You are meant to live an extraordinary life

January 11, 2025

You are meant to live an extraordinary life. We have given you a guide to enable you to do so during your restructuring. Many of you still held disbelief as did our messenger but today you will discover more of how truly extraordinary you are and were meant to become.

There is order in your universe, you have a divine plan and our guide helps you realize it much sooner than you could image.


January 11, 2008

Whenever you view your life as a series of obstacles or difficulties that you must somehow overcome, your journey becomes arduous and “heavy.”

Instead, remembering that you create your own reality and your experience within that reality, see all events as opportunities. They are opportunities for you to find the next level of your power, strength and awareness. You were given all the tools to accomplish this, however, at times you momentarily forget. Yes, the mantra, “all is well” would be a good one for you to employ.

No matter what shows up in your life experience, insert that mantra in the face of it and watch how quickly a solution, a healing or a success comes to your vision and awareness. In truth it was there all along, you just couldn’t see it for first you labeled that event a “difficulty” instead of an opportunity.


January 11, 2009

Trusting the unknown of your life experience is precisely what you desired.

When you trust that unknown, you also affirm and acknowledge the complete integrity of your life experience. Integrity here will mean that you have moved into a knowingness that all of your life experience has meaning and value; that always leads you to your evolvement.

You never intended to know the how of any of it; only that it is all Divinely planned and directed. This is always the case for you, but you may not notice it when you insist on knowing the “how” of any of it.

When you spend your time trying to figure out how your desires will be made manifest, you simultaneously place restrictions on all of it, simply because you will only have a limited experience and perception, based on your past.

Embrace the unknown.


January 11, 2010

Whenever you are able to shift that which you think you need to do to what you want to do, you are so much closer to your desired goals. In actuality there is nothing in your physical life experience you need to do for they are all your choices. 

Your attitude and intention, however, behind anything that you do will set in motion a particular energy, so to speak, and the energy of want is much more pleasing for you.

This requires your very own examination of where you desire to go and recognizing all those elements that you know will help you arrive there, and you find your “wants”.


January 11, 2011

You always receive what you desired, yet many times it will manifest in ways you never imagined. Your intention while in physical form was to always experience expansion. In order for that to occur, you must experience new possibilities and new ways of thinking and being that cause that expansion to occur.

Many times you will not even know that something that does manifest is what you desired, but rest assured that it was. Your difficulty is only in trying to control how it will all occur. This is why that adage of “go with the flow” is an important one for you. This process will always cause you to continually grow in the trust of your entire physical life experience.


January 11, 2012

Your story is unique and valuable. It is unique because no other soul shares precisely your story. It holds the utmost value for you. Your story is comprised of everything your past holds; including all that has occurred for you, happened to you, everything you have done, every person you have met, and every word you have spoken. All of it has been and always will be perfect.

Your only “job” then is to seek to know the perfection of your story. Any aspect of your particular story that you attempt to ignore, dismiss, or judge, will cause you to experience some difficulty because you are refusing to receive the information and wisdom that your story holds.


January 11, 2013

Energy is all that is. It is what creates your world, holds you in it, and manifests all things physical. Energy can only move in one direction at a time.  

You were granted the inherent ability to direct energy through your thoughts. Now with this information it will become evident to you that your most important “job”, if you will, is to attend to your thoughts and become aware of how you are using your ability, and in what particular direction you are choosing to direct to direct that very energy.

Your emotions are made manifest by energy, therefore when you find that the emotions that come up for you are not to your liking, you can change that direction at any time.   


January 11, 2014

Your story is valuable to so many others. Your story, or your history, is comprised of all of your experiences on the physical plane. Every experience that you have, whether it is joyful, difficult, or challenging for you, always leaves you with more awareness and wisdom, and that is what causes you to expand as you intended.

Many times you are not even aware that this has occurred until you are in the presence of others and decide to share your story, and immediately feel the impact that your story has on them, which they in turn they will share with others. This is how evolution happens, and it is your part in this evolution that is important for you because when you are actively involved, you expand more.


January 11, 2015

You can find profound meaning and direction in anything you observe when you decide to look for it. You are reminded of the film you first saw many years ago, “Yes Man”. While this film is labeled a comedy, the meaning and direction are there as you now wisely observed.

The idea of saying yes to everything is indeed an initial step in overcoming fear and saying yes to your own life. Now once you have accomplished that, the next level of your expansion is employing what could be called the discerning yes. This means that you have come to a place in your life where you value and own your own wants and desires, and you are able to discern if you are saying yes because of fear or making choices for you own expansion, and then at times saying no.

Contemplate this.


January 11, 2016

Calm down. There is no better admonition that you would do well to take to heart than that one. Even when you simply utter those two words you can feel the calming effect that comes over your body.

It will also help you to remember all the times when you would do precisely the opposite which was rushing around, and the sometimes unwanted or disastrous results that would deliver. When you are rushing around, you are also affirming to the Universe that something is about to go horribly wrong, and inadvertently you then help to create that. When you are rushing around your create a frenetic energy that actually blocks awareness that you desire from coming to you.

When you decide to calm down, you are affirming that you know everything is unfolding exactly as it should, and so it does.


January 11, 2017

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”. That is a question that you can remember hearing repeatedly throughout your life. In your early years, that question always came from your elders. Then as you mature you think you are still hearing that question, but the difference now is you are the one asking it.

Growing up can mean that you gain wisdom, knowledge, awareness and that you come to discover your own desires, talents, and abilities. Now because of this progression, it is a question that you would do well to continually ask and question yourself.

When you have that answer, go about doing the first thing in front of you that you know will lead you there. The most significant part or most important part of the process is for you to accept the new answers you receive.


January 11, 2018

You didn’t want to hear yourself for you feared you might be crazy or at best, considered to be by others. You and all others do this to some extent or another, and if you were only to trust that “crazy” voice that you hear inside, you would create a much more pleasing and, in your terms, productive life. 

The manner in which you have attempted not to hear that voice is by engaging in all types of distractions and your primary form of distraction has been substituting hearing yourself with any addiction. Those can take on any form, but they are all of a physical nature. When you are focused on those, you cannot hear that inner voice.

Eventually, you give this up because it becomes far too uncomfortable. 


January 11, 2019

Yesterday we told you we would give more ways to recognize the operation of the ego, but you did not know that you would have an experience that would reveal the most significant identifier. That one is doubt. List the ones from yesterday, but this is the most important.

What you will discover very quickly there are many ways the ego is operating continuously in your life and many of them you have come to accept as what feels to you to be normal behavior. Now you have uncovered one of the first ways. That way is when you begin to accept anything about you as being normal. When you do this, you have limited the innate ability and potential within you to expand. 

Many times eruptions of anger can indicate the operation of the ego. You have identified some situation or circumstance you don’t believe you can control or change so anger arises to form a distraction and you don’t find that more evolved part to of you that would allow you to rectify the situation. 

You will move in a direction in your life where you believe you desire to go, but then events and circumstances will show up that inject doubt and you stop. If you listen to the doubt, the ego will keep you where you are. You always have a choice. 


January 11,  2020

You needed this experience. First of all, we must explain, again, there is nothing of a physical nature that any of you need to live a happy and fulfilled life. However, on an emotional, spiritual, and mental level, that is a different story. 

We must also set the premise, although many of you refuse to believe it. You each are born with specific things you wanted to accomplish in this lifetime. Those individual accomplishments then add to your personal expansion or evolvement, and to all that is, or collective consciousness. None of you are more or less important than another. That is the part you all still maintain difficulty in believing and accepting. 

Decades ago, we gave Roger information on the power of your emotions. He is still coming to understand this. The premise for that was, all of your emotions are valid and will lead you to your beliefs if you don’t judge them. None of them are good or bad for those are merely labels you each make up. Roger has known that his experience of anger holds valuable information if he can release that judgment.

Roger has also labeled himself as a sensitive person which has caused challenges. There are two sides to every emotion and experience, so pick one that serves you now.

Here is the story, albeit one Roger does not want to tell. Yesterday while watching a movie, Roger happened to see a notification on his phone of a message on Facebook. When he examined the message, he became angry and needed to answer it immediately. The essence of the message was, the person felt Roger was giving others false hope as to what others might accomplish in their lives. Roger has also known and felt that his role on the earth was to dispel that myth. Roger responded, and then immediately felt horrible and carried that feeling the rest of the evening. Now we must say, the person apologized, but Roger has yet to read this. 

The important part here for him and why he needed this experience is that he can never accomplish what Roger desires if he remains too sensitive. We told him to find his “harsh” response and post it here. Many of you will see, through his example, how you judge yourselves needlessly, and it is your interpretations of events that hold you back from what you might accomplish in this world. 

Here is the response Roger judged as being far too harsh. 

“I have been coaching for more than 30 years, and I have taken people who have no natural talent or ability and developed them into becoming while not great singers, but decent and somewhat good singers. I believe in the potential of anything people desire to achieve if they take the time and are shown the correct skills and techniques to develop that talent. I never do anything just for money. You obviously do not know me, and that comment was a bit insulting. But I do wish you the best in your career.”


January 11, 2021

No one can do the job you were born to do. Each of you was born at precise times in your evolutionary journey to facilitate something you wanted to achieve in your lives. Whatever that may be is unique to you, and due to that mere fact, you move through your lives with doubt until something causes you to step outside of your comfort zone and discover new portions of yourself. There was no other reason for you to be alive.

And you decided to do so at this time to witness the events of the coming months. During that time, you will choose who you want to be now. How you will select is through your relationships, interactions with others, and the world events. Not all of you are here to do the same thing, but you would never know what you wanted unless you were presented with choices that appear as conflicts and contrast. 

Then you discover you have only ever had two choices, and they are love or fear. Not all of you will choose love, and if you judge that, you will miss the gratitude you could express to those who presented to you who you wanted to be. That last sentence will aid you all in the coming weeks. The act of choosing for yourself and what you feel you want to do in this life is choosing love, no matter what form that may be. 

We are delivering this message, for we led Roger to one we gave some time ago, which was meant to inform this period in your life now and that of your world. You will gain understanding as you read the message if you are willing to accept its wisdom. You will be fine.

April 24, 2019

You won’t get out of this alive. We wanted you to use that title in an effort to inject a bit of levity, but also because it is true. You kept hearing that sentence and didn’t understand why until now. 

You all are born with intention of what you want to achieve in your lives. You are given clues as to what that might be, but most times attempt to ignore them or pretend you don’t see them. You do this because you never came to trust yourself. You have always known that you wanted to create something new and make a contribution but never thought what you had to offer was valuable. You all do this. 

Then you attached yourself to a group you felt would help you accomplish that. Then it seemed to you last night that it all changed. What changed was you came to recognize that you will never feel fulfilled and happy in your life until you achieve your goal yourself. 

We led you to an article you wrote where you retold the story of your very early success that occurred when you trusted your guidance and intuition. Do that now, and help others do the same. 


January 11, 2022

You will believe, trust, and love yourself. That is the goal you set for yourself in this lifetime. It is what you and the world are striving for now through your restructuring. It also happens to be the goal our work will aid you in accomplishing. 

The challenge some of you have now is seeing beyond the appearances in your world now. Humanity has used perceived disasters to evolve, and you are doing the same now, but you wanted it to be better than ever, so it required a bit more effort on your part. 

You will come to understand more. Last night Roger was tackling his paperwork and “stumbled” upon one of our writings. When he glanced at it, we told him not to read it but post it to this message, and there will be more of you who will accept the title of this message, for it is what you are up to, and you will be fine. 

June 16, 1993

All manner of physical manifestation is illusory, which means that it is present for you merely to demonstrate what is occurring on the “meta” physical level. When you truly understand that all is Spirit, you will be better able to utilize these physical manifestations you are given. 

Your conscious awareness is not always in tune with what is being presented to you, which does not mean that your spiritual awareness is not gaining benefit and growth. Your mission, if you will, is to be more aware of this vital connection, and you will use it to your advantage in your physical incarnation.

Your only purpose is to move through the fear, for only in this way do you contribute to your spiritual growth, which is universal growth or collective consciousness, as you might think of it.

You are indeed using more of your intuition to work with your physical manifestations, so you need not limit the degree to which you can accomplish this. Enjoy

Completion: It was surprising for Roger to type this, for he received this from us long before he “allowed” himself to share our communications with you. Like you, he had doubted and forgotten so much, but we will continue to help you all remember. 


January 11, 2023

Disbelief will be your only challenge. It has been a significant difficulty throughout your life, but we will help you understand more today. We have always said we intended to aid you in moving through your restructuring. 

We first had to get Roger to move beyond his disbelief, and for the first time yesterday, he could acknowledge we have given you a philosophy for the new world, which is why you are alive now.

We have used 2012 and waited for this day so more of you would be willing to accept what we have provided. We did in the message. But we also awakened Roger at 3 AM to capture his attention.

Then we had him listen to a video that brought him to tears, for he recognized what we had done and how vital it would be for more and your world as your planet ascends. 

We said we included all the great minds that came before, which is why we wanted more of you to accept that you have access to infinite intelligence. Roger only fully understood his connection to Germany after the passing of his German friend two weeks ago. 

But we also planned something else: to have him meet another German person fifty years younger with the same awareness that will take our work forward along with Roger’s associate, and our mission will be complete.

They will record an interview tonight, which makes it easier for Roger to move beyond his introverted behavior like Jung. Nothing in your life or world happens accidentally; only your disbelief prevents your acceptance. Do your best with this message. 

January 11, 2012

Your story is unique and valuable. It is unique because no other soul shares precisely your story. It holds the utmost value for you. Your story comprises everything your past holds, including everything that has occurred for you, happened to you, everything you have done, every person you have met, and every word you have spoken. All of it has been and always will be perfect.

Your only “job” then is to seek to know the perfection of your story. Any aspect of your particular story that you attempt to ignore, dismiss, or judge, will cause you to experience some difficulty because you are refusing to receive the information and wisdom that your story holds.


January 11, 2024

Your journey has been meaningful

In our live conversation, you will understand more today, but the following message will prepare you better.

“Now you can succeed”
Watch the Video Here

Please reread January 11, 2020.


Again we had our messenger use you AI for verification as you all seek it.
Read the report here.

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