Yes, you can have it all

November 1, 2024

Yes, you can have it all. We first shared this belief with you on November 1, 2012, and have been guiding you since then. Look at the potential you’ve unlocked. It’s time for you to accept all you can.

We are having our messenger do the same thing as we asked him to record a video the day before your new moon and our conversation with you so he can demonstrate you, your world, and the United States could have it all. It depends on how much you want to love yourself.  

November 1, 2012

You can indeed have all of it. That statement is meant to inform you of how often you set up certain limitations in your physical life experience. You learned many of those limitations, or limited thinking, at a very early age because certain things were withheld from you, and you then began to accept that as your reality, which you then went about creating over and over.

While you might say there is a limited amount of time that you have to do, be, or accomplish certain things, you will notice that you have not focused on specific things because they are not your priority. You see others who accomplish many things around you, and you will do the same once they become your priority.

November 1, 2013

Nothing is too difficult for you, but that can become an excuse when you are unwilling to do whatever it takes to accomplish something or that particular thing is not your desired goal. Understanding the difference here is important, for every time you affirm that something is too difficult, you are diminishing your innate powers and abilities.

When you acknowledge that you are unwilling to do something and are clearly making that choice, your powers and abilities remain intact and increase because you know you are making choices.

You would do well to attempt to eliminate the idea that anything is too difficult and that you are simply making choices.

November 1, 2014

You have everything you need right now to create the physical life experience you desire, and when you feel that you are not having that experience, it simply means that you are not using what you have. That statement comes as no surprise to you, but you have also been unwilling to acknowledge it because doing so means that you need to take steps in a direction you have found frightening.

This is not a “bad” thing when you earnestly recognize what this situation has to offer. This is precisely the motivation you sought to take these steps, and sometimes, you need to be pushed, as it were.

The point is you only need to hold, study continually, and believe that very first statement. It is golden.

November 1, 2015

Equality is the single goal or ideal that you and all humankind strive to attain, experience, and live to heal your individual lives and your world. This message makes even more sense when you consider equality as a belief.

When you strive to achieve it individually, you understand that there are no others “better” or “worse” than you. Therefore, you possess the ability to expand exponentially and achieve just as much as anyone else. When you strive for equality in your world, it ends all wars because you collectively understand that all people deserve to experience unlimited freedom. After all, they are all indeed equal.

Every goal, dream, and ideal you might hold for yourself and your world is achieved by seeking equality.

November 1, 2016

You had an experience the other day that brought to your awareness a difficulty you have noticed for quite a while but have chosen not to examine more closely or even attempt to change. That particular difficulty is receiving.

You have noticed that receiving many things, including physical possessions, money, compliments, acknowledgment, love, and the list goes on, sometimes makes you feel uncomfortable. Now, the reason you have these experiences is that you have formed a personal belief that you are not deserving.

You could spend a great deal of time attempting to go over your life to find why you formed this belief, but it would be far more productive and effective to decide to change it now. You do that by choosing to be aware of those moments when you feel undeserving and decide in your moment of now to feel deserving.

November 1, 2017

It couldn’t possibly be this easy, was the sentiment you felt this morning when you began to gain more awareness of the process of living your life.

You began to understand the science behind some of your long-held beliefs that you never fully assimilated. You knew that everything is energy including and especially your thoughts. You also knew that you would have access to your power or energy if you offered no resistance to anything occurring in your life. You even knew that you could only access that place of existence when you decided to feel good and practice appreciating the things you want.

Now, here is the difficulty you have faced in your life, and it may shock you because it is so easy in theory, and that is, you have never permitted yourself to feel good. When you change this, you change everything. 

November 1, 2018

Co-dependency is a gift. We used that title because we knew it would capture your attention. You and so many others have taken that term and made it something dangerous you should avoid. You have done this because you failed to grasp the value and purpose of all human relationships. 

Every relationship you encounter offers you a path to the empowerment you seek should you take advantage of that guidance. When you think you are in a destructive co-dependent relationship, it is because you wanted to experience independence, so this relationship provides the choice you can make in that direction. When you are in a relationship that you think you need and can’t survive without, it is because you want to know for sure and feel your autonomy, and then realize there is nothing you need as it is all within you.

No relationship is inherently bad for you unless you make it so by not responding to the hints you are being given to become more of yourself. 

November 1, 2019

You are not living an accidental life. That sentence is true for every person, and if you don’t believe that, it is because you have decided to accept something else. Now, you have done this because you have thought others possessed or knew more than you, or you allowed your life experiences to frighten you. That is what Roger has done; his example will help you as you are to do for others. 

Roger has had a life of many ups and downs, and because of that, he thought he might be doing something wrong, which was why he struggled. Now, he knows that his struggles all hold value, so even they were not accidental. What he has done, and you also do, is not extract the value from those experiences. 

The other day, he had a call with a consultant in London who was astonished by Roger’s life story. That conversation made Roger recognize his worth more. Then, the same person sent him a video with Simon Sinek, which made the evidence of alignment in his life quite apparent. Simon spoke of the value of offering results from experience, which Roger has but was unwilling to own entirely. 

Then Roger decided to create a contest, and the entries he received all expressed what they wanted to accomplish as well as what was preventing them from doing so—everything that Roger knew firsthand. So, after all this time, Roger could now see that nothing about his life was accidental, as it is not for any of you once you decide to seek that value from your experiences and become willing to share it with others. 

November 1, 2020

None of this is accidental, and you are evolving. We have waited for eons to give you those words, and it is not essential if you believe that; however, if you attempt to accept them, you will find great value in this message.

We actually gave those words to Roger last night, and he spoke a message from us. He recorded it and thought it would be fun to transcribe it, but we told him our idea was better. 

We are speaking of the restructuring of your world and you personally, and you all have made extraordinary movements. But that is also the cause of the challenges. Each of you was born to accomplish something for yourself and to add that to the collective consciousness.

Each of you has a unique path charted by your ancestors and those other soul connections you have at birth. These are eternal connections, but because of this, you have no memory because you wanted to do something new and something you and your ancestors had not accomplished in previous lifetimes. If you believe none of that, you have yet to recognize your significance in the world and the entire process of evolution.

Most of you do not see yourselves clearly, including Roger. But that never matters, for you are provided guides in physical and spiritual forms, and they appear in your life in various ways. Roger has a nephew who is a guide for him, so we said our way of delivering this message would be much more effective.

Roger’s nephew sent an email describing Roger so well that it was uncomfortable, and Roger’s only response was, “You’re right.” We will take some liberties, knowing his nephew will not mind as he reads our words. 

To further inform what we will provide, please know that Roger has known this aspect of himself but has attempted to hide it from himself and the world until now. We are saying those words because each of you is doing the same in your own way. Do not judge yourself! That is why we say that in the end, you and the world are evolving no matter what you feel now or see in the world. You will be fine. 

The words from his nephew. (This was not new to Roger; what you have avoided is not new to you and only part of your road to evolution.)  

You are a peaceful, loving intuitive that is DEATHLY AFRAID of division, argument, conflict, and violence of any kind, and when you feel that YOU are the source of those things, you are doubly fearful. Overcoming THAT fear (and finding the courage to speak your truth) is important for you. When you learn to face conflict and STILL respond with truth, compassion, and understanding, even to your “adversary,” but you & Wilhelm already know that. Fundamentally, as a compassionate intuitive, you are here to spread this positive side of your gift and learn how to do so in the negative dimension (some call it Earth), where conflict is unavoidable.

Yes, we were sneaky. We wanted to leave those words for your world and provide acknowledgment and appreciation to Roger’s nephew. You all possess this gift.

November 1, 2021

You wanted to love yourself more. We thought we would begin by telling you why you were reading our words, why you are in the world now, and why you chose this time of restructuring your world. We are also giving you some information we will clarify during our live talk with you on Thursday, as that will be a day of implementation.

In our talk last Saturday, we told you that we went to great lengths over decades to bring you that information. Typically, you are resistant to loving yourself, but you assimilate it more quickly if we give it to you in smaller doses. We told you we revealed things to Roger the night before that talk, which was surprising to him, as we wanted him to accept more of himself and his journey to aid you all.

We will go back to our fairytale, for, at times, visualizations are more helpful. Imagine that you have always existed as a soul and constantly communicated with your world, and you observed the current conditions. You then wait for the right moment to inject yourself into the world or your birth. Then, all the events and circumstances that will occur will offer you the opportunity to complete something you had not done, heal something left undone, and finally come to love yourself more.

We also told you that you come into the world and use fear and doubt to navigate yourself to love, which is what you are doing now. It is also why you chose this challenging time, for if you move through more of your fear and doubt and come to love yourself more, you will also accomplish the collective mission you held simultaneously: healing and loving your world, which is you. We will explain more, and you all will be fine. 

November 1, 2022

Today’s message may shock you. And if so, that was our intention. We have said you are moving through a massive restructuring of your life and world. You each came to contribute to the transition of your world, and you will do so by deciding to move through that transition within you that you have held back.

As you examine your world with fear or uncertainty, you hold yourself back and your world. You have moved to a new dimension today in this process, and you will hear many more speaking about this, but what is within you needs to flourish.

You each come with gifts to offer to your world and yourself. We have said part of this restructuring would be a rebalancing of the wealth-income disparity that has existed in your world for eons, but some of you, like Roger, have needed help receiving your wealth. It could be for various reasons, but the major one is understanding and accepting your worth and value.

We advised Roger to make changes to our program. He has used it as a form of self-sabotage, which many of you have also engaged in. We hope you follow this message to its conclusion so you will understand there are no random events in your life or world. It all depends on how much you are willing to accept.

This morning, we led Roger to three videos, which we will leave below. We used the couple because many of you will find new connections that will provide more fortitude. We gave you Archangel Michael because he has influenced many, especially Roger. We gave you Eckhardt for their alignment because he spoke of Jesus, which many of you might think of in a new way.

Finally, we will leave the message we provided on this date in 2012, for again, we want to build your belief and trust in yourselves and the evolution of your world. We wanted you to stop hiding from yourself and your gifts, and we are using Roger as an example.

We know this is long, but it is necessary. Before Roger began to write today’s message, we had him open a moon reading that “magically” showed up in his email. Nothing is random.

“While gazing at the other eight wands, a wounded man leans on one of them. There is no space for failure, according to this card. After all you’ve done to get here, you can’t give up or go back. You must persevere and delve deeper within yourself to discover some new kind of energy.

This may be your last project, enabling you to finish what you’ve started. Whatever you have poured your heart and soul into will come to fruition. This is the final obstacle before success.”

November 1, 2023

All wars are within you. It may appear to you at times that the wars you experience in your life or world are occurring from outside sources; they are happening within you.

You each come to the physical plane with a unique life plan that, if followed, would allow you to live extraordinary lives. However, you also carry memories of this lifetime or others and begin to believe you were not enough.

When you decide to love yourself and remember your worth and value, you end the war within yourself and add to the restructuring of your world, which is occurring now.

Everything we gave you was to aid you in your ascension, and we did so years ago. It may take time for you to accept your importance, but that is the process of evolution.

We began guiding you in 2012, and you might hear us now. 


Here’s the video

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Ending the Inner War: Embrace Your Power and Purpose
November 1st, 2024 — 12pm Pacific Time
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