Self-love is the only change that matters

January 15, 2024

Self-love is the only change that matters. It is the change you have sought and the one you have resisted.

The message we provided on this date in 2012 was meant to be received today, especially in the United States, as they are paving the way for your restructuring.

Your contribution will be felt in your life and the world when you embody the following message and our previous conversation.

January 15, 2012

Change is inevitable, and, in actuality, it is all you seek. In other words, your intention was always to expand and evolve continually; that is only possible when you fully embrace change.

You often do precisely the opposite, and your reaction to that change becomes one of resistance. You always know when you resist any change because it feels uncomfortable and difficult for you. It is as if you are setting up your own conflicts and begin to think that something outside of yourself is victimizing you when you are initiating it all.

Resistance can only be born out of fear, and your journey involves overcoming fear.


Watch the Wilhelm Conversation Replay – Time to Own Your Life Purpose
Watch the Replay on YouTube Here

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