May 21, 2024
Love yourself even more today. We refer to a message we provided last year on this date, but you will find it more usable today. The energy you emit as you absorb it will aid your evolution and planetary ascension.
May 21, 2023
Love yourself more today. While you have recently experienced an upset in your life and world, it was all for a grand purpose. You are alive to aid in your planet’s ascension, and you will accomplish that when you decide to love who you are and your entire life journey.
We have said you were moving through a restructuring, and if you honor the message we provided on this date in 2012, you will help accomplish the goal of your ascension and that of your world.
The following message is not a reprimand but a powerful reminder of the immense power and potential that resides within you. You possess more strength and ability than you could ever imagine.
May 21, 2012
You have indeed grown up now. That provocative statement is meant to bring your attention to the fact that you have gone through your adolescent phase as a human being and matured into an adult. Many
times, however, you still maintain the mental age of a child where you believe you need to ask for permission, so to speak, to guide your own experience.
This practice becomes an insidious habit, mostly hidden from your conscious awareness because you needed it as a child, but it was also meant to be outgrown as you mature. This process will also make you aware of how often you feel a child’s chronological age. However, you would be wise to accept the actions and behaviors of an adult.
– Wilhelm
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