You only thought you were lost

August 21, 2024

You only thought you were lost. When you come to the physical plane, you always have guidance, but hearing it and heeding its advice is not necessarily something you accomplish easily or believe.

We have said we have provided that guidance, and we have done so on specific dates that align with your planet’s movement. Today, this very moment is one of those days of profound significance.

If you were to take the information we have given on this date since 2012, you and your world would enable the restructuring we’ve mentioned, and your life would be the abundant one you imagined.

August 21, 2012

Panic is never justified and always helpful. When you remember the duality that all things physical hold, this concept will make more sense for you.

Your feeling of panic is not warranted because it is related to something physical that has nothing to do with your eternal spiritual nature, which is never lost and cannot be destroyed. Your experience of panic can be helpful because when it occurs, it alerts you to an area of your physical life experience that you believe on some level is in danger or that, in some way, you can end, which is never true.

When you seek to understand the duality in all things, you further your expansion.

August 21, 2013

Make it fun. You could do nothing better this day than to attempt to hold the attitude and thought of making it fun about anything you attempt to create. This can refer to anything you desire to do, whether it is purely creative in your eyes, your work, or relationships. It can refer to anything that requires you to initiate some sort of action.

This was purely your intention when you decided to have a physical life experience. At times, you approach things so seriously as if they were all life and death situations, so any element of fun is removed. This is not to say that certain situations and circumstances will not feel serious to you, but when you remember they are all temporal because they are indeed physical and will pass, you are better equipped to find the fun. You always merely use everything physical to cause your spiritual expansion.

August 21, 2014

You change the thing you desire to change not by focusing on the thing itself but by focusing on its opposite. This principle is true of anything of a physical nature in your personal life experience and that of your world.

When you focus on what you desire to change, you actually cause it to become more because you are directing energy in its direction; and anything of a physical nature increases and expands because of that added energy.

As you study this principle more, you will begin to see how it applies to everything, even those mundane, or what you think are unimportant, things or goals in your own life. It will help you when you think that focusing on the thing you desire to change, is fighting against yourself.

August 21, 2015

There is good that exists in everything that you experience in your life, and you merely need to decide to look for it, see it, or allow it to be revealed to you. Good, as it is being used here, simply means something that provides you with the opportunity to evolve or expand.

You can think back to certain difficult or challenging times in your past where the thought that any manner of good could have existed there seemed ludicrous, however you always came to experience and know that it was true.

The point of this is for you to attempt to adapt that particular mindset or mental attitude the moment you enter something difficult or challenging for you and it will show up much quicker. It just takes a bit of effort on your part.

August 21, 2016

You have a continual job as you live your life, and that is finding your own value. You have thought that you were attempting to get others to notice your value, but in actuality, that is never anything that you will need to do if you have first discovered, accepted, and owned your own value.

You merely use other people, events, and circumstances to reflect back your own held beliefs about your value so you know what to work on, so to speak. It is a matter of you putting in the work and effort because as you live your life, you have incidents and people who seem to discount or not notice your value, and again, that is merely a signal for you to continue your own job.

August 21, 2017

There is nothing more important in your life than your progression. Progression, as it is being used here, means that you come to know and feel that you have evolved. Progression means that you know you have gained wisdom and knowledge. Progression means that because of all you have experienced in your life, you now know and can feel you are much more capable and have uncovered previously undiscovered talents and abilities. 

Progression means any other adjective or state of being you can think of that causes you to feel better about yourself.

When you have attended to the business of your progression first, all the wealth, success, abundance, happiness, and feeling of joy, flow to you effortlessly and easily. 

August 21, 2018

Only now matters. Please attempt to hold those three words in your consciousness, at least for today, and decide to use them as your personal mantra. You discovered many different reasons for doing so.

You and others will come to a place in your life where you gain awareness so vivid that it surprises you, and then you judge yourself for not having realized this particular truth sooner.

Then, you will begin to embody regret that you didn’t discover this awareness sooner, and maybe you missed something because of your blindness. All of that halts your further progression.

You can only create in your moment of now, so decide to be grateful now for what you know now. Then, you’ll also understand why only now matters. 

August 21, 2019

What will you do now, or are you tired yet? Let us say that some of you will receive this message and become inspired to make dramatic changes in your lives. Roger has agreed, begrudgingly, to use his example to aid you all, but it is up to you to decide what you will do now, as he is coming to that decision.

You are each given guidance and direction as to the things you might do in your lives that would bring you the greatest sense of accomplishment, joy, and abundance. But because that isn’t manifest, you don’t believe it could be true, and worse yet, you think that you are not the one to do it. 

Yesterday, Roger felt compelled, or almost that he had no choice but to speak on a subject he felt inspired to explore. The force he felt was us, as quite honestly, we were getting impatient! That was meant to be funny.

He set up a sort of test. He thought that if this were the right direction, he would receive signs. Have you done this? We sent him so many they became impossible to ignore. You all have this occurring, now each you must answer the questions posed in the title. Oh, you are only tired because of your resistance. 

August  21, 2020

Which probable reality would you like? We told you some time ago that you are in the process of restructuring your world, and the United States would lead the way. Please keep in mind that we are speaking to you individually and the world at large. Again, that last sentence is one you each have trouble accepting, but that is also purposeful, and without it, you would not evolve.

There is an upcoming election in the United States, and through that process, each of you will remember who you are and who you want to be, and this process will aid you in your evolution. Some of you will say you have no involvement in the election, and that is never true, which further informs the last statement we made in the previous paragraph. Each of you in previous lifetimes had certain things still left to accomplish, and you are doing it now.

Last night we told Roger we would use him as an example, and he did not want to do it as it hit him in his vulnerability, which he has attempted to move over for eons. Last night while watching the Democratic nominee, he heard what we had told him, which was his job in this lifetime, which he like you have ignored. We told him to leave a message here as to what we told him, but he couldn’t even admit that to himself, like you. 

Roger understands that contrast is necessary for anyone to choose who they want to be, but some of you have more difficulty than others, and Roger was one. Today he is more willing to leave that message for he heard it last night. At times you need validation from others to bolster your belief.

Now you will also understand why we said your restructuring would be more feminine. It all will make sense for you, but each of you is making that choice now which is why what you see before you are only probable realities and each of you is creating it now, and if you think you are not, that is what you wanted to remember in this lifetime.

October 11, 2018

You came here to be love. Please transcribe this message without censorship, for it will not only encourage and help you but all others, as that was your intention in this life.

We said you came to be love for a very specific reason. It was to get you to finally understand that there is nothing you must do to love because it is who you are. Now, as you experience your life, you know when you are not being yourself or being love because you don’t feel good.

When you are in fear, you are not being love. When you are judging another, or more importantly, yourself, you are not being love.

Our volume got a bit louder as we went on because we wanted you to hear this.

August 21, 2021

When you accept responsibility, your world will change. The responsibility of which we speak is that you become your true self and express that to your world, for that is why you are here, especially now.

You each come into the world to make a contribution to who you are. Who you are at the time of your birth is an eager being desiring to experience a life filled with success, happiness, and love. But then you may encounter experiences along the way that you do not understand, and what you decide to do with that lack of understanding is the key to your life.

Please note that we referred to your world in the title, and what we meant was the world you experience personally and the world in which you live or the collective. You wanted to be here at this time during your planet’s grand restructuring because it would give you the impetus to break free from your previously held beliefs of insignificance. There would be no other reason for you to be alive in physical form now unless you were meant to blossom. But that will only occur when you accept the responsibility we mentioned.

You each have something within you waiting to bloom, but your previous lack of understanding held you back in some way, and that is why you see the conditions in your world that you do now. But you are coming upon a time of significant change, and we told Roger we would like to speak on it tomorrow, for it will be another powerful full moon for you all, and the timing of that is also something that has been in the works for eons.

One final story and one we would like each of you to take to heart, quite literally. Yesterday, we mentioned that Roger lost one of his YouTube accounts, but we didn’t say what we had him do just before this occurred. We told him to write a letter as us, finally owning who he was without embarrassment or shame, which he has carried as you each have in different ways. We told him to blind copy the message and send it to all his family, friends, and close associates.

While it was challenging, the freedom he experienced was enormous, for, through us, he was able to express how much he has held himself back, how much he didn’t believe in himself or us, which are the same. The next day while dealing with the loss of the account, he also had several clients who needed great support as many are feeling the momentum of the shift in your world.

Roger could do more than he thought and stay in an uplifted place because he freed himself, which you will as well, and we will continue to help so you all will be fine.

August 21, 2022

And you will eventually believe us. We have said we have provided you with guidance to move through this transition in your life and world. It is occurring within each of you and your world collectively.

You also carry a fear of the unknown, and we knew these times could be challenging, but they can also be transformational if you begin to believe in yourself.

We have used Roger as both the conduit and the example. When his belief is bolstered, it helps all others as you are meant to evolve and offer what you gained to the world, so the collective evolves.

It is not about one person now, for you have moved into a new age where you were meant to find unity due to the current level of chaos in your world. That is why we said chaos always brings unity.

You are moving into a temporary period of increased division and anger, which we knew would occur, but as usual, we offered guidance. We also advised Roger to take our work to more as it is part of his mission, but he, too, must break free from past limitations and his resistance to changing the tuition.

There is a restructuring of your financial institutions, and the unbalanced wealth some have carried in your world, but you must also become willing to accept your worth, for no one will hand it to you. 

August 21, 2023

Self-acceptance is a destination. You are born into the physical world with a divine plan you wanted to fulfill, and that is the life journey you chose. You did so at a time that would serve your eternal evolution and that of your world.

You chose to be alive during the most extraordinary transition on your planet, meaning your life experience and wisdom are essential in forming your new world. Along the way, you might experience resistance to accepting the higher consciousness within you, which is why we have offered guidance.

We did so on this day in 2012, for we knew your life and global events could cause you to panic, but we want you to remember who you are and the strength and creativity within you. Accepting more of yourself each day will ease your anxiety and tendency to fear yourself or panic.


This recording will tie it all together, and you and our messenger will be ready to embrace your greatness.
That was always our intention.

. . .

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