There are no accidents

October 14, 2023

There are no accidents. They never occur in your life or your world. All is a continual process of evolution. This particular time in your life is when you were meant to thrive and become the highest version of yourself.

We gave you a message on this date three years ago, and it will also be the subject of our live conversation with you today. Your best is yet to come. 

October 14, 2020

We will explain the secret to success again. Last night, while conversing with his friend, Roger blurted out, “Do you want to know the secret to success?” We say he blurted it out as we want you to notice when he takes actions beyond his conscious awareness. Then we gave him the answer, which will be the answer for you as well: get out of the way.

This morning, Roger reflected on that conversation and wondered if we had given that information before, so Roger went to the website and searched for the word “success.” You might want to try it as well, for he was shocked at how much and for how long we have given him this information, but he was unwilling to hear it or believe it, just like you. 

Roger planned a webinar for today, and we are providing information for that meeting. Roger “inadvertently” chose the topic for today of “your life’s purpose.” There is no better person than Roger to speak on this subject as he has denied his guidance and purpose his entire life, but that was purposeful for him. Otherwise, he would not be as effective as he will be in the meeting today. We are stating this as a probable result, but we also know it will occur, for there is a momentum Roger has established that will not be stopped in midstream. 

That mystic statement is for each of you and your world now. Every global shift, as the one occurring now, causes each of you to evolve, which means the complete acceptance of you, which naturally translates into acceptance of others. When you get out of the way and live your life purpose, you will want for nothing and not feel you need to take anything from another. Now, you can see how the momentum in your world will lead to success. You will be fine. 


Please join us for the next live channeling session: ‘You Are Meant to Thrive Now‘ – This Saturday, October 14th
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