December 28, 2024
You can achieve self-mastery. That is the process of continuing to accept and own your unique life journey. No matter how it might have appeared or felt to you recently, we know you decided to be alive now to aid in the restructuring of your evolutionary journey and the planetary ascension.
We asked our messenger to give you the message we provided in 2008. You will be able to understand and utilize it now. We advise more of you to do so now before the next powerful opportunity on the rare second new moon. It is because you are also rare but are wanted.
December 28, 2008
The essence of your being is pure energy, and energy never dies; it merely changes form. That is what you do, and you have done it many times. You have been taught, however, to fear death, and you then take that particular fear and apply it to the various situations and events of your life. The fear itself is the illusion, for, again, you never die.
It would be helpful for you to put your life in the context of playing a game. When you begin a game, you intend to “win.” When you do not win, you seek to develop more skill, ability, or power to win the next time. You also enjoy the entire process; you love experiencing your own development.
All you need to do in living your life is incorporate the idea of playing a game into your physical life situations and events. Then, indeed, you will enjoy it.
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