January 12, 2025
You will remember more of your purpose today. As you view your life and world today, the message we provided in 2012 will come in handy at the perfect moment.
The video we had our messenger record yesterday will aid you today.
January 12, 2012
Seek to know the purpose behind all that you do. You decided to come onto the physical plane so that you might use all things physical to facilitate your expansion. Everything then that you do physically is to further that goal. You often act unthinkingly, if you will, with no clear vision or understanding of the purpose behind what you do during your waking hours.
This purpose is never hidden from you, but you may choose not to allow that particular purpose into your awareness. All it takes is a moment of clarity, orchestrated by you, to allow that purpose to be revealed before you act. When you consciously utilize this process, you will be much more effective on your journey.
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