Peace is still within reach

September 29, 2024

Peace is still within reach. We are referring to a message we gave you last year on this date, but we would be remiss if we didn’t tell you we have done the same every September 29 since 2008. We have given you everything in the order of your world’s progression and your willingness to accept your gifts.

Once you do, you will have the life you want. Collectively, you will manifest the world every soul desires.

We asked our messenger one last time to compile those messages, as it would prove his gift. We promise it will aid all of you in accessing yours.

Please study the messages slowly, repeat them often, and witness your new self emerge more quickly than you imagined.

We’ll begin with 2008 to instill the idea of progression in you so you don’t beat yourselves up for what you haven’t done but decide to do it today, for it is the right time.

September 29, 2008

You always seek your truth and belief, and everything you experience aids you in that goal.

The word “aid” is essential for you simply because you tend to see those particular people, events, and circumstances as obstacles. That very judgment will cause you difficulty in recognizing the gifts inherent in all of them.

The only opinion of yourself that you truly seek is your own. The only success you seek is your own. When you spend time measuring those things from the outside world, you may easily hinder your progress.

You are always seeking further evolvement and expansion; the universe will always provide you with the tools to accomplish this. You must pick them up.

September 29, 2009

Answers to every conceivable problem, challenge, or question you have already exist. You merely need to allow yourself to access them. Access is an important turn of phrase, for it indicates that the only thing that prevents you from receiving your particular answers is your resistance to them.

When you understand that linear time is an illusion, you break down, as it were, your own self-imposed barriers to all information, or all that is. The accumulation of this knowledge is and always was a goal for you, for it is simply another way you evolve.

The answers always come at the right time; that is the only information you “need” to hold.

September 29, 2010

Making choices and decisions with the intention of your best interest is always in the best interest of all others involved. You are often not consciously aware of this fact because you attempt to make those choices and decisions based on what you think the reactions, opinions, or judgments of others will be.

This process never serves your ultimate goal of expansion, for you never discover, explore, or allow your own evolvement. You only experience expansion when you believe your choices and decisions are valid and serve your expansion. Since you are all one, then it also serves the expansion of all others. When you practice this concept, you will also discover your true best interest.

September 29, 2011

You halt your progression by hanging on to the past, clinging to the familiar and known, and putting others’ needs ahead of your own. As it is used here, progression means continuing on your intended path of expansion and your innate desire to evolve.

The only reason you would have any of those behaviors is that you have come to hold fear rather than faith and trust in the integrity of your physical life experience.

Every soul has the same intention and is valid in their own pursuit. You are only responsible and accountable for your own. This concept is not meant for you to hold any form of judgment but merely the wisdom and knowledge to aid you in your progression.

September 29, 2012

What you might perceive to be any criticism directed your way can be used to your benefit when you decide to embrace it. You would not even perceive anything said to you to be criticism unless there was something there for you to gain value.

You will gain that value through your self-assessment. You will examine what is said, determine if any of it has merit, or decide what you might accept as truth and whether you would like to change or discard it as having no value for you currently. In that case, you walk away with a greater appreciation of yourself. Either way, you always benefit when you decide not to ignore it.

September 29, 2013

You would much rather experience peace than chaos; the good news is it is always in your power to do so. Chaos, as it is used here, means anything that causes you to lose that experience of ultimate peace momentarily.

You desire peace because it means that you completely trust the integrity of your physical life experience; you are living in your moment of now, which is the only place you fully experience that peace; and because you have now moved beyond or eliminated your reaction to any fear.

You may think you have many goals while on your physical life journey, but they all ultimately lead you to this one.

September 29, 2014

Start from the end. This process refers to the journey you have set for yourself during this physical life experience.

Any great adventurer or explorer will have an idea or general assumption of where they desire to go. Even though they do not know precisely how they will arrive or what they may encounter along the way, they know their desired destination.

You can think of the story of an adventurer, Columbus, who had a goal or idea, and that was the impetus that allowed him to begin his journey. While he ended up in some place unknown to him when he started, it was indeed rewarding for him and you that the adventure occurred. This analogy will help you on your journey as you apply it to your personal life experience.

September 29, 2015

There are times when you have to jump in, and there are times when you need help and encouragement to do just that. One of the ways you have found that help and encouragement is by being accountable to others. There is no right or wrong in this process, but simply what is effective for you.

This can also be seen as setting goals or deadlines, but you have found that sharing those goals and deadlines with others has been helpful for you. Every soul will find and use whatever personal motivation is effective for them, but you have sometimes judged some of your methods as an indication of weakness. However, asking for and knowing that you could use help in accomplishing something is not a weakness but wisdom.

September 29, 2016

All beliefs are choices you make. If that is the case, then it would make sense for you to choose the beliefs that cause you to feel good about yourself.

You must understand how powerful the idea of beliefs being choices is and how that idea will affect your life and who you desire to be. When you think of the concept you heard that a belief is merely a thought you continue to think, this will make even more sense to you.

It is difficult for you to manifest the person you desire to be or achieve any goal if you have not chosen the belief that you can do that. It should be clear that making these choices is always in your hands, which is indeed powerful.

September 29, 2017

Become willing to make the adjustment. The particular adjustment you are seeking to make is in your mental attitude. Until you make this adjustment, it will be difficult for you to manifest what you desire or become the person you want to be.

Your mental state is something that you create, and you do so with the thoughts that you deliberately decide to hold. Your only difficulty, and that of so many others, is not believing you can do this. You become reluctant to monitor your thoughts because it does require your attention and diligence, and only you can do this.

This adjustment is mandatory if you desire to be the person you say.

You’re welcome. 

September 29, 2018

What do you want now? You kept hearing that sentence today and for a good reason. That sentence is one that you and all others would do well to ask yourself each day. As you move through your life, you gain more wisdom and knowledge, and you realize more of your abilities. Now, the choices you made yesterday may be different today because of your newfound confidence and desires.

The closest analogy you might find to understand or comprehend this is to think of your days in early formal education. You could not imagine being a physicist in kindergarten, but now you can. 

September 29, 2019

We would like the title of this message to be “The Example of John Cena.” We know that is unusual, but you will understand why we are using it and how impactful it will be for all of you, especially Roger.

Some time ago, Roger happened upon tweets from John on Twitter, which he found intriguing, and Roger began following him. Now, this stood out for him because he knew John was a wrestler, and that arena doesn’t usually produce those who offer what Roger deemed to be sage advice. 

This morning, Roger “stumbled” upon a quote that offered clarity and further encouragement on his felt “mission.”

“The feeling of anxious fear when breaking the manipulation of comfortably toxic situations is stifling. The good of the unknown is often never chosen for the comfort of toxicity. That first step is the biggest and toughest. Be brave. You can’t finish a race you never start.” John Cena

Did that help you? You can do the same for others.

 September 29, 2020

The salvation of the world depends on you. If you disbelieve that statement, you have uncovered the source of every challenge and difficulty you’ve experienced. We will also brilliantly connect this message with the current events of your world. 

Yesterday, we led Roger to a message he received from another source, which referred to what was known as the harmonic convergence of 1987. These events have occurred repeatedly throughout your known civilizations, and they must occur for the world you know to continue evolving. You are in one now.

You do not have a predetermined destiny, meaning you as the individual and your world. So that means the further evolution of your world depends on each of you living now in a way where you step up to the plate and do your job. We threw that in because Roger was given a bit more permission to be himself. We had him listen to Kyron this morning, who delivers information in a manner similar to ours. Roger often judges his frivolity when it serves a valuable purpose.

Each of you knows all the dreams and aspirations you have held in your life. But this part of you always feels insignificant or incapable of achieving whatever that was. For decades, Roger has run from what we have told him he could do. Still, like you, he also didn’t understand that he could not break the laws of the universe. They all say your actions, thoughts, and beliefs have a cumulative effect and will eventually manifest with precision the result of all those thoughts, beliefs, and actions you’ve taken.

None of this is right or wrong, but only what you desire to accomplish in this lifetime. You don’t believe you can do it, just as your world believes now, but you can change that.

Roger has known of his ability to see potential in others beyond what they can do at their current awareness level. The only reason he knows this is due to his denial of his potential. Yesterday, Roger gave his roommate a portion of the online program created through us, and his roommate said that Roger had something powerful that would aid so many. The only problem was Roger wasn’t sure of that until he received that confirmation, just as you aren’t sure of your direction.

But you will fulfill it or remain incredibly uncomfortable for the rest of your life. We say that because Roger sits there now and knows his part of the world’s salvation will be fulfilled through him, helping you understand your importance.

When each of you accomplishes this, you will not need to control another or deny another their rights or freedom, and you will never again lack anything of a material nature. You will be fine. 

September 29, 2021

Now is the time you intend to succeed. During our live talk with you last Sunday, we said we used Roger’s entire life to make a point to you all, and that was to illustrate how you each are born with intentions and goals you desire to achieve, for you know they will cause you to expand.

You don’t see how that will occur precisely, so we told you some time ago that self-discovery can be frightening. Each of you is moving through this now due to the restructuring of your world. And it is the very one you wanted to experience.

We also said that this is your most crucial lifetime and that success comes from continuing to accept who you are. We also pointed out that we have used your linear human years to illustrate timelines, which we did with Roger’s life, but that is the same for you. You will encounter experiences and circumstances pertinent to your evolution, but it is also the right linear timing for your world, as it all coincides.

Then we told you there would be a time when you would choose who you wanted to be, which would aid your world, and that time is also now. If you bring to the world the essence of who you are that you have previously held back, doubted, thought not possible, or felt you were too insignificant to make a difference, you will achieve your goal, aid this restructuring, and you all will be fine. 

We will leave a link to the recording from last Sunday for those who have yet to hear it, and tomorrow, we will provide a further explanation so that the reason for your birth will be far more apparent and valuable for all. 

September 29, 2022

We wanted you to love yourself. Everything we have provided has been designed specifically for this time in your life and world.

You are moving into a new state of being, requiring you to suspend your disbelief and become courageous enough to step into the unknown of who you are.

One of the main challenges you and others experience is being halted in your development due to your fear of criticism. We gave you a message on this date in 2012, so you might utilize it now to strengthen your belief in yourself and the new emerging person you are becoming.

The next few months in your world will offer you numerous opportunities to criticize others who disagree with you, but please remember you are all the same and moving to oneness. 

September 29, 2012

What you might perceive to be any criticism directed your way can be used to your benefit when you decide to embrace it. You would not even perceive anything said to you to be criticism unless there

was something there for you to gain value.

You will gain that value through your own self-assessment. You will examine what is said, determine if any of it has merit or what you might accept as truth, and decide whether you would like to change or discard it as having no value for you currently. In that case, you walk away with a greater appreciation of yourself. Either way, you always benefit when you decide not to ignore it.

September 29, 2023

Peace is within your reach. As you study the message we provided ten years ago, it will aid you in resolving the chaos that has existed within you and your world. You are the one to make the difference. 

September 29, 2013

You would much rather experience peace than chaos; the good news is it is always in your power to do so. Chaos, as it is used here, means anything that causes you to lose that experience of ultimate peace momentarily.

You desire peace because it means that you completely trust the integrity of your physical life experience; you are living in your moment of now, which is the only place you fully experience that peace; and because you have now moved beyond or eliminated your reaction to any fear.

You may think you have many goals while on your physical life journey, but they all ultimately lead you to this one.


Please listen to this session from September 19, 2021

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