July 30, 2023
You possess more strength, courage, and ability than you ever knew. It may appear that you have lost your footing, so to speak, or you believe something has gone wrong in your life or world. Nothing has gone wrong with you, but you are the one who will make things right with your world as you see it.
We gave you a message on this date in 2012 that you will more easily access and implement now. That will make a difference in your life, and that will be what manifests your world collectively and individually. It is up to you.
It is also the reason for our live talk next week, as we want you to love and accept every aspect of you.
July 30, 2012
Your emotional discomfort about anything that shows up in your life is never about the thing outside of you but the thought held within you. Your mission on this physical life journey was to use all physical things that showed up as a way to enable your spiritual expansion.
You get off your path when you continually focus on what you think is “wrong” with whatever you are experiencing or observing. When you remember that you desire to turn inward and seek the reasons why you experience that emotional discomfort, those reasons and purposes will appear for you. This then continues your path of expansion.
“The Full Moon – You can now accept who you have become – a Wilhelm conversation” August 1, 2023, 11:30 AM PST – Please join us!
You can register here: ➤ rogerburnley.com/wilhelm
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