You might remember today

December 17, 2024

You might remember today. You each come to the world with a divine plan that will cause you to live a magnificent life, and you decided to do it during this restructuring.

You can view the message we provided last year, which will aid you more today, as well as another live conversation from two and a half years ago. You are close to success if you don’t stop.

December 17, 2023

You will remember your intention. When you were born, and even before you came to the physical plane, you intended to evolve. As you do so, you expand consciousness to add or complete another aspect of your evolutionary journey.

You accomplish that goal using your human brain, utilizing linear time. We are not constrained. On this date in 2012, when we began guiding you through your ascension process, we provided a message. You will use it now and also aid in the planetary ascension. 

December 17, 2012

Your intention and motivation in anything you attempt to do, create, or manifest can be very different and produce different results. You would do well to seek to know the difference.

If you intend to make some contribution to or experience expansion in another, you will receive the result of that action personally because you are all one.

If your motivation, on the other hand, is to attempt to make yourself more or better than another or to try and prove your worth, you will be dissatisfied with those results as you operate on a false principle. You and all others are equal, and your highest good is theirs.

We had our messenger find another session he and you ignored, but today you won’t.

This session was held on May 16, 2022, but you’ll understand it today.
Watch the session here.


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