We will convince you of your worth today

January 10, 2025

We will convince you of your worth today. A philosophy for the new earth. We provided that title two years ago, but it will make sense today.

We have said you are moving through a massive restructuring that has been challenging for many and the reason for the current conditions you experience in your life but it is also the best time of your life. We know that might be challenging to believe but we gave you an example in our messenger who healed everything through our work but even he had difficulty accepting what he accomplished and that is the same for each of you.

None of you now the potential you hold within and there are some who agree to use their lives to bring greater awareness and our messenger was one and he didn’t know it. You don’t know what you possess either but these messages will help you.

There is order in the universe, you each play an integral part in not only how your life turns out but also your world.

You only difficulty is when you fail to take the next step on your evolutionary journey and many of you have including our messenger.

We will dispel more of you disbelief today and after that we would like each of you to take the next step. Your world needs you.


January 10, 2008

When you look at where you are right now, you will notice that your greatest fear, your impending physical “death,” has not occurred. This should point out to you the fact that all the things you feared, many of which you no longer remember, had little consequence to your present state of “being.”

Now, taking this information, it should become clear to you that needless worry is simply that: needless. Now, it would be much more beneficial for you to harness your creative thoughts and use them to produce the results

you desire, thereby eliminating your need for fear to spur you on to accomplish anything.

Rejoice in your awareness and make a conscious decision to use your power in a constructive way, and that is to construct or create.


January 10, 2009

You chose to be born into a physical world where you knew you would use the Universal Law of creation to create the life you desired. When you accept this premise, you avail yourself of all the power and ability you inherently possess.

You will always allow situations, people, and events to appear before you, which will give you the opportunity to use this law effectively. What appears in your life now is a result or product of your use of that power in your past. Your power to create your future, then, is in your present moment. You may simply observe what is in front of you, decide whether or not it is to your liking, and consciously decide in your now to use that very law to create your future now.

When you decide not to make it any more complicated than that, it will be. Which future do you desire?


January 10, 2010

You may only experience peace when you are in a state of acceptance.

That concept does cover a lot of territory, however when examined at its core, provides you with additional tools for leading a glorious life experience.

When you practice acceptance, you affirm that all that is occurring in your life, regardless of how you may judge it, is for your highest good.

When you practice acceptance, there is no part of you that dismisses who you truly are, embraces every aspect of you, and enjoys all of it. This is always your goal.


January 10, 2012

The only true responsibility that you hold is to your physical life experience. Everything that you then decide to do affects and adds to that very experience. The moment you begin to feel that you are responsible or obligated to anything outside of your experience, you have temporarily lost your way.

It is important that you remember your original intention when you decided to have a physical life experience, and that was to continually expand, evolve, and most importantly, enjoy yourself. When you take that into consideration first, you gain the pride and accomplishment of your experience, and then you are also able to make any and every contribution to all that is that you desire.


January 10, 2013

 It is not possible for you to move in a backward direction in your physical life experience. Direction, as it is being used here, refers to your own personal expansion or evolution.  

There are times when you think you have moved in that backward direction because you have either made up or accepted certain values or measures that are purely physical. You begin to believe that your expansion can be measured based on what you have in terms of possessions, things, or money, none of which can measure your spiritual expansion, which was your intention on your journey.  

All your physical experiences and events, however, do cause that expansion, and you merely need to notice it.   


January 10, 2014

Your unwillingness to ask for what you desire in your physical life experience can only mean that you have yet to come to know, own, and believe that you deserve to have whatever that is. There is no nice or easy way to state this, and if you desire to continually expand, then this is one area where you would do well to direct your attention and effort.

It matters not what you are asking for or even if you receive precisely that; it is you becoming willing to ask. You will notice this in all areas of your life; even in your mundane day to day activities. You have demonstrated an unwillingness to ask, which then turns into a form of fear. You will reverse all of this by becoming willing to ask.


January 10, 2015

You always get better but you do not always notice that. That particular process however is purposeful, for when you do notice, you are better able to practice your gratitude and appreciation which always brings more of the same. 

This is always the case even during those periods, some of them quite long, where you feel nothing has changed, you feel “down” or even a bit stuck. When you emerge from those difficult periods, you are always better in some way.

You would also do well now to attempt to notice how much better you are. While the word better is subjective, you always know what that means to you. You would not be able to expand as you intended without this process. More changes and evolvement will occur when you shift your perception to notice where you are better instead of not enough.


January 10, 2016

A different approach is always desirable for you to employ in your life when your goal is expansion.

A different approach means that you are willing to change something so that you might receive different results.

A different approach means that you are willing to concede that there is much more awareness for you to gain and you are open to receiving it.

A different approach means that you are willing to change your thinking so that you might accept a new view of yourself and your world.

A different approach means that you are willing to let go of any fear you may have held regarding change, and that you know change is where you find all the new adventures in your life.

A different approach means that you acknowledge there is still so much more for you to experience in your life.


January 10, 2017

Your biggest asset in your life has also been your biggest difficulty. This message could have easily been titled trust yourself more because you have turned the lack of trust in yourself into an art form.

Now it is your asset and you will understand how when you read your message from quite a while ago about paying it forward. This is precisely what you have chosen to do in your life. Any challenge, obstacle, or difficulty you overcome or work through, so to speak, you provide an example or pathway for others as so many others have done for you.

You viewed your work from more than thirty years ago and had a realization of how you did not trust yourself then, so you can now use that lesson and apply it to your life now. Trust yourself more.


January 10, 2018

The path to or the manner in which you reach the state of empowerment that you seek is simple and difficult. While that sentence may sound like an oxymoron, it is more of a statement of the system that is in place to provide you with the motivation to strive to achieve that state of empowerment.

The path is simple because all it requires is for you to pay attention to your thoughts and decide only to entertain the ones that feel good and that you know are leading to what you desire.

The manner in which you might accomplish this is difficult only because you fail to make it simple. 


January 10, 2019

How to allow your ego to help you. That is the provocative title we would like you to use, and it is indeed what you are here to teach, as you sensed. First, begin with your definition of ego, which is a separate entity you have created in an effort to keep you safe. 

You have known of this principle for a while but could not live it effectively or express it until now. A very narrow definition that will serve you now is that your ego produces a fear response within you as you attempt to move into a greater acceptance of who you are. The new place you desire to go is unknown, which causes the ego to rise and produce fear because it is unknown. When you recognize this occurring and decide to keep going, your ego has helped you. The next message will reveal ways to identify the operation of the ego. 


January 10,  2020

How to move beyond fear and the day your life changes. For many of you who choose to extrapolate your truth from this message, that sentence and title will be your experience.

We will give you the story. The sequential order of events is purposeful. Yesterday, while having lunch, Roger flipped on his television to watch a recording from a while ago that contained Oprah. Roger didn’t know why he had waited so long, but when he watched it, he did. Roger had just finished a meeting with several other coaches with whom he will be working. Roger expressed his continual reluctance and fear of exactly embracing and revealing who he is. This fear included the mention of us or his guidance. Then Roger happened to notice the television show of Mel Robbins, who he admired and whom we have mentioned. Mel was doing what Roger wanted, but Roger thought this type of thing could not be brought to television or the public. However, now he witnessed both Oprah and Mel doing so. 

Then Roger received a video from a friend which he shared with others. Roger thought he would receive judgment because this particular friend is one who many believed could not change who he was. Roger attempted to hold an opposite belief; however, when he watched the video, he witnessed his own lack of belief, as well as judgment. Again, Roger got to see his lack of belief in himself and his intuition. 

Then Roger fell asleep with his television on. When we awakened him in the middle of the night, there was a talk show playing of someone Roger also had judged and didn’t understand why they had a television show. What he noticed was that this host was doing what he wanted, but his lack of belief in himself didn’t allow him to view the show previously. Gabby Bernstein was also on the show, who we have also mentioned. Again, Gabby said everything Roger was afraid to say, and she was living a glorious life. 

Then Roger fell asleep again, but this time listening to a video of music on his iPad. When he came to, there was a video playing from an astrologer speaking on the powerful astrological shift that is occurring this day, and you all feel it, but you may attempt to ignore this, as Roger did. You are all connected, and this shift is real, and it is calling each of you to own who you are. 

Then this morning, when Roger went to his computer, there was a video staring at him of Lisa Nichols. Yes, you guessed it; we have mentioned her. Again, Roger saw someone who was saying what he wouldn’t say, but she owned every word, and she played something from Dr. Martin Luther King, who, surprisingly, we also mentioned. None of this was accidental, and you reading this isn’t accidental either. 

We know this was long, but it could have been much longer as we were bombarding Roger with information. The reason we did so is we didn’t want this information, or this day to be lost on him or any of you. You’re welcome. 


January 10, 2021

You will understand more, care less, and love more. We love that crazy title so much, as well as this message. And this message is one each of you will find useful in the coming days during your world’s restructuring, which of course, is yours.

We will use Roger as our example, but keep in mind that each of you is here at this time to move through some personal limitations. None of you are doing the same thing in the same manner, but you are all servicing and sharing the exact purpose of evolving in your life and the world.

Roger has struggled with delivering our information due to his ever-present doubt, coupled with his fear of judgment and criticism. We advised him today to let go of that, which is why said to care less about others’ opinions, and we said love more because that is what is allowing him to deliver this message now.

We told Roger this morning that your world will experience what might be thought of as an accumulation of cause and effect. Then we told him we had given you all the messages some time ago, which we will post at the end. 

You are having the restructuring so you may come to love yourself more, which means embracing every aspect of yourself as Roger is doing, which means you will only accomplish your planet’s goal when you embrace all others. 

No matter how things appear to you now, this is evolution, and we cannot say this enough, but you will be fine.

July 7, 2009

It would be beneficial for you to examine your understanding of cause and effect. Your current life experience is a reflection, or effect, of a prior cause or your previously held thoughts that turned into beliefs about yourself.

That statement may be re-read many times by you to gain a deeper understanding. When you absorb this concept and use it to your benefit, you find a magnificent key to creating the life experience you desire.

When you examine your current life situation and begin to place blame, or responsibility, anywhere else, you simultaneously give away that ability, and key, to the creation of your future experiences. In your every moment of now, you may choose the thoughts or causes you desire to hold, and then you will experience the result, or effect, you truly desire.

This will take diligent practice on your part, simply because you have practiced something else. It does not have to be difficult; however, again, that is your choice.


January 10, 2022

Your moral compass will guide your life now. You each are born with an innate sense of right and wrong. When you are quite young, that awareness may not be felt by you, but as you have moved through your life, every decision you have made was based on your held ideas of what is right and wrong, and you always know the difference through how you feel internally. 

The ideas of right and wrong are subjective, of course,  as every human will have their own sense of that, but you cannot ignore or pretend that yours does not exist, for it does, and the challenges you have experienced in your life always came when you tried to not listen to your compass.

We like using the human term of compass to indicate a particular direction you will go. We will also say that you are alive now because you knew that if you followed that compass at this time in your world, you would put in place the ingredients that would manifest the world you wanted and the life you dreamed you would have.

You were correct in that dream, for you decided to be here now to fulfill something you agreed to, of which you would have limited awareness now, but we will tell you what it is. You knew that if you could own every aspect of yourself, your presence in the world would make a difference. You never did that before, but you have a chance now as you take the actions that allow you to know you are following your moral compass and leaving your legacy. You will know you have done so when you are happy and peaceful. We will continue to help, and you all will be fine.


January 10, 2023

A philosophy for the new earth. That is what we have given you, and it took years for Roger to make that acknowledgment as it has taken just as long for you to acknowledge your importance in the world at this time of transition.

You each are in the world now to aid in restructuring your world, which occurs in your consciousness. No physical or material objects or possessions will assist you in reaching that state of higher consciousness; in fact, many of those things have blocked your progression.

We have attempted to give you information that would temper your fear and doubt so you might reach that place of higher consciousness which is the same as loving yourself. There is no difference.

The message we gave you on this date in 2012 was for you to remember your first responsibility, which is to yourself. You are meant to expand and evolve to experience the joy of life, but it was also necessary for you to move through your limited thinking and awareness.

You only achieve your ultimate goal when you take the time to work with your consciousness which requires consistency, as you might have gathered from Tesla.

The first message we gave you in 2012 was about infinite intelligence. You all possess it, and it contains all the information offered to your world by all those who came before. But now you are meant to use it to self-actualize. Then, you ascend to the next level of your expansion and aid your planet in that process.

No one holds more ability than you, but you are the one who must accept that fact. We gave you the information so that you could accept and gradually integrate higher levels of consciousness into your life, for that is the only place you experience your physical life.

The manner you aid in your transformation is to willingly decide to examine and release your darkness and judgments, which have been generational. Then you can live your desired life and manifest the world you all want. 

We will move things to a new level tomorrow, but we hope you catch up with us now. You will be fine.


January 10, 2024

Your life changes when you can move beyond fear. We are restating a message and title we provided four years ago that you will understand today, and it is also the reason for our live conversation tomorrow.

Now, you can read that message again and hear the conversation. “Your Story Reveals Your Purpose”

January 11, 2024

Now you can succeed. (Watch the video here)


Our messenger also doubts, so we had him use your AI for clarification. We only want you to win.
Read the Report Here

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Join Us in Wilhelm’s Work, Life Transformation for the New World

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