I am not Wilhelm

January 14, 2025

I am not Wilhelm.

Our messenger asked for permission to become his authentic self and we said yes. After you see the video he does to accompany these messages, hopefully you will say yes.

That will be when you give up the fight to becoming your best self which is your authentic self.


January 14,  2020

Please give up the fight. We are speaking to each of you and Roger more specifically, as he is fighting us in receiving this message. 

You are each born into the world with characteristics, inclinations, and desires that are unique and quite individual. None of them are precisely the same! You each have difficulty with this because you judge and measure everything in physical terms and then label them as good or bad and right and wrong.

Now, because you don’t understand this completely, you will view others who either came before or are in your current experience. Then, when you experience your differences, you tend to think something is wrong with you or you are off-track in some way. You will know you are operating in this manner because you feel uncomfortable, sad, depressed, and sometimes even angry. Those emotions are meant to alert you to the fact you are fighting against yourself. 

Roger has done this for decades, and brilliantly we might add. He will serve as an excellent example for you all. Roger finds it challenging to release his need to inspire and support others. Those close to him judge this behavior as being odd, but he finds it impossible and physically uncomfortable to operate any other way. We have spoken of this often, and you can find a message we gave; you can’t be anyone else and be happy. 

Here’s the story. Roger received an email from a client last night expressing their appreciation for his work. Roger couldn’t read it or respond until this morning. We want him to place those words here, and that is where he is fighting us. The client is from another country, and we don’t want him to correct the English. Also, today, Roger is visiting with friends he has not seen or spoken to in fifty years. They sent him a message which he didn’t understand and pushed back on. We want him to find that as well. 

We gave him a process to use, which he gives to his clients called, find your own motivation. The instruction is to find and appreciate your accomplishments. He doesn’t do it himself, which is why we are taking this opportunity now. We thank you for your indulgence. 

Message one. 

Let me also take this opportunity to thank you for the great job you have done; I will make sure I work so hard on what I have learned.

You are such a kind, nice, and helpful person to work with.

I did not feel judged or looked down on, but you did your best to help me from my level.

Thank you once again sir. may God bless you and take you far in what you are doing for other people. I also read your newsletters which are very helpful.

Message two:

WONDERFUL! You are one of the high points of this trip, literally and figuratively! 


January 14, 2009

There are many phrases or sayings from your collective past that hold meaning and resonate for you simply because of the inherent truth they carry.

One would be, “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.” When you experience fear, you have momentarily forgotten who you are and the natural state of your being. When you have a fear of lack, you have forgotten that you are connected to the source or all that is. Therefore, your natural state is abundant.

The greatest of your fears is that of death; however, in actuality, you never die, but you may not remember that when you hold fear.

When you fully understand that your particular emotional state activates thoughts that are always creative, you will become aware that when fear arises, you have the ability to choose again and create a new future in your moment of now.

You are indeed that powerful.


January 14, 2010

You have done your part, and now you can relax.

This is just an essence of the creation process that you may now take hold of in order that you might experience that joyful physical life journey you always desire. Your part is in the acknowledging, asking, and then knowing that those very desires are in process and being delivered to you by the Universe in effortless ways.

This is the true development of trust and faith. This is the true realization and acceptance of the integrity of your life experience. Whatever you observe in your physical world helps you come to know this.


January 14, 2011

Healing is what you experience while in physical form when you move from an uncomfortable state of being to a comfortable state of being. Healing takes place in may different forms including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Even what you consider your physical death is eventually felt by you as healing.

When you simply allow that healing to occur, you let go of resistance to it and more readily experience that comfortable state no matter where you are. When you attempt to try and force healing, you actually set up a resistance to it and hold the uncomfortable state in place. As you study this, remember the subjective words used are to facilitate your understanding.


January 14, 2012

Your best is always enough. All you ever need to do is hold that particular belief in all that you do, and you will achieve what you intended. You also always know when you are not giving your best, and in those instances, you would do well to seek the reasons why.

You will come to find that it is either that what you are attempting is not for your highest good, not leading you to manifest your desires, or is that you are attempting to do something for someone or something other than for you.

You will only ever experience difficulty with this concept when you try to compare your best to another. Your unique best is always enough.


January 14, 2013

You fear your own magnificence. While at first, that statement may seem illogical to you, however upon closer examination, the truth behind it will be made clear.

Magnificence, as you might think of it personally, means the truly expanded you, the unlimited you, the abundant you, and the you that can do and accomplish anything.  

The reason that your magnificence would bring up fear is because it lies in your unknown. Your unknown always offers you the opportunity to expand, but you also learned to fear it as you grew up in an effort to find safety and security. Once you recognize the source of this fear, it will become easier to move beyond.   


January 14, 2014

There is nothing wrong with you wanting more. Subjective words are being used so you understand the meaning. More can refer to anything at all that you desire in your physical life experience. That former statement is meant to make you aware of a very subtle belief you have held that, on some level, it was not right for you to want more; if you had more, somehow, others might have less, or that when you receive more, you feel guilty.

Each and every soul has their own life purpose and mission, and what you do does not necessarily affect what they choose to do in their lives. You have the ability and skills to have anything that you desire in this life when you stop holding yourself back. Please contemplate this.


January 14, 2015

You can use the word stop as a powerful command you give yourself that can change your life direction and your personal reality. While you are aware that your thoughts are creative energy, you are not always aware of which thoughts you are holding, especially the ones that are in the process of manifesting something you do not desire.

When you notice you are holding those particular thoughts, just say stop. When you say stop, you become instantly aware that you are in your moment of now where you have access to your power, and you are now completely aware that you have a choice, and you can choose the thoughts you hold and give energy to that manifest what you desire. You can literally feel that power as you think of this now.

It is not that you need to pay attention to every fleeting thought, but you will indeed become aware of the ones you desire to change.


January 14, 2016

An area of your physical life experience that you would do well to study, examine, and come to know is that of learned behavior. The person that you are now is mostly a result of learned behavior, meaning that most of you in not actualized at this moment as your natural or inherent self. 

Anything about yourself now that you feel is limiting, restrictive, fearful, unhappy, or you are experiencing any manner of lack is a result of learned behavior. It is never quite as important to attempt to go back and figure out where you learned this behavior as it is much more productive for you to know that it is a learned behavior and, therefore, you have the ability to learn a new, more pleasing behavior.

One who is born into an affluent family or society then learns affluence. One who is born into poverty learns poverty. Either one can learn a new behavior at any time.


January 14, 2017

It is not possible for you to fully experience empowerment in your life without becoming willing to accept responsibility for all that occurs in your life.

Accepting responsibility is not fault, blame, guilt, or judgment but it is the recognition of choice.

Empowerment means that you know that whatever occurs in your life, whether or not it is because of something you have done or failed to do, or even something you think merely happened to you, there is always a choice that you can make, which in turn will cause you to feel and experience empowerment.

You created a program entitled overcoming everything yet you failed to recognize that the biggest thing for you to overcome is self-judgment. Self-judgment is never part of empowerment for that means you have yet to gain the benefit from whatever you have judged about yourself, and you have not owned the choices available to you.

Congratulations would be a far more appropriate sentiment.


January 14, 2018

The idea of emotional freedom came into your awareness, and as you know, that was not accidental. The concept of emotional freedom will mean something different to everyone, but for you, its meaning in your life could not be mistaken. 

You desire to reach a place in your life where you allowed your emotions their full expression because they will lead you to discover your beliefs that are continually creating your reality. On the other hand, you have also come to fear your emotions at times and attempt to block them because you do not trust their validity.

What you wanted to accomplish in this life was the ability to experience all of your emotions but not to be held hostage by them. That state is an aspect of empowerment. 


January 14, 2019

Stop resisting who you are. You had difficulty allowing this message to come through because it represents the difficulty you have experienced your entire life. What you kept hearing was judgment never helps you. Then you began hearing talks on the melding of the masculine and feminine energies, and therein lies your struggle. You all have done this to a degree.

You have classified certain characteristics as being masculine or feminine. Then, you begin to identify behaviors as being masculine or feminine. Because you begin to identify heavily with one of them, you feel out of sorts when the other shows up in your life. You have identified being non-judgmental as being feminine and thereby weak. Then you fight against yourself. Now, you will also understand the battle of the sexes.

You have tried desperately to assimilate the two, even where you brought people into your life where the rest of your society tells you to judge them, and you couldn’t. 

Here is the answer to your struggle. When you judge another, you judge yourself, for you are all one. You have known this, but now you can live it when you stop resisting who you are. 


January 14, 2021

Fear was always unwarranted, strangely necessary, and ultimately rewarding. The tense we used in that sentence was intentional, and some will understand its reference, but that understanding isn’t required to receive the wisdom of this message.

We refer to the current restructuring of your world and the information we gave Roger that is still beyond his understanding, but he can give you this much. Here, we also refer to your process of evolving.

As you move through your life, it feels to you as if you are doing it alone, but you never are. You have this feeling because each step you take, or movement you make in your evolvement causes you to elicit fear. 

Last night, we led Roger to the reason for this, and each of you would do well to understand this to move through the coming weeks with a bit more ease, which is cognitive dissonance. You each fear moving beyond what you have taught yourself to know, and when you witness conflict, whether internal or external, that component is present.

We will give you the last part of this, which is the ability to find the rewarding part we mentioned. You will move through the fear and embrace more of yourself, which means all others and the world. That last sentence is what we referred to in the beginning as to why we used the past tense of was. You have done this before, which is why we keep saying you will be fine. 


January 14, 2022

Your voice is the most important. We have sent you messages about this theme several times over the years. But today, it is also in preparation for our live talk tomorrow. You were born with desires and things you wanted to accomplish, but they are not complete. 

You sit at a time in your life and that of your world where you can finally make the difference you intended in the world. The thing you always wanted to do is before you now, and it is the choice that we said you each would make, and if you make a choice now you know leads to what you intended to manifest in your life, the idea you held about changing the world with your thoughts deeds and actions will begin to manifest. 

You always discover that your voice is as important as are all others, but you have had difficulty maintaining and speaking yours. But now, you will do so more readily, for your importance is becoming known to you because you are listening to your inner voice rather than the outside world. 

Every message we have given you this week led to our talk tomorrow because you have changed, but due to your longheld fear of the unknown, even though the new changes you desired are present, you may take some time to accept them. We will continue to help, and you all will be fine. 


January 14, 2023

You are more than capable. We hope you stay with our message today, for we have waited quite a while to deliver it to you and know that it might be challenging for you to accept. We will do our best.

You were born into the world to evolve, expand, and prosper. You decided to do so at a time of great transition in your world, and your contribution will be enormous to your world once you accept your significance.

We have said we provided guidance and done so using the wisdom and knowledge of all those who came before, which is why we wanted you to begin to accept the idea of infinite intelligence, for you each possess it. It is the way you and your world evolve.

Now, you are attempting to ascend to higher states of consciousness in your world, but that can only occur through you. The thing you have in front of you to do is essential for the evolvement of all that is, and we provided a philosophy to utilize through Roger.

You each have eternal histories you can access, and we have used many, including Nietzsche, but we went back further as Goethe influenced him. You uncover who you are as you become willing to expand your consciousness.

We will continue more later, but we wanted to explain why Roger adopted the name Wilhelm, which he had no awareness of in 1988 but gave him a clue about it in 1978. We are making this point because you each possess those memories and our work was to cause them to awaken in you.

Goethe wrote a work that we are continuing, and you are continuing evolution in your life that will aid your world as you embody more self-acceptance. 

Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship

“The eponymous hero undergoes a journey of self-realization. The story centers on Wilhelm’s attempt to escape what he views as the empty life of a bourgeois businessman. After a failed romance with the theater, Wilhelm commits himself to the mysterious Tower Society.”

You will understand what we have provided as you study the words in the description above. Now apply it to the message we gave on this day in 2012. 

January 14, 2012

Your best is always enough. All you ever need do is hold that particular belief in all you do, and you will achieve what you intended. You also always know when you are not giving your best; in those instances, you would do well to understand why.

You will come to find that it is either that what you are attempting is not for your highest good, not leading you to manifest your desires, or is that you are trying to do something for someone or something other than for you.

You will only ever experience difficulty with this concept when you try to compare your best to another. Your unique best is always enough.


January 14, 2024

You were always more than enough. This time in your world might have caused you to forget, but we are always here to remind you.

The following message and our recent live conversation will boost your remembrance. Please reread 2012.


Wilhelm Channeling Full Moon Session, January 13, 2025
“How to Manifest Your Dream Life”
Watch the Replay Here

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Our messenger’s video:
“Why You’re Secretly Holding Yourself Back from Success”
Watch the Video Here

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Join Us in Wilhelm’s Work, Life Transformation for the New World

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