You have waited long enough

December 21, 2023

You have waited long enough. We refer to the message we provided on this date in 2012 and every subsequent year until now. You have waited to become your empowered self, and you have done so to aid the planetary ascension. We are thrilled you’re here; we only want you to love yourself.

You will be more inspired to do so today after you read the messages and allow them to permeate your consciousness. 

We will start at the beginning.

December 21, 2012

Wait is an action word that, when you use it, you will instill the ideal of patience into your physical life experience. When you find patience, you begin to manifest very different results in your life.

When you operate with impatience, you are actually working against yourself, so to speak, for you are affirming that something you desire is not here, has not been made manifest, and, more importantly, that you do not have it. Those thoughts will create that reality in your personal experience. 

You will know when you are using the energy of the word wait, for you will also experience greater peace.  

December 21, 2013

Every soul is born with particular gifts. There are no gifts more important than another, for they all add to the expansion of the individual who possesses that gift, as well as all others who benefit from your gifts.

You always know when you are accessing your particular gifts because you experience joy as you are engaging in your gift. What you think the magnitude or extent of your gift might be is never important, but it is what you can think of as a seed to your successful and happy life when you decide to pursue it.

It can even be things that you take for granted, such as being a good parent, listener, being of service, or merely what you think of as a good employee. The fact is you know when you are in the process of pursuing it because you experience joy. You are always moving in what you think of as the right direction in your life when you experience that joy. 

December 21, 2014

This is indeed a new beginning for you. You will have many times throughout your physical life experience where you feel you were provided the opportunity to have a new beginning, and this day felt that way for you.

You have this opportunity each day, but having certain ones become more apparent and felt by you also allows you to capture the energy held within that feeling.

You direct, create, and manifest everything in your physical life through the energy you generate or withhold. It is apparent which will significantly impact your future life or what you manifest now. You continually derive great wisdom from the flight of the phoenix, so continue to do so.

December 21, 2015

Integrity is pervasive, all-inclusive, and wholly made up by you. In other words, your idea of what you think integrity might be is how you choose to live your life because you know that doing so causes you to aspire to be the person you desire. Paying attention to that lets you know if you are on the right track. You can think of it as your own personal guidance.

Now, where you cause yourself difficulty and hardship is when you expect others to live by your idea of integrity. What you can do, however, is that when you experience the behavior of another or their actions where you think they are performing with a lack of integrity, it is a perfect opportunity to examine your own. Now, it becomes their gift to you.

December 21, 2016

You are not an actor in your own life, and attempting to become one has caused you to experience some of your most significant difficulties. An actor takes on a particular role to project a specific image, relate a story, and generally be as good as they might be in representing something they are not. That is precisely the opposite of what you intended to accomplish in your life.

You have had many instances where you believed you would receive something if you acted or performed in a particular manner. This behavior has always felt inauthentic to you, but you thought that was what was required to get something. You never received what you truly desired.

The irony of life is that you come to understand you receive everything you desire by deciding only to be you.

December 21, 2017

“Stop being so selfish.” You recently resonated with that phrase because it was “used” on you when you were younger. The word used was placed there because when it was directed at you, it intended to control your behavior. 

Now, you took this to heart, quite literally, and interpreted it to mean that if you felt good about anything while others were suffering, then in some way, you were acting selfishly, and guilt would ensue. Stay with us here.

Then, you had an experience of feeling good for no particular reason, experienced guilt, and shut down your feelings. Now, hear this. You will do more for yourself and the world when you decide there is nothing more important in each moment than to feel good because you have full access to all your power to help everyone, especially you.

December 21, 2018

You feel uncomfortable because you are being pushed to become more and resisting doing so. Understand this is quite different than you feeling fearful or anxious; it is an uneasiness in your physical body that, while you attempt to ignore it, the feeling remains.

Fortunately, you provide yourself with vivid examples that are not difficult to figure out when you are willing. You felt uncomfortable moving around in your home because you knew you wanted more. You felt uncomfortable letting go of a relationship because you knew it was impeding your progress, but it was familiar. You felt uncomfortable accepting a new direction and letting go of the old because you found it difficult to believe and accept the new. 

You are causing yourself to feel uncomfortable, which is an excellent awareness because now you know what to do. 

December 21, 2019

The law of attraction is pervasive. Roger kept hearing that sentence and wanted to know why we specifically used the word pervasive, and we will explain. 

First, attempt to accept this premise. You each are born with what might be a soul contract. This agreement means there is something or many things your soul, or the higher dimensions of you, desire to accomplish or achieve. Your contributions, or those things you are attempting to do, add to the collective evolution of all that is. When you come back to reread this message, more awareness will be evident continually. 

In this process, all the events, people, occurrences, conditions, and experiences that would aid your mission will show up. That is the law of attraction. You often don’t believe or trust this process because you expect things to appear in a particular manner. And you label something as good or bad, right or wrong. You will also understand our earlier message of not knowing until you know. 

Yesterday, Roger had the idea of hiring someone to change his website. Roger knew the precise skills, qualities, and characteristics this person should possess. He was about to place a classified ad as he knew what he wanted. At that exact moment, he received a telephone call from someone who had a person they felt Roger could help. That individual also had all the qualities Roger had just envisioned. 

Later, Roger had a client who initially thought she might have booked the wrong appointment as she felt she was looking for something else. Roger knew that wasn’t possible, and when they met, they were both surprised by the perfection of the union. 

After all this, Roger decided to record a video for his website. He stated clearly who he was and what he had to offer. As you know, Roger never speaks on things he doesn’t know for sure. Now he knows the law of attraction for sure. As a side note, we had Roger record that video because he will use that experience later today with a client. 

The instruction for you all is this. Clearly state what you desire to accomplish in this lifetime, which you also feel on an intuitive level, and then allow the law of attraction to do its work. It always will.

December 21, 2020

No one else can do the job you were born to do. And the grand junction was real. Yesterday, we mentioned the coming galactic shift that coincides with the restructuring you all are moving through, and it will have a profound effect on you and the world. Your job is to figure out your place in this, for it does exist, and we will use Roger as an example.

We also mentioned the harmonic convergence of 1987, where we noted that Roger was not at a place in his life to understand or accept that occurrence, but it was different for him this time. It all began when he received information from a friend discussing your world’s current events, which they see quite differently. 

Roger then decided to record a video and consult us for our take on the occurrences and the information we have provided Roger. When the friend heard the recording, they said it was just Roger speaking, and he was doing so from his ego, and there was no Wilhelm there. That story we just gave you contains the difficulty you experience in your lives and causes the external conflict in your world.

The purpose of the friend’s comment was meant to “save” Roger from his erroneous beliefs; in fact, it did just that. One of the comments from the friend was that all the other spiritual leaders think differently than Roger. That statement is the one Roger needed to hear, and so do you. None of you were born to be carbon copies of other people, and you were given a unique mission to fulfill. How do you think a spiritual being sounds? The answer is you.

The grand junction was meant to cause you to become more aware of your role in this world, but you get confused because you think it should look, feel, and sound like another, and if that were to occur, your world would cease.

Now, the first step for you is to own your job in this world and do it thoroughly. For Roger, that will now be his online program, which he truly believes can aid the world in healing, and as delusional as that may be to some, his grand junction says it is valid for him, and he will help others in that journey. We are so much more assured you will be fine.

December 21, 2021

You will know more of your worth and value. You have been on a restructuring journey to cause your evolution and that of your world. 

You have not felt your contribution could be that significant, and that is where you were wrong. We will explain why we insisted that you made the choice today that we said you would make in our previous talks. You are about to begin your new life and fulfill your mission. And if you do, you all will be fine.

December 21, 2022

You could change your life today. We used the word could because it all depends on your actions. You were born into the world to evolve and become more. But you also chose to do so during a significant transition in your world.

That means that your existence is more important now than ever, and how you change your life is by deciding to become your authentic self. Who you were born to be is perfect, and you use your physical life experience to discover your value.

We gave you a path to follow just as your higher self has, but your lack of belief in yourself has prevented your life and world from becoming magnificent. This particular day was the one we chose in 2012 to bring you more awareness now. We will do that in our live conversation today, where everything will make sense for you.

You each hold back who you could become because you have never done it before, and none of you have existed in times like this, but that should also be a cause for celebration because now you can reap the rewards of your efforts.

We will also point out that you have each held yourselves back for various reasons connected to your evolutionary journey, and the main one in your world and the lives of many of you has been money. We had Roger offer you a year of transformation, and many of you did not believe that was possible.

That belief is the one each of you has held, and collectively it has held back the ascension of your planet, and you intended to release it today, and we will aid you. You will be fine.


Here is our session from December 21, 2022
Watch The Session Here

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