We told you why you are alive now

December 19, 2024

We told you why you are alive now. At the same time, you might not have believed that, like our messenger, we decided to remind you today because you are needed.

We will give you a few messages from this date as we are determined to convince you of your worth and value in your world now and before your holidays could not be more appropriate.

December 19, 2013

Any frustration that you might be experiencing in your outside physical life is a reflection of some particular frustration you are holding with yourself in your inner life.

Your first instinct usually is to attempt to “fix” something in that outer life, but that will only be a temporary solution for there is something far more important within you that you would do well to allow yourself to see and ask for its resolution. This is all part of the expansion and evolvement that you sought.

None of this is hidden from you as you may think, but it may be blocked from your awareness by your unwillingness to do whatever is necessary to make those

changes you desire manifest in your outside experience.

This is indeed an inner “job”.


December 19, 2014

There is indeed a theory of relativity that applies to you personally, and in seeking to understand it and adapt it for your purposes, you can transform your life experience.

The theory of relativity means that anything you observe in the physical world will only be relative to you and, therefore, affect your experience of life depending on how you perceive and interpret what you observe.

This will remind you of a story you recently read about two men of incredible wealth. One built his identity on that wealth, and when he lost it, he lost his own identity and committed suicide.

The other man made it his mission to get rid of his wealth and use it purposefully in the world. This provided him with his own sense of identity, and he lived a long life. There you have it.


December 19, 2015

This is a big one so study it closely. One of your biggest fears is that of being abandoned and feeling left alone. This is a natural experience for all souls to some degree because of being birthed into the physical world. Your first experience is separation from the safety of the womb and then being thrust into the unknown world.   

Now this affects all souls differently and all will do different things to avoid that experience again. You will withhold love and affection from others because of the fear of it not be reciprocated and therefore triggering the experience of abandonment.

This is the major difficulty of all relationships, especially personal ones. It causes jealousy and disagreements, for it is strangely less difficult to experience that rather than abandonment.

The cure is for you to come to know that you can never be abandoned for you are an eternal spiritual being; always safe, and you are the one who provides that safety in your own knowing of this fact.


December 19, 2016

Your physical life experience might be compared to taking a ride on a Ferris wheel. At times the use of metaphors can be fun and helpful for they help you to gain a mental picture, physical feeling, and even emotional reaction to what is being explained.

The Ferris wheel is continually in motion, as is your life. You can imagine the feeling of going higher and also the descent, which at times can cause you to experience a pit in your stomach and even a bit of excitement in that experience. This is precisely what you do and experience in your life.

The goal for you now is to become comfortable with and accepting of the process itself, for this is indeed what you could call life.


December 19, 2017

Some time ago you wrote consistently about the integrity of your life experience. You noticed the other day that the subject recently had not been so prominent in your purview, and that is because you have assimilated the idea and used it well. But then also discovered a desire of yours is to share that wisdom with others, and you are finding a way of doing so.

Now you also noticed that you were trying to figure out this message before it came through and that is the very difficulty you and all others have in your life. If you were to trust that the integrity of your life does exist, you would see it.

Study the definition of integrity again and apply it to your life.


December 19, 2018

You all experience throughout your lives what feels to you to be moments of euphoria. We are using that word in its broadest meaning. You had such a moment last night, and while it did not surprise you, you could still also notice your reluctance to dive in and enjoy it wholeheartedly, as it were. Give yourself time.

When you step into a new dimension in your own life, it can feel unnerving to you, for as you know, that is that old unknown. You are, however, embracing it more, as noted merely by the way you approach it now fondly.

Euphoria then occurs when you feel the real you.



December 19, 2019

You don’t know until you know. That riddle holds the key to life as well as the dilemma humans face during their lives. Roger is an excellent example of this. This morning we led him on a journey to help explain this. 

First, we had him watch a video of a counseling session given by another, where Roger experienced quite vividly what he knew he could bring to the conversation through his wisdom. Then, we told him that he knew this because he had empirical evidence. Roger has never used that word, so we had him look it up. 

Then it got better. We told Roger to look up another word he never uses, and that was salient. Now we will tie all this together, as it will not only help many of you understand and accept yourselves but Roger as well.

Now we have often said Roger does not speak on things he doesn’t know for sure are true and accurate. This process for him has felt slow, but once he has empirical evidence, then his actions and behaviors become salient. 

The point of this is that many of you do not trust yourselves, your guidance, or what you might be “hearing,” as Roger didn’t. But now he is ready to share this with humanity, which you each will do in your lives when you have the proof you seek. Your answer is in the title of this message. You must do what is in front of you to know. Sit with this for a bit. 


December 19, 2020

Here is why you are alive now. As we said yesterday, it was to move through limitations, but that must originate within you, which is why you decided to live through this restructuring. We know that sounds strange to many of you, so we decided to be a bit more creative today to prove our point.

We will use portions of our previous messages to make a point about this moment in your human experience. We are pointing out that it is your human experience to help you understand the limitations you hold because you operate in linear time, and we do not. We have given Roger messages over decades that begin to make sense to him in his moment of now as it will for you. 

One thread we have given Roger was to do his job, which is the same for each of you. You were born to fulfill a role in your evolutionary journey. And that adds to the evolvement of all that is for you are all one. But you are not all doing the same jobs, all jobs are essential but only matter if you do them! 

We have told Roger he came to be love, but he never accepted that and didn’t know what it meant. When the pandemic began, he suddenly understood. He would make every effort for the good of all, but he also faced judgment as he has for eons and allowed it to hold himself back, as you have done. 

Yesterday, Roger discovered the earbuds he had in his drawer. Roger struggled with finding just the right ones so he could “hear” clearly, and he didn’t know why he had put these away. They appeared to work fine, but upon using them today, he did notice why he put them away before, and that was they do have a bit of “static.”

Yes, we are using those words and quotes strategically. You each have allowed outside noise not to hear your inner calling, for you do each have one. 

Many are concerned about money at this time, and we told Roger some time ago how to “get” it, but he was unwilling until he owned himself and began doing his “job and the same will be valid for you, and might be one of your reasons to be alive now. 

September 5, 2015

Money in and of itself holds no intrinsic value. It is merely a form of energy exchange, and every soul will use it in a particular manner that serves them. You have been unconsciously using it as a motivating factor. In other words, when your deepest-held desire is to expand and become more, you will restrict that money or energy flow from coming to you so that you might do something to expand.

April 18, 2018

You were being prepared. Attempt to hold that idea in your consciousness as you think about your life so far. When you approach it in this manner, the events, circumstances, and experiences you have had begin to make sense.

This process then is far different from judging yourself for what you have done or not done in your life or thinking something has gone wrong. Nothing ever goes wrong; it is that you only come to understand this later. The reason you were being prepared is so that you would accept your greatness. Truly.

July 2, 2017

Everyone is born with a purpose or a particular job to do. No purpose or job is more important than another, and all are necessary or essential for your world to expand continually.

You will be fine. 


We had our messenger record a video for you. https://youtu.be/AhGCT7oyjRk

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