You will accept more of your purpose today, and more of you will change today

December 18, 2024

You will accept more of your purpose today, and more of you will change today. You came to the physical plane with a divine plan, as it does exist in your world, but understanding and accepting the premise and yourself has been an integral part of your journey and the reason we gave you our ascension guide.

December 18, 2023

It is never too late. Many of you have come to that belief when you examine your lives and world and feel like you are giving up or there is no solution.

The solution to everything you experience in your life and world is within you. It comes to light when you take the next step into who you desire to be and fulfill your life purpose, which is valuable and will aid planetary ascension.

Please study the message we provided on this date in 2012, and you will be on your way to more excellent adventure and success.

December 18, 2012

It is never too late for you to be, do, have, or create anything you truly desire during your physical life experience. It would help if you started to become aware of the times when you are holding a belief that it is too late for you to do anything, for, in those instances, you have accepted limitation, which is entirely the opposite of expansion, which you sought to accomplish on this journey.

It is never too late to change your mind about your potential and abilities and become the person you always intended to be. Your world has made up any thought of limitation, and if you accept it, that will be your personal reality. 


Our December 21, 2021, session will lead you to the greatest.

Join Us in Wilhelm’s Work, Life Transformation for the New World | |

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