June 9, 2023
Nothing has ever gone wrong in your life or world. We know that statement might be challenging for many of you to accept, but that is the reason you are having a restructuring. And your world took another step yesterday, and the results will be seen by all of you soon. It is also the reason for our live conversation with you on Sunday.
However, we want you to understand the message we provided in 2012 because that was the beginning of the guidance we wanted you to have so that you could live your best life. Choose to love who you are and offer your essence to the world. Our only desire was for you to understand your importance, but your planet needs you to realize that now so that the energies might be shifted and you all create the world you desire.
June 9, 2012
You never intended to attempt to be all things to all people, even yourself. In other words, when you decided to have a physical life journey, you knew that focusing on the internal knowledge of what you were destined to do would offer you the most excellent opportunity to accomplish your desired expansion.
You merely need to examine past attempts in your life experience where you attempted to wander from that path with disappointing results and a lack of fulfillment on any level. When you then become more aware of the area that provides you with the greatest satisfaction in your life, you also know that is where you desire to focus.
Please join us! “You Were Meant to Become Abundant –a Wilhelm conversation“
SUNDAY, JUNE 11th 2023 5:00 PM PACIFIC
Click Here to Unlock the Secrets to Living to Your Potential Today
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