March 23, 2024
You will hear yourself today. Each of you has a divine plan unfolding now at the perfect time in your life and world. We remind you of who you are.
We did so on this date a year ago and wanted you to hear yourself, so we provided two messages that day, and we will give you portions of each today.
These are leading to our full moon conversation, for it will be one of the most important days of your life and planetary ascension.
March 23, 2023
Self-belief is always your challenge. All souls are born into the world to evolve, expand, and contribute to all that is. You hold that capability, but accepting your gifts is also a physical process.
You may have judged yourself and your circumstances and begun to believe in your inferiority rather than the strength and worth you possess. It would have been challenging for many of you during the great transition in your world, so we provided guidance.
March 23, 2013
You always have your internal guidance system, which is also commonly known as your moral compass. It is entirely up to you whether or not you listen to it.
When you went against it or attempted not to hear it, your actions caused you to experience a sense of guilt or shame. Those feelings are designed to give you the tools to make different choices that will not cause those feelings. The result will be you expanding and becoming your desired person.
March 23, 2023: Message Two
Everything is about you. This message is our second for this day because we wanted you to pay attention to the one we provided in 2012. You can understand and accept it now, and it is critical for your life and your planet’s ascension.
March 23, 2012
Everything that occurs in your physical life experience is about you. This premise holds many layers of meaning, and you would do well to absorb them to gain even a modicum of success in mastery of your life.
A helpful first step would be to recognize that all experiences are designed to help you expand in some way. There would then be no “bad” things, and you would be more willing to take responsibility for your experiences, for they are indeed about you.
Join Us in the Next Wilhelm Channeling Session
‘It’s Time to Believe in Yourself’
Monday, March 25 2024 at 9am Pacific Time
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