Now you can succeed

January 4, 2025

Now you can succeed. We are speaking of all the information we provided during your restructuring on this date.

You grow in your awareness in linear time, but reviewing what we have given you on this one day will cause more of you to believe in yourselves, even our messenger.

None of you know the capabilities you possess when you come into physical form, for you intend to evolve as you live. We have provided additional help so you might hear your guides and angels today. You were always needed.


January 4, 2008

Whenever you blame anyone else for your current life experience, you lose your power and creativity. It is not possible to look at any area of your life and judge it as being “bad” and then place that particular cause onto

someone else without feeling like a victim in some manner.

You are never a victim, and your first difficulty was seeing the situation as being “bad” in the first place. All that has occurred is that you gave yourself opportunities to find out, remember, and experience who you truly are.

Ask yourself different questions. What did you desire to remember, learn, or grow into? Whatever “terms” work for you, for it is not important what you call it, for all you

wanted to do was expand. Expansion is what life is all about, and you cannot accomplish this without the particular challenges you have given yourself.

Again, remove the judgment; that makes it all much “lighter.”


January 4, 2009

The true nature of your being is eternal, unlimited, and abundant. Your fears will always point out to you the particular areas of your physical life experience where you have not accepted that fact as true for you.

Your fear of death will indicate that you have not accepted your eternal nature. Your fear of lack will point out that you have not accepted that you and the Universe are unlimited.

It would be beneficial for you to simply acknowledge when those fears arise, and recognize them as opportunities for you to continue on your intended goal of realizing the true nature of your being while being in a physical body, living a physical life.

“Just say yes” to all of it. This is truly the path of least resistance that you desire and where your freedom awaits.


January 4, 2010

There is no situation or event that shows up in your life experience that you may term as disastrous that does not also hold the key to further advancement and evolvement. It is indeed always there and you simply have to become willing to see it.

At times, it is apparent to you instantaneously, and other times, at some future now experience. Nevertheless, they all have their purpose and meaning in your very own intended progression.

When you hold to this knowledge in your every moment of now, miraculous things do happen.


January 4, 2011

Your plans will always come up short, and that is good news. While it is important for your forward movement to make plans, you would then do well to release any expectations of specific results from those plans.

It is not possible for you to know from where you sit now, all that is possible for you and you always intended to entertain limitless possibilities. Since you have experienced certain outcomes previously in your physical life experience, you also then have the tendency to place certain restrictions or limitations of what your future could possibly deliver.

This can be such a fun process for you when you approach it in this manner. The end result, no matter what it is, is always expansion.


January 4, 2012

Communication is always available when you decide to pay attention. That communication most times feels like you are speaking to you. In essence, that is always the case, even when you are engaged in a conversation with another.

The trick here is to hear that communication, decide if what you are hearing is leading you to what you desire to create and manifest in your life experience or not.

You have gained enough knowledge and wisdom to always know what you need do in order to create the experience you desire, but you can also pretend to not hear that communication. When you decide to listen, your journey is much more enjoyable.


January 4, 2013

Your expansion is completely up to you. You can think of expansion in many different ways, including becoming more, realizing and accepting your real self or spiritual nature, or evolving. All of these terms have the same end product, and that is you become more in some manner.  

It matters not whether you think of it as having more stuff, experiencing more love, or simply becoming happy; all of those things are completely initiated, accomplished, and achieved by what you decide to do, how you decide to think, and what you choose to say and believe.  

Expansion is never dependent on anything outside of you or any other influences. This knowledge provides you with unlimited power.   


January 4, 2014

In every moment of now in your physical life experience, you have before you a blank canvas. That blank canvas is your future life, and you are the artist who will decide what to create on that canvas. This is how you create your personal reality. You do so through the actions you decide to take, the particular beliefs you choose to hold, the words you choose to speak, and your own willingness to pick up the brushes, so to speak.

While there is another part of you that you can think of as your higher self that allow events and situations to show up in your life experience that you do not have a conscious awareness of, the fact is all of it is for your benefit to help you experience your highest good.

The greater part of all of this is that you have that blank canvas now.


January 4, 2015

The manner in which you develop courage while at the same time facilitating your expansion is by deciding each day to do something that scares you just a bit. The word scare is used because it implies that it is not something necessarily dangerous that would put your life at risk, but merely something that you know where you experience some manner of trepidation.

This also does not mean that you would do things that are of no interest to you, but those things that you know are your personal desires that have caused you hesitation because you have harbored some manner of fear.

Your entire physical life experience is about overcoming fear, and this is just another way to ease into your process. Keep in mind they can even be simple or minor things, but doing them anyway will provide you with the results you seek.


January 4, 2016

You allow stressful situations to show up in your life because you desire to expand and become more. Now, that may sound a bit crazy to you at first, but once you understand it, you will also be able to give up that behavior and no longer need to do it.

It is not that you create these situations, but it is more that you will inadvertently do certain things or fail to do certain things so that the stressful situation shows up, which then causes you to do something to either solve the problem or eliminate the stress. It is almost as if you are using this behavior as a motivating factor, but in truth that is never required when you allow your awareness to see what you have been up to.

Decide today to use your own initiative to cause your expansion and become more.


January 4, 2017

For the purpose of this message, value and worth will be given narrow definitions. Value is what you come to believe about yourself, and worth is what others may be willing to pay you for the value you hold.

Now, given this scenario, you will come to see that it becomes important for you to establish your value first before you can expect it to be worth it to others. The biggest difficulty for you is that you have not come to fully know, recognize, and own the value that your experience holds.

That experience alone will be immensely worth it for others to receive when you first know it yourself and then can state that clearly to others. Take time to write down your value now.


January 4, 2018

You created this for a reason. That state of mind is one that you would do well to hold when you find yourself in difficult or challenging situations. You are now more receptive to receiving the answer you seek, which is always there, but you have been blocking it from your awareness. 

The exciting thing is that the answer is usually the same. You created this because you wanted motivation to do something that you genuinely want to do but have been too frightened. If the conditions of your life then reflect this fear, you will move toward what you want. What you want is to be your full self. 


January 4, 2019

Even your misplaced anger can be helpful when examined in the correct way. We say correct because it is leading you to become the person you desire. 

The anger you typically experience is misplaced because you are directing it to another rather than examining your part in the creation of the situation, which caused you to become angry. 

In most cases, you clearly see that you didn’t value yourself and gave away your talents, abilities, and power. You do this when you focus on the other. You sought to live a life as an empowered being, and that is not possible unless you accept responsibility, acknowledge the anger at yourself, and then forgive yourself so you can make new choices. 


January 4,  2020

Now your life will be fun. Now we know we have often said that whatever communication we are about to give you would be the one that changes your life, but we really mean it this time. First, we will make a bold statement that we will use Roger to prove. That statement is, the only challenges, difficulties, or what you call problems exist because of your judgment. That is the judgment of others, yourself, and your world. 

There could be no better teacher than Roger to serve as an example so that each of you might begin to trust yourselves and your experiences. Here is the story. Last night, Roger found himself watching hours of documentaries discussing scientific discoveries. We have often mentioned that Roger has never trusted our communications fully or his intuitive self. You each have difficulties with this, again because of judgment. 

Roger will trust himself now if he finds “valid” evidence of what he might be experiencing, especially from scientists. Roger thought we were leading him to further study of Einstein, but we wanted him to discover Sir Issac Newton. There have been recent discoveries of his works where he married the notions of spirituality, religion, and science. You will come to discover there is no separation. This information was withheld for centuries, again, because of judgment. 

This morning we placed in front of Roger a video of a presenter in front of thousands of people, speaking on trusting your intuition or gut. Now Roger had more validation of information he had received, but now he also witnessed fun! These people had released their judgment. Now he has given himself more permission to release his judgment of himself, which more of you will do now as a result of this message. Contemplate.


January 4, 2021

You have lived your life purpose. We thought that title might capture your attention, for most of you spend a significant portion of your physical life experiences trying to find something that has always existed within you. Still, you failed to believe or trust in some way. 

As we have said, you are moving through a massive restructuring, and another way you might think of it is, you are here this time to complete or improve upon something you had not. It is different for each individual, so you must find yours, but frequently the thing you want to do feels strange and foreign to you, so you neglect to trust your guidance, which is always revealing your life purpose.

Roger knew he was to come to trust and believe in himself and then help others accomplish the same. Like you, Roger would think that someone else must have already achieved what he was to do, which is the greatest impediment to your evolution. You came to do something new that is unique to you, and it is essential for the evolution of your world.

Last night, before retiring, Roger opened an email from a client who visited our mediation and automatic writing program. We have often spoken of Roger’s reluctance to talk about this subject, even though we had him create the program years ago. What he saw from the client confirmed what Roger only slightly believed he was meant to do. It surprised and shocked Roger and brought him to tears. Those were tears of recognition and cleansing, and each of you will experience the same through this restructuring, and you will be fine.

We will leave you with the previous message to encourage you to find and own your life purpose, which has been “hiding” inside you.

October 29, 2019

Your life purpose will find you. First of all, understand that this message has been decades in the making. That statement will provide solace for many of you. Several days ago, Roger had what he thought was a “brilliant” idea to acquire new clients, so he created a contest. The entry condition included submitting a description of what they wished to accomplish or achieve through his coaching. Roger’s original intention became usurped by what he discovered, which was his life purpose.

It may appear to many of you that he has known and accepted that, and you would be incorrect. He doubted it until yesterday. As he read the entries, he saw every difficulty, problem, or challenge he had experienced in his life right in front of his face, so Roger knew he had something to offer now. Now is the operative word, which, as we said, it has taken decades. It doesn’t matter how long it takes any of you to discover your purpose, as it is there, but it is your responsibility to live it.

Roger’s purpose is to help others find their purpose, and your purpose will show up through your life experiences as well. Lastly, many of you misunderstand the meaning of purpose. Your only purpose in life is to become your best self because that helps you and the world evolve. You all will come to know this with certainty.


January 4, 2022

You are the most powerful person you know. We have just given you the essence of every communication we have ever given. and it was the intended goal those would come to understand as they move through the work we provided you in 2012, which we now call “Your Life Operating Instructions.” 

As we have mentioned, none of you began your evolutionary journies in this lifetime. But you are here now to complete a particular mission you established for yourself, and the process of achieving whatever you chose comes through your self-acceptance which always appears at the right time in your life as it was when you even found our words.

We told Roger to find one message we gave you several years ago to prepare for your world now and how it intersects with your intended mission of recognizing and finally coming to own your internal power. Please also note the direction we had to give him to deliver those words, so do not judge yourself for not moving before now. 

We also told Roger our focus for the talk this Saturday will be on how you can remain calm in the midst of chaos for your world will exhibit that quality for you, but you are the one who chose to be here, and when you accomplish the message we leave now, you all will be fine.

December 17, 2017

Stop running from yourself. Please tell your story in detail, as it will help so many.

You uncovered a transcript of a dream you had twelve years ago. The number of years is essential. Here is the transcript.

“The appearance of this dream was there were several spiritual leaders of a sort in a group in a circle, and we were asked who would do something, and I ran forward. It seemed that I volunteered while thinking, why did it need to be me? 

I seem to be conflicted about whether I will continue to listen and be open without the pain or whether I will go back to my old ways. 

I ask for guidance and clarity. There is still a part of me that thinks the experience isn’t real on some level, and I could put it away while a stronger part knows that is not the case.”

(You have also witnessed the first time Roger has shared that exact transcript, and that is because it makes sense to him now as it will to many of you.)

Now, in your current time, after discovering the transcript, you attempted to pretend you didn’t see it; for now, it could no longer be ignored. You now recognize the conflict. Stop running means letting go of the resistance you have had in becoming your true self. Everyone does this to a certain degree, and now you get to decide if you will stop running.


January 4, 2023

We wanted you to succeed. We have said you were moving through a restructuring in your world and your life. Everything is happening through you, and you will experience the life and world you want by how willing you are to expand your consciousness.

We had Roger use that particular title, for he knows it’s one we rarely use because he had difficulty accepting who he has become, as you might have. You exist in the world to offer your essence, so your planetary ascension turns out the way you intended.

We will leave the message we provided on this date in 2012, and we know many could not accept that. We knew you might have difficulty accepting your importance in this planetary ascension.

So, we also offered reinforcement for you all. You always require stimulation in your current experience to accept what might be possible in your new one. We will leave a video from Gregg Braden, who explains everything we have given you over the past several years. You will believe in yourself more. 

We also asked Roger to hold a Saturday presentation where he will explain “us” in his “normal” voice so that more of you might hear us. 

January 4, 2012

Communication is always available when you decide to pay attention. That communication most times feels like you are speaking to you. In essence, that is always the case, even when you are engaged in a conversation with another.

The trick here is to hear that communication and decide if what you are hearing leads you to what you desire to create and manifest in your life experience.

You have gained enough knowledge and wisdom to know what you need to do to create the experience you desire, but you can also pretend not to hear that communication. When you decide to listen, your journey is much more enjoyable.


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