You can believe in yourself even more today

December 22, 2024

You can believe in yourself even more today. We will repeat a portion of the message we gave you on this date in 2020. We also had our messenger record a video for you, as we wanted you to understand your life’s importance now.

December 22, 2020

Everything you need has already been given to you. Getting Roger to write those words took us a while, but the reason behind his actions will inform this message and, hopefully, you.

Roger didn’t want to write the words because he was aware that many might not believe them at this time due to the conditions in their lives and those of the world. 

Still, on the other hand, Roger knows they are correct, for he has demonstrated them in his life in various ways. At times, he owns those words, and at other times, which occurred more often, he denied them; otherwise, he would not have found himself in certain situations or circumstances in his life. Here again, Roger knows that was never true as well. Because of these  “truths,” he is discovering, as you may have during this time, it becomes almost surprising that he only believed them when he was “forced” to, as you may feel now.

We spoke yesterday of the great conjunction that held so much promise for everyone and your world. Then, we referred to the harmonic convergence of 1987. All the references were meant to point out periods of your life where you failed to utilize what you had been given, but there comes a time when you do.

Then, a friend sent an article about yesterday’s events and referred to another time in your history when many of you may have felt the drive to become more of yourselves, the solstice of 2012. We told Roger to look up our message and apply it to his life now.

However, when you read it, apply it to that part of you not yet recognized, and you will find you have been given everything.


Here’s the video, which includes the 2012 message:
Watch the Video Here

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