You can become wealthy now

December 16, 2024

You can become wealthy now. You have always had that ability, but it has become easier due to your world’s planetary movement and what we give you today.

The only difficulty you have is not recognizing your importance in the world, especially during your restructuring. We said your world had moved out of balance, particularly with the wealth and income disparities you have carried for eons. We wanted you to have another way to provide yourself and everyone with the means to live a fruitful life.

You evolve individually and collectively, but the collective portion takes longer because you always possess limited awareness and fear of the unknown.

We will help today because we want more of you to experience that wealth. We are not speaking of money. It is what is within your life experience. Our messenger didn’t believe us either, but today, you will believe in yourself.

We asked him to send today’s regular communication, the recording of the full moon session, and the gift we had him prepare for you.

We only wanted you to love yourself, recognize and own your value to usher in the life and world you want.

We did it every day.

December 16, 2008

Your eternal home is your inner world, while the physical world you now experience is transitory.

December 16, 2009

You are always moving forward, and the question becomes how much you are willing to do so.

December 16, 2010

Your first step toward manifesting what you desire in your life experience is not accepting what you do not wish to manifest.

December 16, 2011

Any change that you desire is always within your reach.

December 16, 2012

Fear is both your enemy and your friend as it relates to your intended goal of expansion while you are on the physical plane.  

It is your enemy when it blocks from your awareness the true nature of your eternal spiritual being or prevents you from experiencing the full nature of human existence.

When you embrace all aspects of fear, you also begin to live fully.  


Your Free Gift: You Were Born Perfect, a Wilhelm eBook
Click Here to Download the PDF Now

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Replay: “Unlock the Secrets of December’s Full Moon
Watch the Replay Here

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Join Us in Wilhelm’s Work, Life Transformation for the New World | |

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