April 2, 2024
You can change. It just takes time, but you will be more willing to receive what we provided a year ago on this day. You have always been guided.
April 2, 2023
You were born to change everything. We have said you are moving through a massive restructuring in your world, and you contribute by deciding to recognize and own your worth and value and add light and love to your life and the world.
We have also said we guided the way, but many of you found it challenging to believe, just as you have found it difficult to believe in the significance of changing your life and world.
Ten years ago, we provided a message that will resonate when you examine your life and world. It is time to stop complaining and begin creating and receiving.
April 2, 2013
Every complaint you have merely calls for a change in your behavior. Your immediate reaction to that statement might be to find instances where you feel justified, so to speak, in having your complaints. Every time you accept that thinking, you give away the power to control your physical life experience and your ability to experience peace.
It does not matter if you think your complaints are caused by a particular situation or person in your life experience; you always have the ability to change it. You can choose to leave the situation, person, or circumstance; ultimately, you can change your thinking, which always changes your experience.
You can use every instance where you complain as an opportunity to regain your life and experience that peace.
– Wilhelm
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