March 9, 2023
You were born to change your world. We know many of you have difficulty accepting that you have that much influence, but you do. You are alive now during the restructuring of your world because if you were to accept your contribution given to you by God, your world would be far different than it is now, and you all would ascend.
We said it in that way because each of you has placed judgment on yourselves and others as you attempt to navigate your way and find your purpose. But you also hide from who you are, but we provided a message on this date ten years ago to aid you. We also gave you this information several months ago, but even our messenger should have paid more attention. We will leave the link to that session.
March 9, 2013
You are only ever seeking your own acceptance. You began to think very early on in your physical life experience, starting with your parents, that you were seeking their acceptance. You merely used them, as you do all others, as a reflection, so to speak, of your own privately held ideas and beliefs about yourself.
Whenever you experience embarrassment about some aspect of who you are, it is not due to what others think but about what you feel about yourself; it will indicate an aspect of you that you are still seeking to accept.
When you become more actualized or more whole in your being, you accept yourself and every aspect of you entirely; and nothing anyone else thinks or might say about you will change that. This process is what you ultimately experience as true freedom.
We gave you an ascension guide. Here’s that session.
Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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