Here is your pathway to greatness

September 28, 2024

Here is your pathway to greatness. That greatness exists within each of you and your world; however, you must be the one to accept yours before you can see it manifest in your life or your world.

We have said you were moving through a restructuring in your world, and you live at this time because what you came to offer would cause a much greater evolution in your world, which we have called your planetary ascension.

While you may not have understood all the messages we have given you over linear time, we will put together more today for the current change in your world, and you will witness your progression in consciousness as you study them all.

Our messenger said the other day that it was the last one he would do. We awakened him to something different because there is an energetic change in your world today. Taking advantage of the energy you will gain from these messages will enhance not only your life experience but also that of your planet.

As we have always said, we have given you everything you need to live a magnificent life and manifest the world you all want to see. Today, more of you will take the next step into your higher consciousness, and you will see it manifest in your life and world. As we have always said, they are the same, and you are the world.


“Your Pathway to Greatness”

September 28, 2008

It is not about the particular events and situations that show up in your life experience, but what you choose to do with them.

Everything that appears offers you an opportunity to make choices that define and shape who you desire to be. When you have a clear vision of the being you aspire to be, then your choices become quite evident. These choices will always be based on how you view your world and your place in it, nothing less.

If you believe that you are a powerful, capable being, you will make choices that reflect that. If you believe that you are somehow less deserving or disadvantaged, you will make choices that reflect that.

There are no good or bad choices in this regard, merely if they further you on your goal of being that person you desire.

September 28, 2009

You can and may accomplish and do whatever you desire. The words both can and may were used here, to impress upon you that you do indeed possess the ability, and you are always given permission and support by the Universe. Now, your anxiety about any of that will indicate to you that, on some level, you do not believe that to be true.

The most important part of that concept then is your belief because, again, you create your own reality. Because your life intention is always about evolving, you will not know precisely how those things will manifest, but here again your belief in the process itself will serve your intention always.

Simply use your momentary feelings of anxiety to guide you back to the development of your belief.

September 28, 2010

Your particular preferences are what cause you to be unique. Your uniqueness is a contribution to your evolvement as well as all that is. It was always your intention to continually expand or become more, and that is not possible when you are not able to recognize, express, and own your preferences.

This is an area where you have experienced difficulty because you have tried to base your own preferences on the opinions and even judgments of others. This causes you to be unaware of your preferences, which causes you to have difficulty making choices.

Your ability to choose what you desire is one of the greatest gifts you possess. Each and every choice you make causes you to expand in some manner. Honor your preferences.

September 28, 2011

Your greatest fear is never realized. If only you could hold this idea as you move through your physical life experience, you would activate the expansion that you sought.

You are only ever able to fully expand or evolve when you are not holding the fear of what may lie ahead. The greatest of those is your physical death or leaving your physical body. When that does occur, you finally realize that you are indeed an eternal being.

Keep in mind, however, that all the fears you do hold while in physical form do hold value and purpose, for they urge you to disprove them, as you always intended. This is when you experience ultimate freedom.

September 28, 2012

You will never find your feeling of security in anything physical, meaning anything that only has value in the physical world. Those things include your money, possessions, position, and even certain physical personal relationships.

You intended to merely use all those things as a manner of finding your security or value in your spiritual world or your true eternal self. When you make an effort to accept and believe this concept, you will save yourself countless days or years of frustration and disappointment in trying to find that sense of security in the physical world.

This is precisely why when you take time to retreat to your spiritual world, you sense that eternal security.

September 28, 2013

Do one thing at a time. That admonition is meant to be a reminder that you always desired to live in your moment of now. When you live in that moment of now, you will focus all your attention on what is before you, and you will find that you accomplish much more, and you enjoy the entire process.

You have spent a great deal of your physical life experience attempting to do a multitude of things all at once; as what you and your society think of as multitasking. This creates stress and can cause you to feel overwhelmed, deplete your energy, and you end up doing nothing at all.

The need to attempt to do so many things at once is also an indication that you feel you are lacking something, and that behavior creates more of the same.

September 28, 2014

You are always in the process of being led to be the best person you can be, but at times, you are not willing to follow. You also always know when you are unwilling to follow the direction you are being given, and that is always available because you feel your own resistance.

This is precisely the opposite of what you think of as going with the flow. Your life path is filled with direction and guidance, but at times, it does not feel that way to you because a portion of the journey is difficult and challenging. All of that is a necessary part of your guidance; otherwise, you would not know you had traveled anywhere at all, and your own accomplishments would not be fully appreciated by you. Every part of this is always for your benefit.

September 28, 2015

Your intention as well as your goal during your physical life experience was to gain wisdom. You only gain that wisdom through experiences. All the formal education and book learning in which you might engage will definitely bring you knowledge, but it will not necessarily bring you wisdom.

This is being pointed out to you because far too often you discount the value of your own life experiences because you fail to recognize how much wisdom you have gained because of your experiences.

You have held yourself back at times from doing certain things because you did not classify yourself as qualified because of some lack of education or acquisition of knowledge, but you fail to remember that your goal was wisdom, and based on all your life experiences, you have gained a great deal of wisdom. Acknowledging it causes it to increase.

September 28, 2016

Decide now to make it an adventure. This idea you can apply to anything you desire to do in your life. This merely requires a shift in your mental attitude before you begin.

When you think of an adventure you always approach it with an element of fun, excitement, and discovery. You are even aware that you may encounter some challenges; hold a bit of fear or trepidation, but that is also part of the excitement, and you never allow that to stop you.

Many times you will do precisely the opposite before you attempt anything, and you experience very different results. If you hold fear, worry, and anxiety, before you even begin, many times you will not. It all begins with your mental attitude and approach. 

September 28, 2017

When you come to understand that the experiences you have had, and especially the ones that you thought were difficult, actually brought you a greater benefit, that is how salvation feels.

When you come to understand what you thought were unrelated events and circumstances of your life were actually all woven together to provide you with an almost magical tapestry of your life that you might use to provide even greater benefit to others, that is how salvation feels.

When you come to understand that no one else ever did anything to you, but you allowed those things to occur so you could become your best self, that is how salvation feels. 

September 28, 2018

Teach only love. While you have written about and pondered this idea previously, you now have gained a deeper understanding. When you begin with a new interpretation, you find new power.

You teach only love when you decide to accept all that comes into your life without judgment. Now, you also understand that the very first place where it is critical for you to teach this lesson and absorb it is on yourself.

The beautiful thing that you discover is this causes you to reach your state of empowerment as you desired.

Study this message, as more will come through. 

September 28, 2019

Your life holds value, meaning, and purpose. If you are reading those words, then this message is meant for you. That sentence is true for every single person, and if you do not believe that, you may come to know it more as we use Roger and his mother to illustrate the point. 

In 2010, Roger’s mother was in failing health and about to leave her physical body. He witnessed her fear and pain and did everything in his power to ease her transition. During this time, she fell deeper into states of dementia. It appeared that what helped her the most was our messages. Roger attributed her reaction to her lapsing mental faculties. Roger’s mother, Doris, would say to him, “I want to leave a legacy.” She made this statement as she felt she was dying without leaving something of value as an inheritance.

Roger would say, “You are leaving your legacy through your sons.” He didn’t accept the words he spoke, and he attempted to ignore his value, meaning, and purpose, even though now it was made evident through his mother!

His mother didn’t allow that to happen. After she died, there was a “miraculous” event that Roger knew was her saying she was still in communication. Roger knew she was saying to him, “Take our words and communicate them more.” He didn’t feel that could be his value, meaning, and purpose, as he didn’t have to work for it.

That long story was to say that you all do this, and at some point, you will recognize, as Roger is, your value, meaning, and purpose. It may take a while, but when you do, you will live your life fully. 

September 28, 2020

You never feel capable of being yourself. While that title may sound a bit depressing for you, we will take it and make it the most uplifting experience you might have today. 

We have said your world and, more specifically, you are moving through a mass restructuring, and you are in this lifetime accomplishing things you had not before. That entire concept is even challenging for Roger to believe and write, even though we keep saying it to him. Roger finds more comfort, just like you do, when he hears similar voices echoing the same things that are currently occurring in your world. You are finding yourself connecting with others in ways that are sparking memories within you of something you have yet to do.

Since that whole previous life thing is challenging, we will use this life of Roger’s to aid you all. If you have followed us for a while, you might remember the story we told of his early days of life coaching in 1986. Roger discovered he possessed the ability to help others, even more than himself. Roger could not believe he might be capable of this, so he stopped. The other day, we also said that all of you are being provided a second chance, and it showed up vividly for Roger, which still didn’t mean he would accept he might be capable.

You can always “see” your resistance to becoming your best self when you become willing to acknowledge what you witness. Roger did that this morning. We told you of a client who was experiencing doubt in their life now, as are you all. Yesterday, this person sent an email requesting Roger’s help to finally move through this challenge. Because it was Sunday, Roger gave himself the excuse that he did not have to answer that, but there was the other part of him that questioned his ability, as you are doing now.

We can make this general statement as each of you is moving through this turbulent period of your life so that you may feel that pressure to become the diamond that has always been within you. You will decide now, and we have given Roger specific instructions that will help you. Roger has a webinar planned for Wednesday, where he has the opportunity to take his second chance and find his capability. We want him to focus only on that so he breaks his old habit of not preparing to have an excuse for not being capable. 

That cryptic sentence means that you live now to become more, and you never know how capable you are until you do what you doubt. You are looking at what you have questioned your entire life now, but that is a great thing!

You can see your conscious choices before you now, and only you can decide to find out how capable you indeed are, and that will be what you accomplish in this life. 

September 28, 2021

Manifest the life that you want. We are placing the emphasis today on the word you, and we mean you, the individual, and not the collective at this time.

The reason we are doing that is that, as we said to you all on Sunday, you have yet to realize the dream you intended when you were born. But now, because you have allowed yourself to move through this restructuring, you have also found new awareness, resilience, determination, and for most of you, clarity.

Now that you have those things, it is up to you to utilize them to manifest your dream life and world, for again, as we said, those things are the same. The dream you had some time ago is now looking at you instead of the other way around, and it is waiting for you to fulfill it and add to your evolvement this time.

We know that as you contemplate this message for a bit, you will also know what it means to you precisely, and that is what you are meant to act on now. 

We can then bring you back to the idea that your personal dream and the life you wanted to manifest are critical to restructuring your world, and we will continue to encourage you to embody your dream. Once you do, the world we told you that you would create collectively will also be made manifest. You will be fine. 

September 28, 2022

You must release your old self. You are in the process of creating a new world. You are doing that by deciding to become your best self, which requires you to become willing to release who you thought you were, for it is not the same as who you could become.

We have said we provided information to guide you all, and we used specific dates for jogging your memory, for you each have memories of those who came before. You have a slight, if not nagging, awareness of something you wanted to add to the evolution of your world, and it is before you now.

As you study the message we gave you on this date in 2012, please attempt to incorporate its meaning into your life over the next week, and your transition will be much easier. 

September 28, 2012

You will never find your feeling of security in anything physical, meaning anything that only has value in the physical world. Those things include your money, possessions, position, and even certain physical personal relationships.

You intended to merely use all those things to find your security or value in your spiritual world or your true eternal self. When you make an effort to accept and believe this concept, you will save yourself countless days or years of frustration and disappointment in trying to find that sense of security in the physical world.

This is precisely why when you take time to retreat to your spiritual world, you sense that eternal security.

September 28, 2023

You are more capable now. 

We provided a message three years ago on this date, which you will understand now and implement what we suggested. You were meant to shine now. 

Now you can go back three years to read the message and you will witness how much more sense it makes now than even when you read it a few moments ago. That is how you progress in your consciousness individually and collectively and we have given you a pathway to accomplish both.

You were destined for greatness.


“Your Success Will Create a Better World” September 29, 2023
Watch the Session Here

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