Your abundance challenge

December 27, 2024

Your abundance challenge. You have held that difficulty in your life, and so has your world. It was the reason we said you were having a restructuring.

We also said that restructuring would surface in the wealth and income disparities that have existed for eons and impact you all. You came to shift the balance.

Please view the message we provided on this date in 2012. If you utilize it today, you will have a very different life and world.

We also had our messenger record a video for you in anticipation of the dramatic moves you each will be able to make on the rare second new moon of the month, which is also the last one for this part of your transition.

December 27, 2010

Money in and of itself holds no intrinsic value except that which you give it. While you have previously studied that concept, you should take it further now.

Your entire purpose on your physical life journey is that of expansion. Now, you can use money to aid you in that effort. You struggle with understanding whether or not the amount of money you have reflects your self-worth or if your self-worth reflects the amount of money you have.

It is the same as the question of the chicken and the egg: which came first? In actuality, the only thing that truly matters in your personal quest for expansion is the emotional feeling you obtain when you ask the questions. The questions themselves lead you to expansion.


“Self-love Secrets”
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