December 8, 2024
Your truth is still correct.
As you revisit our message on this date in 2012, you will be more willing to embody your authentic self.
We had our messenger record a video yesterday because we wanted him and you to become more of who you could be on this day.
December 8, 2012
Your truth is always correct. Many subjective words will be used here in order that you might better grasp the meaning behind the message. In actuality, your personal truth is merely a collection of ideas and beliefs that you have come to accept at this place in your life. There is no correct or right or wrong truth in human experience, but just what you hold as that truth.
It becomes important for you to express that truth, for it will cause you to ask more questions, receive opinions from others, and compare your truth to others. This entire process is what ultimately causes your spiritual expansion.
What you come to know eventually is that your truth and that of others are all correct, because they cause evolution of the whole, or mass consciousness.
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