December 9, 2024
You will believe in yourself today. You only need to view the messages we have given you since 2008 as we prepared you for your restructuring.
We have said there is order in your life, the universe, and we provided an ascension guide for your planet during this restructuring.
Many of you have not been motivated enough to take the next steps on your path to live the life you could have or manifest the world you can manifest collectively.
We know many of you did not believe us or yourselves. You have internal guidance, and we have given you a guide to follow through our messenger, and the result will be you heal and manifest your extraordinary life.
You just didn’t believe in yourself enough, but that is an integral part of your journey. But after this message and the video we had our messenger provide, you will no longer have anyone to blame for the conditions of your life and world but yourself. But you can take a new direction.
December 9, 2008
You are never limited in anything you desire to be, do or have until you think you are.
It was always your intention to evolve, expand and experience more throughout your life’s journey. In order to accomplish this, you will allow situations and circumstances to appear before you that provide you with the opportunity to accomplish your goals.
When your belief matches your desire, you will then illicit help from the universe that will cause your manifestations to become what you think of as “real” in your physical world. It is all merely a game that you decided to play, and if you allow it to be joyous and fun as you intended, more will open for you.
It is all taking place in your own thinking, and you will find that the physical world you experience has little to do with it.
December 9, 2009
The concept of “letting go” in your life experience holds a multitude of ideas and practices that lead you to mastery.
When you practice letting go, you understand that there is nothing for you to control and you thereby release your very own resistance to all that is available for you.
Letting go, also means that you understand there is nothing to strive for and instead you begin to let it all in.
Letting go, means that you also understand there is nothing to fear for you know that every situation and event of your life experience is bringing you greater awareness, wisdom, and expansion as you intended.
December 9, 2010
There is nothing you need to know, for you came for the experience. This concept may take a bit of time and study for you to absorb, but is well worth your effort. Many times you allow you state of needing to know to create questions that continually cloud your present moment awareness and you inadvertently miss the glorious moment of your now experience.
Knowledge and wisdom are not gained from that state of active needing to know anything, but from the experience of it. The experience is what gives you the opportunity to feel and own that knowledge and wisdom from what you have experienced. There is nothing more glorious than to simply be still and experience the magnificence of your beingness.
December 9, 2011
When your primary focus is upon giving rather than receiving in anything that you attempt to do, the end result is that you always receive more. This is merely another way of stating a primary principle of the universe.
Your very thought of what you might give means that you already know on a fundamental level that you are abundant. That particular mind set, if you will, will then also cause you to receive more, for you believe you are living in an abundant Universe.
What you give is not as important as the act itself; for the actual value can never be measured in physical terms.
December 9, 2013
You seek recognition, acknowledgement, and validation from others because you are still in the process of discovering who you truly are. All souls desire these things on some level, but you run into difficulty, so to speak, when you begin to believe you need them.
There is no value judgment being placed here, but merely intended to make you aware of what you are up to; and with that awareness you can use the process for your continued expansion. When you notice yourself actively seeking those things, you would be wise to examine what particular belief you are holding about yourself that allows you to think you need those things.
Again, it is important to remember that the operative word is need. When you no longer need them, your time and energy can be focused on what you intended, which is expansion and creativity.
December 9, 2014
Your destiny is always in your hands. You have visited this subject previously but you are now in a place in your life where you are better able to know and believe this, and begin to act on it.
Your destiny is never predetermined but set by you in terms of the actions you take and the beliefs you choose to hold. A major difficulty for you has been reconciling being of service and also manifesting unlimited abundance. They are not mutually exclusive as you have previously thought.
You have seen others who set their destinies in search of purely material things and wealth and felt yourself less than deserving because you did not do this. You have come to understand this now, and you merely need to continue on your path. Express your gratitude for this understanding.
December 9, 2015
Think about and truly contemplate the word ownership and all that you can imagine it means. That word encompasses your entire life. It is all that you desire to achieve; it is all that you want for others, and it is the only experience that will ever bring you the full measure of fulfillment.
When you have the experience of ownership you want for nothing else. Ownership means that you love and accept every aspect of who you are, and there is no longer any separation from how you experience that and how you project that to the world.
When you look into the eyes of another while holding the idea of ownership and you know that is what they desire as well, you see them in a new light, both figuratively and literally. Everyone wants to know the secret to world peace and that is it.
December 9, 2016
Even the title you have chosen to give this message, helpful camouflaged self doubt, may seem confusing at first until you examine it closely. You camouflage something when you attempt to hide or conceal whatever that is from the rest of the world. This is what you believed you were doing with your own self doubt.
Now the difficulty with this is that you know fully well you have never hidden it from yourself.
Then you go about your life attempting to maintain this so called balancing act, believing you are camouflaging this, and this becomes very burdensome for you because it merely keeps you imprisoned in this continual act.
Then you come to the realization that you will remove the camouflage and heal your own self doubt, when you do the thing you doubt you can do. Now it has all become helpful.
December 9, 2017
The amount of time it may take you to discover who you are, what you intended to do in your life, and any perceived purpose you might have intended, is never as significant as you finally arriving at that place which you did last night. Please share your story as succinctly as possible, and even though it feels personal to you, it will help all others.
Decades ago you received what might be considered glimpses of your talents, abilities, as well as desires. You then went about attempting not to see those glimpses, pretending they were not there, or even thinking you did not notice them. Then you begin to see how the experiences and events of your life kept bringing those things back into view. Your avoidance now is no longer possible.
Every soul does this to some degree or another but when you finally reach that place of acceptance of who you always wanted to be, the exhilaration and thrill of that cause the time it might have taken to be inconsequential.
December 9, 2018
You wanted to be a master. Please take your time with this message for as you and others come to understand it, you will know you have done so because you experience a sense of freedom. You will feel that because you have momentarily, at least, stopped your self-judgment.
Yesterday you questioned why you would consciously place yourself in uncomfortable situations, and even announce that to others. You did so because you no longer wanted to be controlled by those conditions.
You all do this in an effort to accomplish a goal you have set forth in your life. These goals are individual for every soul, and you only need understand yours. You have had difficulty with this also because of listening to the voices of others who do not know what you are up to achieving.
Here is one of yours. You wanted to be a teacher, and you are not able to accomplish that until you know you achieved mastery. You are doing that.
December 9, 2020
Every experience you have, especially this one, is for your benefit. We have said you all are moving through a massive restructuring. And your part is to determine how you might like to do that, and you are using this time in your history and that of the world to accomplish your goal. We will now explain that confusing paragraph.
Each of you was born to achieve a new level of beingness in your life, and by doing so, you add to the collective shift of all that is. You are meant to find where you have been holding limitations about yourself and decide to release them. That will be your restructuring. We cannot tell you what that might be specifically, but it has been a limitation, or you wouldn’t be here. All evolution is a process of moving through limitations.
We have given Roger all of this information over the years. Still, like you, he does not always understand information when it might be received, but even that is quite useful, for when you understand what was previously delivered, it makes more impact now.
We gave Roger a process to use in his program entitled, “what are you hiding?” Last night that process now made sense to him. As we said, every experience you have in your life is for your benefit. However, if you decide to call some of your experiences wrong or bad, you have labeled yourself in that manner and lost the value you were to receive from the experience.
You might begin to see that what is before you now is a massive shift in how you envision yourself, and that is why you wanted to be here now and live through and thrive due to this current condition. No matter what you think, you will be fine.
December 9, 2021
We will reveal more of your purpose. We are referring to the live conversation we will have with you tomorrow where we gave you the vague title of letting you know why you are here in the world or what most of you want to know is your purpose. It will also be fun to witness the look of surprise on the faces of many of you, for you have felt for quite some time that your purpose was not that essential or you do not have a meaningful purpose as many of you have claimed.
We have said during our live talks that we intended to aid more of you in moving beyond your fear and doubt as you move through this restructuring, for you have never done this great a shift. Again, we want you to acknowledge the role you accepted and that you are at the threshold of what you wanted to achieve.
What would be beneficial is for you to begin now to hold the ideal version for your life and the world you desire to see, and you will be much closer to understanding and coming to accept your purpose. We have said we give you things in increments for you have difficulty accepting the gifts you have been given, and we have used Roger as an example for you, and we will continue.
You have been connected to us through finding Roger because more of your purpose is coming to light now. The energy of Friday carries the goal of inclusion and acceptance. Each of you has struggled with that concept. And now is the time you intended to move beyond your lack of belief. We will explain more, and you will know you were never in the wrong place in your life, and you all will be fine.
December 9, 2022
But no one will believe me. That statement is the one that has held you back most of your life and might continue to do so unless you decide to change.
You came into the world to authentically offer your essence or who you are, but you have doubted the importance of who you might become. But you also decided to live at a time in your world when your decision to believe in yourself is the most important one you can make today.
None of you could have known you were moving into new dimensions of yourself and your world. Still, some, like Roger, do know but have also feared that others would not believe they had information to help others move through this time of planetary ascension.
You typically take a while before you accept the innate gifts you were given, which is why we structured our work to guide you to self-acceptance gently. After our live conversation the other day, Roger knew that he should believe in himself now and that we did provide help through this period that would aid all. And last night, we told him to change. Then he glanced ahead at the message we gave you in 2012 for this date and was surprised by it and thought it would be fun to talk about it last night. But then he did the same thing most of you do: to decide no one would believe you.
This restructuring requires you to believe in yourselves, and the following message should help today.
December 9, 2012
You learn to resist change when you are born onto the physical plane. You begin to equate stability with safety. This is a necessary process, for, at this point, you have yet to learn your way around the world, so to speak.
The irony of this situation is that your intention when you decided to have a physical life experience was always to embrace change, for it is the only way you might expand and evolve, which was your original goal.
Now in your more mature life, it becomes crucial for you to recognize this dilemma and begin making conscious choices to embrace change so that you might further that expansion. When you embrace change, you acknowledge and accept your safety in the physical world.
December 9, 2023
Your world will change. The manner in which that change manifests depends on what you decide to do.
You decided to live during this restructuring, and the message we provided on this date in 2012 will help you understand the changes occurring within you and your world. If you let go of your resistance, you will accelerate your evolution and the planetary ascension.
You each incarnate at a time that would serve the evolution of all that is, and this is a grand opportunity for you.
But now you can reread it above.
This video will tie it all together. The session included is from December 10, 2021 but you will accept it today.
Watch the Session Here
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