March 6, 2023
Your idea wasn’t crazy. We used that word because it is one many of you in human experience have used and typically against yourselves. It carries a negative connotation that when you place upon yourself or your ideas, you limit your expansion and never own what you came to bring to your world through your evolutionary journey.
You stand at a pivotal time in your life and the ascension of your planet. You must own the gifts within you to offer light and love to yourselves and all others. Now you know why we are having our live conversation with you tomorrow, where you will understand much more and hopefully use it to propel yourself forward rather than continually limiting what you might accomplish.
What we provided ten years ago will make sense now.
March 6, 2013
The crazy idea that you have is precisely the one that you desired. Every soul is unique and comes to the Earth plane to make a unique contribution in some manner, so that is true for you. The reason that your idea or what you desire to create or contribute appears somewhat
crazy to you, is because you or others have not done it.
You might often prevent yourself from pursuing that idea precisely because you have judged it as crazy. The fact is that the pursuit of the concept itself is what you desired because it must cause your expansion in some way.
When you can let go of any expectations or what you might receive by this pursuit, the adventure you sought in your life experience begins to unfold.
Please join us Tuesday. “How to Move Past Your Guilt to Reach Joy and Love”
You can register here
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