some of you will gain clarity and a sense of empowerment in your lives. 

This morning, we told Roger to look up the word caution in our writings. The beauty of the website, which seemed magical to Roger, is that when you search a word, you will find related messages organized so that it would be difficult to miss the wisdom they were intended to impart. 

Of course, we have a story. First, we must point out that Roger receives criticism from those close to him about why he would bear his soul for the public. The reason is when you are willing to explore and express your seeming failings; they no longer hold power over you, and the process of sharing aids all others. 

Roger wondered why he couldn’t complete tasks in front of him, which he knew he wanted to do, which felt important to him. Roger even wrote a book discussing how he came to understand he was stifled in his life due to what others may think of him, and he could trace this behavior to his family origins. The mere intellectual understanding does not necessarily change behavior. Actively doing something will. 

Some of you may follow the link to the string of messages, and if you do and find value, please tell Roger. But regardless, Roger will perform the task, and his benefits will be realized. We loved this one. 

Click here to follow the thread…


Please join us for the next Wilhelm Channeling session
‘It’s Time to Own Your Life Purpose’ – Thursday Jan 11th at 8am Pacific Time

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Perfection was never your goal

January 7, 2024

Perfection was never your goal. It also does not exist, so it is a pointless pursuit. You reach higher states of understanding and acceptance, but if you believe you will reach a state of perfection, you remain in struggle.

The following message will require some study, but it will be well worth it. 

January 7, 2020

Why would you want perfection? Sometimes, it is easier for you to come to awareness when you ask questions that would aid your goal. It took quite a while for Roger to receive this message, and that is because he, like most of you, cannot easily recognize his limiting thoughts and behaviors. 

When you answer the question of why you would want perfection, you may find many different answers. But for Roger, it is to avoid judgment. Many of you do this, and you think the judgment you might prevent is that of others, but it is your self-judgment.

You each develop beliefs of what you think are good and bad actions and behaviors, but those classifications don’t exist.

Yesterday, Roger had two instances to point this out. First, he responded to a client, and the client didn’t feel he received the right amount of praise from Roger. Roger labeled his actions as bad. Then Roger responded to another person and chose actions that pleased him and not the other. So, Roger interpreted his actions as bad.

When you think you are taking good and bad actions, you manifest the results of those beliefs in your life. If you believe there is a state of perfection to reach, you won’t do anything. You may need to study this for a bit, but the bottom line is to stop your self-judgment, for there is no state of perfection. 


Please join us for the next Wilhelm Channeling session
‘It’s Time to Own Your Life Purpose’ – Thursday Jan 11th at 8am Pacific Time

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You can shine more

January 6, 2024

You can shine more. That is an ongoing process in your physical life experience, but it requires your attention to notice it has occurred.

That may have been challenging the past several years or even decades of your life, but the following message will help you now.

January 6, 2020

Please stop playing small. Yes, you. We are speaking to each of you as it is natural for humans to operate in this manner. You do it because you fear your future. That sentence may not make sense now, but it will eventually.

We, again, will use Roger to explain as he’s also known part of his life’s purpose is to be the example even though it has been extremely uncomfortable for him, and he has fought us every step of the way. 

As you live, you come to new horizons of experience. It can’t be any other way. In other words, this is true for you if you are still living in your current physical form. It is not difficult to figure this out, as you all have known too well that you cling to your current realities and fear the unknown. 

Here is the story. Roger decided to make changes in his life and career. These changes prompted him to change his website. The struggle that ensued is the cause of the recent physical symptoms he rightly interpreted as resistance.

This morning, we led him to a video of someone demonstrating what he desired to do, which he wasn’t. What Roger saw was a person wholly fulfilled and projecting a beam of light in their experience that was undeniable. He had to ask himself why he didn’t have that. Fortunately, this person explained their reluctance to take this journey. But Roger saw the result now and knows he cannot settle for less. We hope you come to that decision as well. 


Please join us for the next Wilhelm Channeling session
‘It’s Time to Own Your Life Purpose’ – Thursday Jan 11th at 8am Pacific Time

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Hiding from yourself is more uncomfortable

January 5, 2024

Hiding from yourself is more uncomfortable. Many of you do that in various ways. Still, one might have been your use of other substances that you erroneously thought would give you greater peace, only to discover the authentic you is the only ultimate peace you experience.

It is a journey, and self-judgment does not aid you. The following message will, however. 

January 5, 2020

You are continually becoming more, and why you use drugs. We know the title is provocative, and it took Roger a while to broach the subject. All of this will be for the benefit of everyone. 

Yesterday, we continued our documentary discovery; this time, it was Galileo. Thinking of him should cause you to think of vision or seeing more. While studying Galileo’s life, Roger was reminded of the control your religious bodies exert over the masses. 

You each carry what could be thought of as generational bias. Your ancient civilizations understood the value of the use of such mind-altering drugs, but that wisdom gained was curtailed as a means of controlling the populations. Surprisingly, more of you have not come to this conclusion. 

You experience your life through perceptions you have formed. Some of those perceptions are created out of fear, and you begin to believe the fear is your reality. Do not worry; this will make sense. Then you live in a limited dimension, so to speak, of your thinking. 

Now, when you ingest, in whatever manner, a mind-altering substance, you avail yourself of what appears to you to be a higher level of consciousness. It is indeed that, but you don’t need the drug to accomplish this. Some of you have difficulty understanding your intention in what you are doing. We will continue this discussion but leave you with this thought. Coffee is a drug. 


Please join us for the next Wilhelm Channeling session
‘It’s Time to Own Your Life Purpose’ – Thursday Jan 11th at 8am Pacific Time

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You wanted your life to be fun

January 4, 2024

You wanted your life to be fun. You have that opportunity now, for you have earned that right. It was with you when you were born, but you could not have fully appreciated what it was until now. 

The following message will aid you now.

January 4, 2020

Now your life will be fun. We know we have often said that whatever communication we are about to give you will be the one that changes your life, but we mean it this time.

First, we will make a bold statement that we will use Roger to prove. That statement is that only challenges, difficulties, or what you call problems exist because of your judgment. That is the judgment of others, yourself, and your world. 

There could be no better teacher than Roger to serve as an example so that each of you might begin to trust yourselves and your experiences. Here is the story. Last night, Roger found himself watching hours of documentaries discussing scientific discoveries. We have often mentioned that Roger has never trusted our communications fully or his intuitive self. You each have difficulties with this, again because of judgment. 

Roger will trust himself now if he finds “valid” evidence of what he might be experiencing, especially from scientists. Roger thought we were leading him to study Einstein further, but we wanted him to discover Sir Isaac Newton. Recent discoveries of his works revealed that he married the notions of spirituality, religion, and science. You will come to discover there is no separation. This information was withheld for centuries, again, because of judgment. 

This morning, we placed in front of Roger a video of a presenter in front of thousands of people, speaking on trusting your intuition or gut. Now Roger had more validation of the information he had received, but he also witnessed fun! These people had released their judgment. Now, he has given himself more permission to release his judgment of himself, which more of you will do now due to this message. Contemplate. 


Please join us for the next Wilhelm Channeling session
‘It’s Time to Own Your Life Purpose’ – Thursday Jan 11th at 8am Pacific Time

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Total self-acceptance takes time

January 3, 2024

Total self-acceptance takes time. While it is not necessary for us, you use linear time to understand and fully accept your magnificence.

January 3, 2020

You were not meant to be anyone else. This message will resonate for all as you each have participated in the behavior we will describe, which has caused you to experience difficulties in your lives. It is first essential to understand that it is natural that you would have engaged in this behavior as humans only expand through examples presented in their world. Of course, many of you somewhat bypass this particular human dilemma, but not many, including Roger.

We are using Roger as an example. We will keep this short. Some time ago, we gave him a message entitled, “Stay In Your Lane.” All we need to do is place it here, and you will find your truth, as will Roger. We are all working together. 

October 14, 2017

Just stay in your lane. Attempt to go with this stream of thought for a bit. You saw a performance last night, and what stood out to you were two particular pieces the artist performed that moved you so much that you told them it was their lane. You said and felt that because you experienced authenticity through their performance.

Every soul can do this, including you. This process does not mean you would not explore other areas of your life experience to find value and further define who you are. Still, it says you will find that particular lane you feel is yours when you don’t judge or compare it to anyone else. What creates your world and continues to cause it to expand is the willing contributions of unique people like you.


Please join us for the next Wilhelm Channeling session
‘It’s Time to Own Your Life Purpose’ – Thursday Jan 11th at 8am Pacific Time

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