Your rewards

December 20, 2024

We have always been with you.

December 20, 2008

What you may think of as your greatest challenges always offers you opportunities for your most significant rewards, precisely as you planned.

It was always your intention to experience more of your natural abilities and powers, and it would not be possible for you to accomplish this unless you allowed situations and events to appear in your life experience that would allow you to evolve. When you view these events as difficult or impossible, you then also have an opportunity to make a new choice. You may now decide to create what you desire and leave the how of those creations to the Universe because you know that is where all power and ability is always held.

You always use your physical experience to learn more about your spiritual life ability.


December 20, 2012

Everything that is occurring is always perfect. Perfect, as it is being used here, means that in some manner, it causes your expansion as well as that of all that is, or mass consciousness. This concept is difficult for you to understand at times, for you and all others are always operating from a limited state of awareness, or you are a step behind, as you might think of it.  

Examining your personal history and that of your world at large might help. You will find evidence of events and circumstances that were judged disastrous or “really bad things” that eventually caused a particular change: expansion or evolution. That was perfect.  


December 20, 2020

The only thing occurring now is evolution. It took quite a while today for this message to come through because we were arguing with Roger. We told him we would give some big-picture stuff, and he thought others would not understand. Then we said, “That is none of your business and is also another excuse you have used in your life for eons.”

We are still speaking of your restructuring, which is also impacted today by planetary shifts that many feel, and rightfully so, indicate a dramatic shift in your world. While that is true, it will mean nothing to you unless you decide to harness the collective energy available to you at this time.

You do not always do that, as we reminded Roger this morning. He had not done that in the last shift, referred to as the harmonic convergence of 1987. Roger was not in a place in his evolutionary journey to utilize that in the manner he thought, but regardless, he still evolved, as you all will, through this period.

You have chosen this moment in time to come to own who you are and recognize your importance in the world and the process of evolution. You each have lived lives where you gained wisdom and knowledge, but as we told Roger this morning, that is pointless unless you acknowledge what you have achieved, share it with others in your way, and further your evolution and that of the world.

You have pretended not to see what is in front of you to do, but this restructuring, coupled with the junction, will cause you to see more this year. How brilliant twenty-twenty was for you. Roger knew we told him what was coming for him and what he had not done. Yesterday, it came to him as “new” awareness, but this morning, we told him it was not new and led him to only one of our messages that illustrates the point.

You can read it below, but you are meant to apply it to your life and the thing you were waiting for this time to provide you with enough courage to achieve your goal of evolution this time. You will be fine. 

August 8, 2019

Please open your eyes. While we will use Roger to explain what is meant here, we also speak to every other human. You are always given everything you need to create the life you want or manifest those things you have imagined. However, you have encountered one difficulty: You all believe that what you need to accomplish all those things exists outside of you, and it never has.

Recently, Roger noticed a dramatic spike in subscribers to his YouTube channel. He questioned why this was occurring and told others that the only difference was that he decided to be who he was in his last live video sessions. Then, his associate noticed many were coming because he had used a title that intimated that being yourself was the goal.

While these “clues” were being thrust upon him, he attempted to ignore them because, again, like you all, he couldn’t imagine that his being himself would be enough. It is for him and you all because that is the only way the world evolves. Please help.


Again, we had our messenger share his awakening for you all. “The Secret to a Perfect Life Today”
Please watch it here.

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