May 23, 2024
The day for which you have waited. While we provided a message last year on this date, it will make far more sense to you today, especially with our live conversation.
May 23, 2023
The planet could not evolve without your unique contribution. Evolving means moving gradually into becoming more of who you truly are. Each of you is on a personal journey of growth, and this journey is unique to you. It’s a journey that requires you to let go of the limitations you have held in your thinking and the thinking you have believed about others.
The word expansion, which we have continually used, means becoming more inclusive of yourself and all others. You can only accomplish that when you let go of the previously limited thinking you’ve held in your life and society.
We gave you a message on this date in 2012 that will make much more sense to you now, especially on this particular day in your world.
May 23, 2012
Your expectations are only set by you. It becomes vital for you to remember this fact, for you often feel what might be termed as pressure from expectations you believe others have placed upon you or you must live up to.
You can, however, use those feelings as the impetus for you to do something, but it is never mandatory, for you are the one guiding your physical life experience.
Your goal in this lifetime is to continually expand or evolve, and if accepting those outside expectations as motivation helps you do so, so be it.
However, it’s important to remember that no one is forcing you to do so but you. You are the one responsible for your own growth and evolution.
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Unveil Your Potential: A Channeling Session with Wilhelm on the Flower Moon
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