August 22, 2024
You can choose success. It is a choice you make every day, and we do not mean anything of a material nature. We are speaking of your sense of fulfillment, which can only be achieved as you take the next step into your authentic self. Every form of abundance will manifest in your life when you make that choice.
We will use the message we provided last year on this date.
August 22, 2023
Your probable reality is your choice. While that is always the case for you while you are on your physical life journey, this incarnation and this time in your life is far more vital.
We provided a message on this date a year ago, and as you view your life and world now, you will be better equipped to integrate the information.
August 22, 2022
You will understand your frustration now. In 2012, we provided a message. If it resonates with you, you are on the right track.
The rapid changes you are experiencing will cause you to become impatient with your endeavors and make you more intense about getting them done. However, it is all part of your expansion and the evolution of your world.
We know it might be challenging to accept that we provided this information years ago, but you each have memories you want to move past now. Forgiving yourself and then deciding to practice patience would aid your progression.
The result you desire is in sight and accomplished in ways you don’t understand, but you must move to that destination, for this is your life and evolution.
August 22, 2012
You experience frustration when you recognize that you have given away control of your thinking. Your thinking is what guides and directs your life experience. It is how you perceive and interpret your world.
When you give away that thinking to anything outside yourself, you begin to notice your frustration.
You express that frustration in many ways, such as anger, resentment, and depression. Those expressions result in you becoming a victim of your life experience rather than the leader you intended. Change your mind and reclaim your thinking.
This recording will tie it all together, and you and our messenger will be ready to embrace your greatness.
That was always our intention.
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