You always remember

January 16, 2025

You always remember. That is what occurs during your physical life experience, but you are the one who must take time to discover yourself, for that was the reason for your birth.

We recognize that recent times might have been challenging for many, but that is because you wanted to be here to evolve and change your life and world, and now you can.

January 16, 2018

You will reach and experience another level of mastery when you accept full responsibility for everything that shows up, especially and even more importantly, those events, people, and circumstances in which you find yourself and think you had no part in creating. That long sentence was intentional and one that you would do well to dissect and absorb.

When you can accept this, it means that you accept the integrity of all aspects of your life experience. Even when you don’t fully understand why some things are occurring, you do know that all of it is leading you to your highest good.

The word level was used at the beginning of this message to help you understand there is always more, but it is always higher awareness, which is expansion. 


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