January 9, 2025
Now you can change your life and world. That was the reason for your birth and the ascension guide we’ve provided for you and your planet.
It only works if you do.
January 9, 2008
You have been taught that somehow you are intrinsically “bad” or “wrong.”
This is a result of being raised by parents who intended to give you direction or make you a “good” person. You then take this early information and spend much of your life trying to be this “good” person. The first premise is completely incorrect, and until you come to full awareness of this, you will spend your time trying to live up to the expectations of others. As you do, however, become more aware, you may place situations and events in your life experience that may cause you to take actions or speak words you deem as “bad” or “negative,” simply so that you can come to a different decision about who you really are.
You were born completely “perfect,” and nothing you will ever do will change it.
The quotation marks are placed here so that you may also understand all terms are only relative to your understanding. Release judgment, and you
will experience freedom; it is your choice.
January 9, 2009
Your forgiveness of yourself is your key to salvation. Forgiveness means that you understand that anything you did, said, or acted upon in the past was with the perception and awareness you had at the time.
You may only act in the present, and you may only do so with the still limited perception and awareness you possess.
You always intended to continually gain greater awareness and vision as you lived your physical life. You knew this process would be ongoing, for that is the only way you add to your evolution and, therefore, that of all others, for you are all one.
Any judgment that you place on your past holds you there, for that will be your focused attention. You may only create what you desire with your focused attention “NOW.”
January 9, 2010
There is indeed an order to all events, circumstances, and situations occurring in your experience now that was set up, so to speak, by you so that you might experience the expansion you desired.
When you continually accept this belief, which is precisely what it is, you always align with your highest good. Additionally, you will begin to eliminate a great deal of stress you have become accustomed to carrying and truly experience more of the joy and happiness you seek.
There is always synchronicity; you need to trust it.
January 9, 2011
This situation is perfect now. That is always the reality, no matter where you find yourself in your physical life experience. However, you are often unaware of it because you continually ask the question, why?
When you let go of your insistence on knowing why, you also release your resistance to the situation and allow the wisdom, knowledge, and information you sought to come through.
You have maintained a habit of valuing your own situations, which is not possible simply because you have not yet understood the situation was designed to provide for you. This concept is easy for you to comprehend when you examine past situations and see the perfection they offered.
January 9, 2012
The only limitation you ever experience is in your own thinking. While this concept is not new to you, you would do well to remember it. Anything you desire to be, do, have, or create is possible unless you believe it is not.
You may argue that there are certain physical limitations that you may have that would prevent that, but you have seen numerous accounts of other souls who did not believe that to be true and performed what you would consider to be impossible.
The only reason you do not accomplish what you set out is because you are unwilling to do whatever that might involve or that particular path is not for your highest good in this lifetime.
January 9, 2013
Focus on what you can do today. This is another way of reminding you that you will always do your best and most creative work when you decide to bring your focus into your moment of now and what is in front of you.
This is also the best way to prevent yourself from moving into an experience of feeling overwhelmed, which can cause you to do nothing at all. Deciding to focus on today means that you have no concerns about your future or regrets about your past, but only what you can do and accomplish now.
The benefit of utilizing this process is that you also experience joy and happiness in whatever you do now.
January 9. 2014
There are times in your physical life experience when being uncomfortable is good. Many subjective words are being used here so you might better understand the meaning intended.
When you experience discomfort, it might be because, on some level, you know you are about to step outside of your comfort zone into unknown territory. It can mean that you are about to embark on a new and exciting adventure in your life. That is not the same as those times when you might be experiencing fear, anxiety, or worry, for this uncomfortableness brings with it a sense of excited anticipation.
You have long known that all of the expansion you seek is in those unknown territories, merely waiting for you to become willing to explore them.
January 9, 2015
You are indeed headed in the “right” direction when you believe you are. This is another variation of the phrase you were reminded of yesterday: ” You will see it when you believe it.”
All souls can create their physical life experience in this manner, but not all will do so, and you are continually figuring out which side of that spectrum you will choose. You only receive the validation you think you need when you move in that direction.
This is the genesis of all creation, and anything that appears in your world contributes to the expansion of all that is. Now, with this information, you will become increasingly aware of when you need to work on your own level of belief. Now, the only way you can accomplish that is to decide to do it.
January 9, 2016
At times, you allow yourself to experience contrast so that you can experience gratitude. In other words, you would not appreciate certain experiences in your life without experiencing their opposites.
This process is not necessary for everything that you experience, but it does come in handy at times. You will have an illness because you desire to practice gratitude for good health. You will have a lack because you desire to practice gratitude for abundance.
There is never a need to panic, as it were, when you are having these experiences, but they do cause you to desire to experience the greater part of all that you are. They always pass, and you come out the other end an expanded being.
January 9, 2017
Decide to be yourself because everyone else is taken. That paraphrase of an idea you heard the other day resonated with you because it pointed out your most significant difficulty, which is shared by many.
You desire to be and own who you are, but at the same time, seek a certain sense of approval or acceptance from others before you do that. You will think there is some particular formula to follow so that you might be yourself.
Reckless abandon would be a great attitude for you to adopt moving forward. Instead of fitting into the mold, simply create your own. No great discovery, achievement, or contribution has been made in your world without someone deciding to create a new way.
January 9, 2018
You had an experience last night that was difficult to explain, but you uncovered the path to your wholeness and power. You merely sat and thought about what you had accomplished, felt appreciation for that, and then experienced energy moving through your body that was so powerful it brought you to tears.
You knew that the tears felt good but didn’t fully appreciate their power over you. They held power because that was the experience of pure love, and there is no power higher than that. Teach only this.
January 9, 2019
We are sending you this message and using you as an example for all others who may receive its content. You become the perfect example because you have been communicating with us for many years but still doubt what you are hearing, as you did this morning. You all do this.
When you continually hear a sentence, a voice, or a message, and it does not leave you, there is a reason it shows up. You kept hearing, “you can’t care too much.” This was meant to point out to you a conflict you have set up which causes you to go against the nature of your being. You do this when you allow yourself to be too heavily influenced by the voices of others.
Your benevolent nature causes you to express genuine concern and empathy for others, but then you think you may somehow be taken advantage of. That is not possible.
Remember this, and you will stop fighting yourself. Whatever you give to another, you give to yourself. (Good or bad, in your terms.)
January 9, 2020
You find yourself gradually and continually. This is one of those messages we are thrilled to give you. As we discussed yesterday, Roger made great strides in creating his website. Now, this is not about the mere act of fashioning some physical object; it is about him fashioning himself. We are using those words intentionally.
At a certain point last night, he found himself somewhat stuck as he kept questioning what he was including, or more appropriately, what he should include. Roger knew he wanted to express his authenticity but also judged it.
This morning, we led him to a video discussion of several people he admires, discussing much of our information to the point where Roger could not ignore what he was hearing. Then we told him no one has a monopoly on truth.
Roger thought that sounded familiar, so we told him to search our words. There could be no better way to end this message than to post it here. You will each know you received the intended meaning when you feel liberated, as Roger does now. Also, notice the date.
December 24, 2016
You are continually questioning your reality. This is not necessarily a “bad” thing, as it sometimes feels to you. First, you need to remember that no soul living in your world holds a monopoly on truth because they are individually creating their own truth and, therefore, reality based on the beliefs and thoughts they choose to have. You do precisely the same thing.
The difficulty for you sometimes is you hear the opinions of others or their perceived truth and reality and then make “ours “wrong” in some way, and then you begin to doubt your truth. The value of questioning your reality while hearing the opinions of others is to finally come to know and own your truth and, therefore, reality. Please do that now.
January 9, 2021
Eventually, you come to understand why you were born. While we have spoken about your current restructuring before, we have another story that may provide you with further context.
Several days ago, Roger received an email asking if he had heard a voice message this person left, which he had not. Then Roger attempted to return the call but had to leave a message. When the person returned the call, and the two of them had a conversation, Roger was struck with another memory that reminded him of why he was born.
In 1978, Roger moved from Chicago to New York City. At the time, he left his business and some thirty-five employees. In particular, Roger’s attention was held by one person because Roger knew they were experiencing mental challenges, and Roger had always been supportive. Soon after Roger arrived in New York, he heard the news the person jumped off an apartment building to his death. The person, fortunately, left a note detailing the reason for their departure. Even with the letter, Roger has carried false guilt that maybe he could have done more, but that was not the reason for the experience, and it only made sense yesterday.
The person who called was ready to commit suicide. Roger did not fear this due to his prior experience, which revealed its purpose now. By the end of the conversation and after all the tears, the person ended with more clarity and peace and sent Roger an email.
As you move through the next several months of your life, you will be called upon to remember why you were born and what you wanted to achieve. For each person, it will be moving through some previous limitations. For Roger, yesterday’s experience revealed that the purpose of the program we created is being revealed now, as your reason will be shown.
You will move beyond some limitations, for that is the only reason any of you were born. This period will be challenging, but it will be worth it. It is the one you wanted, and you will be fine.
January 9, 2022
Your greatest fear has been becoming yourself. With the current conditions of your world and the restructuring you are undergoing, you will experience new aspects of yourself that you feared. You feared them because they moved you to some unknown place, and your attachment to certainty has held back your evolution.
Please understand that we are speaking to you, the individual, and the world collective. You each come into the world to contribute to expansion or evolution, but you only achieve that goal by becoming yourself. But often, you have not given yourself the freedom to do so due to fear of judgment from others or somehow not fitting in the established norms. You never intended to do that.
Your religions have controlled some of you, and you failed to notice. We had a lively conversation yesterday, and many found value in it. Roger decided to send the recording to all on his list because he knew it might spark conversation, and it indeed did. He also knew that was his biggest fear. His delivery of us was what has held him back. One person felt that our information might be evil somehow because it was not the same as their idea of God.
The restructuring of your world asks each of you to examine that issue. You have used your ideas of God and religion to create control and division or for healing and transformation, and you get to decide.
When you need others to believe what you believe before you believe it yourself, you discover the real reason for your life not moving forward as you desire.
Study this a bit more, and the illumination will emerge, and you all will be fine.
January 9, 2022
You were born to change the world. If that were not true, there would be no other reason for your existence on your planet. You will not do this alone, for you knew this would be a cooperative movement in your world now. The way that you help change the world is by becoming yourself.
You may not have thought that action would be as critical to your world as it could be, but we will tell you it is. Your world is moving through a restructuring. As we have also said, we guided you in 2012 and used synchronicity so you could believe in yourself more. We also wanted you to move beyond your fear and doubt, for generational limitations will not serve the world and dimension you sought to manifest.
Roger said he was not happy with his presentation the other day. It dawned on him that he had been given something that could help change the world, but he attempted to use outside sources to prove his point.
You have done that, but now it is time to believe in your contribution. Everything you need to change your life and world is within you; we merely gave you a tool to discover that yourself.
January 9, 2012
The only limitation you ever experience is in your thinking. While this concept is familiar to you, it is one you would do well to remember. Anything you desire to be, do, have, or create is only possible if you believe it is.
You may argue that there are certain physical limitations that you may have that would prevent that, but you have seen numerous accounts of other souls who did not believe that to be true and performed what you
considered to be impossible.
The only reason you do not accomplish what you set out is that you are unwilling to do whatever that might involve, or that path is not for your highest good in this lifetime.
December 8, 2018
While Roger finds writing this message somewhat difficult, he also knows it will help all of you who accept its wisdom. Roger discovered a dream he had written in 2005 several months ago. The discovery of this writing seemed mysterious to him, but now it makes sense. He could not believe what he had written until now.
You all have dreams of varying natures and degrees, but because they are personal to you, you have difficulty believing what you are receiving holds the validity of the dream itself. We have asked Roger to transcribe what he received, and those of you who are intended to receive its content will do so.
The Dream
August 2005 4:30 AM
The appearance of this dream was that several spiritual leaders of sorts were in a group in a circle, and we were asked who would do something. I ran forward. It seemed that I volunteered while at the same time thinking, why did it need to be me?
I seem to be in a conflict about whether or not I will continue to listen and be open without the pain or if I will go back to my old ways, which was sort of the indication of me seeing an old friend yesterday.
I ask for guidance and clarity. A part of me still thinks the experiment isn’t real on some level and that I could put it away, while a stronger part knows that is not the case.
“Discover The Truth” November 4, 2021
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Change Your Life in 2025 with This Proven Method
Watch the Video Here
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