You could believe it today

January 18, 2025

You could believe it today. You come to the physical world with a blueprint for success and happiness, but you are the one who must bring it forth.

In recent years, we have asked a lot of you and your world, but we know that you have more than enough power, capability, strength, and wisdom to achieve your dreams. We encourage you.

Here is a message from several years ago. We had our messenger prepare a presentation for you, as he, too, is finding and owning his purpose, as will you.

January 18, 2008

You are constantly given examples to see that anything you desire is possible. If you limit yourself to conventional methods, you cut yourself off,

so to speak, from a plethora of opportunities that are available to you.

Again, this is why it is so essential not to try and figure out how it will get done, merely that it is. Serve as an example to all others in your experience, and a collective consciousness of choices is now available to you. See what you choose to believe. That one may take you a while to fully comprehend.


Please watch this video that will convince you.
Watch the Video Here

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