October 24, 2022
The change will be quicker now. We are saying this for two reasons. The first one is that restructuring your world will shift into another gear tomorrow. We advised Roger of this and said we would provide some explanations in a live conversation, but as of this morning, he had yet to schedule it. We are pointing this out for a reason.
You each are in your world now to offer your essence, and that is something that you could only bring to the world because you are unique. When you withhold that uniqueness by your refusal to practice self-acceptance, you experience challenges in your life and world. That is the reason for the current condition of your world, but you came to make a difference by deciding to love and embrace who you are.
Roger couldn’t believe we had given him everything in 2012, and you couldn’t believe the thing you were given was real, valuable, or would make a difference in how your world turns out, and that was the only mistake you have made in your life. During another Zoom call with his family last night, Roger needed help again because he couldn’t believe the gift we provided, and he was angry with himself.
When the call ended, we told him to look for the message we provided for today in 2012, and when he did, he knew he could no longer deny what he had been given, and neither will you if you desire your life and world to be what you want.
We also threw in another element. We had Roger “stumble” upon Bertrand Russell, who Roger had only heard the name of and knew nothing of the man as has occurred throughout his life, but that meeting now caused him to find a more profound belief in himself as we have attempted with you all.
October 24, 2012
Any experience of frustration you have is created by, directed at, and felt by you. You may argue that your particular cause of or feeling of frustration is due to another person or a particular situation or circumstance. You ultimately experience all those scenarios in the mental realm as you experience every aspect of your physical life.
The only person who controls your mental realm or how you decide to think and perceive things is you. With every experience of frustration, you have the opportunity to acknowledge first that you allowed it to occur, and then you are able to find the solution. You will find it in your new actions, words, or way of thinking.
Register for: You Have Reached a Critical Place on Your Journey – a Wilhelm Conversation
Please join us tomorrow, October 25, 2022, 8 AM PST
Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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