Your abundance will be visible today

December 24, 2024

Your abundance will be visible today. It has always existed within you and your world, but you are moving through your individual evolutionary process to contribute to your planetary ascension.

The experience of abundance is a place of complete self-acceptance that you begin to recognize within yourself so that it will manifest in your world.

We said you were here to restructure your life and the world. The message we provided in 2012 on this date can be reinterpreted by you today. If more of you accept its wisdom, you will end your lack of abundance and the lack of abundance experienced by others in your world.

December 24, 2012

Lack does not exist, and abundance is all there is. Any experience of lack that you have is because of something you are doing or not doing or because the manifestation of whatever it is you think you lack would not serve your journey of expansion that you set forth in this lifetime.

There is never a lack of time, but only how you choose to use it. There is never a lack of money, but only what you have decided to allow to come to you or your willingness to cause its manifestation. There is never a lack of creativity, but only as much you are willing to accept will manifest for you.

Every aspect of your life as it unfolds is always to help you expand.   


Awakening is a continuous process. Our messenger’s video is for you.
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