Now you will understand how nothing you did was in vain

November 29, 2024

Now you will understand how nothing you did was in vain. We are referring to the message we gave on this date a year ago but also much more than that. You are about to begin your new life and world.

While it might have appeared to you your life and world were in disarray we assure it was all for your good and you will understand that on the new moon of December 1 with our live conversation.

But because many of you have not believed in your importance and the guidance you have received in cluing-in our messenger, we caught him off-guard today and asked him to prepare a precursor to the event, which are all the messages we provided on December 1 as we want each of you to recognize your divine plan, nothing was in vain and you have waited for this moment.


November 29, 2023

Nothing was in vain. We are speaking of the effort you have put forth to create the life and world you wanted to see. You are still in process, and we are providing more encouragement for you to continue, for when you accept and love yourself, you will witness the results of your efforts.

December 1 is the new beginning.

December 1, 2008

Anything and everything that you could ever desire is already in place for you, merely awaiting your acceptance.

Your acceptance is acknowledged by the Universe through your belief and faith. You still underestimate the power of creative visualization. When you remember that all creation begins in thought, you will use it more deliberately. When you employ creative visualization, you simultaneously place your attention on what you truly desire, while changing your old thinking patterns of focusing on what you do not want.

The more detail you place in your visualization, the more guidance you receive as to the physical actions and deeds that will facilitate your manifestations.

You then will rest in the assuredness that all will be made manifest for your highest good and that of all others.

December 1, 2009

Purpose, intention, and motivation are intricately woven together in anything you desire to create. Your intention is always to evolve, your purpose then will be the means in which you choose to accomplish this, and your motivation will come from you seeking clarity on the former.

When your purpose is to contribute knowingly to all that is, as well as yourself individually, then your motivation is always enhanced. You only experience any sort of procrastination or trepidation when you have not allowed these things to come to your conscious awareness. Simply ponder that.

December 1, 2010

You always attract precisely what you need. Attract means to cause to become manifest in your life experience, and need refers to anything and everything that will aid you on your quest for greater expansion.

You will oftentimes argue that you could not have possibly attracted anything that was uncomfortable or unpleasant, but that is simply because, in your current limited state of awareness, you have not come to understand how those particular things, situations, circumstances, or people add to your journey. You may take comfort in knowing that is always the case.

When you simply examine some of your recent past history, you will see the truth of that statement. Everything you attract is for your benefit.

December 1, 2011

You build momentum in anything you attempt to do. You can think of momentum as the gathering of energy causing that very energy to become more. You can only use this momentum then in one direction or the other.

When you examine your physical life experience, you always know whether or not the momentum your are gathering and thus using is either moving toward your expansion or away from that very expansion.

It merely requires your honest evaluation of all that you do to use your momentum effectively. When you decide to do this, you also gain a greater sense and awareness of mastery in your own experience.

December 1, 2012

The word trust is actually a powerful energy that, when used by you effectively, can create miraculous results in your physical life experience. When you use the word trust, you are affirming to the Universe that you know whatever shows up in your experience is for your highest good.

It is not possible for you to hold the idea of the word trust simultaneously with the ideas of words such as worry, anxiety, and fear. Using the word trust consciously in your words, deeds, and actions sets forth an energy that will help you manifest, create, and become the person you desire, as well as make the contribution you intended. You can never do anything “wrong” when you trust you always receive the “right” results.   

December 1, 2013

You hold a belief in fear. That statement may at first appear to be a bit strange to you, but as you study this more closely, you will understand its meaning.

Anything that you fear is of a physical nature. Anything that is physical is merely an illusion that is provided to you so that you might accomplish your goal of spiritual expansion and come to know your true essence.

The difficulty you find in your physical life experience then begins quite early in your life. You were taught fear from all those in your early life whose intention was to guide you and keep you safe. The irony is there is nothing to be kept safe from because you are not a physical body but a spiritual being. You then began to believe that fear is real and thus you develop a belief in fear.

It prevents you from accessing your true self because you are too busy trying not to die. Then, you finally come to know you never die, and the fear that you believed in your entire life was an illusion. You can break the cycle now.

December 1, 2014

You can only chart and follow your life path. It is not your responsibility to attempt to chart or direct the path of another. You have long known that things that are important and matter for you to follow may not be the same for others, but you have also spent a lot of energy attempting to go against your own knowing, to no avail.

This will bring to mind the idea behind the well known serenity prayer and you would do well to apply that meaning to your life path. You knew for instance for years that for you the simple pursuit of money was not enough and you sought something more meaningful for you, but then you simultaneously judged yourself for being on your path. Return to your path.

December 1, 2015

Capable is a word that you would do well to look up its meaning so this entire message may resonate more for you. There is nothing that you are not capable of doing, achieving, mastering, or implementing, but that is not the same as desiring to do any of that.

This is an area of your life you have ignored and it has festered, so to speak, beneath the surface and caused you difficulties. You failed to recognize those things that you have no desire to do, and then unknowingly judged yourself as not being capable.

Living a happy and successful life requires you to begin to honor what you desire to do and do that, and let others do the same. There are many people at your service, if you will who desire to do all those other things.

December 1, 2016

Belief and potential are intricately woven together in your life to provide you with a framework or direction you might take to manifest and create all you desire. This message may take time for you to fully decipher and comprehend, but that time will be invaluable.

Potential means anything that you might be able to do in your life, and by that measure, there is an enormous amount. Belief simply means what you have come to think about your ability to create or manifest whatever that might be.

An example would be, you receive a certain amount of money for some work you have done and you notice you feel uncomfortable with that, and that indicates to you right away that your belief has not yet caught up with your potential.

Now you will also come to understand that in most cases your belief rests on you coming to know, recognize, and accept your own value and worth. Now you have been given direction.

December 1, 2017

Every soul is born with a purpose. That purpose is to contribute to the expansion of all that is or mass consciousness by offering their unique qualities, just as you have. Every soul then will take a different path to accomplish that goal but every path, including yours, is vital to the whole.

You seeking more knowledge and wisdom through your experiences contributes to the whole. You moving through difficulties and illusions adds to the whole, or the expansion of all the existed before through your efforts.

The only difficulty you ever experience in your life arises from you not understanding how important you are to this process which is evolution.

December 1, 2018

You don’t trust yourself. That sentence is the answer to every question that you and others ask yourself in an attempt to figure out why you are not living the life you desire. 

We are now going to take over this message as Roger is having difficulty as the syndrome was so apparent within him. Here is a story to illustrate the point that will help all of you.

In 2005, he experienced a dream where he felt as if he was volunteering for some mission, and he questioned why he would do that. Then, as he recalled from the dream, he attempted to pretend it didn’t occur or that he could forget it, but he could not.

Now, the recognition of the truth coming forth showed him he was not delusional, but now he experienced regret because he didn’t believe in himself earlier. You all do this. You will have an idea, an instinct, or an intuitive feeling and then immediately discount it because it feels so strange to you. And you dare not let anyone else know you have thought those things for fear of judgment. Now, you have blocked yourself from receiving any guidance or information that would allow you to live your lives more fully.

You will know if you are doing this because this message will cause you to become uncomfortable, but that very uncomfortable emotion also means you are now willing to trust yourself. 

December 1, 2019

Naked and afraid again. The message will be fun for many of you, and should you choose to understand it, you will effectively change your life. As Roger is transcribing our communication, he has no idea what the content we gave him some time ago contains, but he does know we want him to find it and place it in this message as reading them together will aid him and you. 

Roger has heard our whisperings for decades, as you each have heard your guides. You always maintain the ability to choose which voice to which you will listen. The choices that you have are to listen to your human mind, and believe in limitation, or listen to your inner voice, and believe in evolution. The following story will aid your understanding. 

Roger was asked to shoot some material on personal development. The filming was originally scheduled for yesterday, but he canceled it until today because, as he said, he didn’t feel prepared. So, last night, he began to prepare and couldn’t seem to bring himself to get it done. Then, he happened to examine the material he had created years ago in anticipation of creating a personal development program. Do you see how ridiculous this is? Roger glanced at the content and said, “This is really good.” 

None of you trust your ideas, creations, or your abilities because you, as Roger, compare your gifts to something that has already been created. It is as if you don’t understand the process of evolution of your world. Roger will change this for himself today, as many of you will as well as you gain the wisdom of this message. 

July 1, 2017

Naked and Unafraid

You are only as sick as your secrets, is a sentence that has stayed with you for a while. While you came to know that it has been used in various recovery groups, you had yet to fully understand its implications in your own life.

The ironic part of it is that most times, the secrets you are attempting to keep are ones that you want to hide from yourself. You do this by not acknowledging and owning certain aspects of your personality that you feel are innate or natural to you, but at the same time, think that if you accept them and reveal them to the world, you would be judged.

Some time ago, you wrote about the idea of naked and afraid but had yet to come to know that your goal was to become naked and unafraid. You can envision and feel that state of being. Aim for that.

December 1, 2020

Evolution was never meant to be quick. We are giving Roger a lot of confusing information, just as many of you may be experiencing your lives now, but we told him just to type. 

As we have said continually to remind you of the reason for the current events in your world, you are moving through a massive restructuring. It is again occurring within you. Each moment of your existence provides you with the opportunity to expand and become more, but most of you do not believe that is possible, especially within yourselves. When you couple that with your constant fear of the unknown, you can visualize the dilemma in which you have existed throughout eternity. 

What you will witness in the coming days in your world are groups of people unwilling to change and accept the new opportunities provided to them, but the only question you will have is if you will be one of them. All that matters is what you choose to do in your evolution.

We gave Roger many processes and exercises years ago, but many of them only make sense now, and he knows why we gave them to him. One was practicing patience, which many of you will require. The reason we gave him this might be different than you think, but it will help inform the current restructuring. We are offering you this to apply to yourself but also to the world.

You practice patience because as you evolve, you uncover talent, ability, and potential that you ignored in your life or didn’t believe existed. As you discover you were wrong, as we said to you yesterday in a sly way, you simultaneously expect instant results. You can see that would not have been such a great idea, for the thoughts you held about yourself before were so limited that acting upon them would not have many of you still in existence. As you contemplate this message for a bit, it will make sense, and we only wanted to impart that your evolution will move along brilliantly if you are patient with yourself.

Finally, we will leave you with the purpose of this restructuring and all the ones that have ever occurred. What affects one affects all. You will be fine. 

December 1, 2021

Communication will become louder now. We are giving you information that will be tremendously helpful as you move through the next period of your restructuring and that of your world. You will incorporate the energies of the coming new moon and the total solar eclipse. You wanted to experience this time, for it will be the perfect opportunity for you to purge more of the last vestiges of hate, fear, doubt, shame, and embarrassment. 

You will understand why we advised Roger to allow us to communicate with you on Saturday. In preparation for that, we led him to other information that would be helpful for some of you if you had not been able to figure out the ringing in your ears. Subjective tinnitus is a condition that causes the ringing to occur, but the event itself and your ability to hear it are subjective. 

You are hearing it more now because your intention in this life is more precise. Even though you had not trusted what you heard before, you will now. You are being asked to remember why you decided to have a life experience this time, and it was to release more fear and doubt from the collective consciousness, and for each of you, that felt to be too big a job, as we mentioned the other day.

We would like you to contemplate these things before the events in your world this coming weekend. Roger attended a group meeting yesterday and later saw a post from the group organizer, and we had him send a message that you would do well to remember now. “The loving energy and momentum felt here today carried enough power to aid you in your master plan of saving the world. It is taking shape nicely, and we thank you all for your participation.”

Please study that paragraph, for you each have taken on that task. It is not accidental that the moon coming of which we speak is new. And that is the world we said you came to usher in, and when you come together, the momentum of that energy from each of you will manifest the world you wanted to see. We said it would not be guaranteed unless you decided to become yourself. And more of you now understand. If you do your work, you all will be fine. 

December 1, 2022

Your transformation still needs to be completed. We have said you were in the world now to experience and contribute to restructuring your life and the world. Not all of you have stepped up to the plate.

You are given something to bring to the world at birth or before birth, but that might be a stretch of your imagination, but we won’t go back that far. We will use 2012, however, for that is still something many only have difficulty accepting because you have trouble believing the gift you were given, which was to become your authentic self.

You each have different roles to play, but when you become who God intended you to be, you add light and love to your world, which is the work we provide. 

Yesterday we had Roger offer our work free of charge, and we knew only a few would take that offer. That was also perfect because you will discover you only need a few spiritual warriors to heal your life and world, for you are doing it collectively.

Here is the advice we gave you for this day. Yes, we knew where you would be. 

December 1, 2012

The word trust is a powerful energy that, when used by you effectively, can create miraculous results in your physical life experience. When you use the word trust, you affirm to the Universe that whatever shows up in your experience is for your highest good.

You can’t hold the idea of the word trust simultaneously with the concepts of words such as worry, anxiety, and fear. Using the word trust consciously in your words, deeds, and actions sets forth energy that will help you manifest, create, and become the person you desire and make the contribution you intended.

You can never do anything “wrong” when you trust you always receive the “right” results.

December 1, 2023

Evolution and ascension are not the same. We provided a message on this date three years ago where we warned you that evolution was not meant to be quick. But ascension fuels all evolution, which all souls will not choose.

As we have mentioned, your responsibility is to choose ascension or moving closer to the light, which only occurs when you decide to love yourself. You accomplish that goal by moving through your generational limitations and restrictions, which would have said to you that you were not enough or are more than another, both false premises.

When you remember your connection to all that is, you give that awareness to others and further your evolution and planetary ascension. We will repeat a portion of our message, which will make more sense today as you view your life and world. Now you can choose ascension.

December 1, 2020

Evolution was never meant to be quick. We are giving Roger a lot of confusing information, just as many of you may be experiencing your lives now, but we told him to type.

As we have said continually to remind you of the reason for the current events in your world, you are moving through a massive restructuring. It is again occurring within you. Each moment of your existence allows you to expand and become more, but most of you do not believe that is possible, especially within yourselves. Coupling that with your constant fear of the unknown, you can visualize the dilemma in which you have existed throughout eternity.

In the coming days in your world, you will witness groups of people unwilling to change and accept the new opportunities provided to them, but the only question you will have is if you will be one of them. All that matters is what you choose to do in your evolution.


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Sunday, December 1 at 2pm Pacific Time
Book Your Spot in the Live Session Here

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