March 21, 2024
Your world is waiting. We provided a message on this date a year ago, but now it will make more sense. You are in the world now to help it become what it could be; that is the essence you hold in your authentic self.
We know many of you wait until you are afraid before you act, but you have held that fear for quite a while. Now is when you can decide to move beyond it and use it for your benefit.
March 22, 2023
Your divine plan is unfolding now. While that is always the case for you as you are in physical form, it is especially true now as your world’s divine plan unfolds, which we have called your restructuring.
Every soul is born with purpose and intention. You do so at a time that serves your evolution, and that of all that is. Whatever experiences and circumstances have arisen in your life were a part of your unique plan.
March 22, 2013
You have heard the term Divine Order, observed others praying for it, and often contemplated its meaning. You would do well to examine it further. Divine Order means that no random or arbitrary events or circumstances occur in your personal life experience or that of the Universe.
They all have meaning and purpose, and for you personally, this means allowing the meaning and purpose of all events and circumstances to be revealed to you. You do not necessarily have to look for the meaning continually; you can allow it to come. Most importantly, it means not blocking that information by initially labeling events and circumstances as meaningless or simply accidents.
All that does occur for you and your world is to cause your expansion and the evolvement of the world at large. Examine past events in your personal history, and you will always find evidence of this.
Join Us in the Next Wilhelm Channeling Session
‘It’s Time to Believe in Yourself’
Monday, March 25 2024 at 9am Pacific Time
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