There is order in the Universe

October 23, 2024

There is order in the Universe. We wanted you to have a better life and world. That is the title we gave our messenger and asked him to put together a presentation to explain the restructuring of your life and world. But we also wanted you to have another piece of your ascension puzzle today, for there is another portal you’ve all moved through, especially our messenger, who, as we have mentioned before, is a double Scorpio.

While many of you may not understand the energetic connections of your birthday, we do as we have given you a message that will help you during this time of transition in your life and world.

As you read the messages we gave you on this date beginning in 2008, another energetic shift in your world, you will understand where you arrived today. It will be up to you if you decide to live your better or best life, which would manifest the world you all want to see.

That is the ultimate reality we have spoken of from the very beginning of our guidance. You are loved, and you can manifest whatever you desire. We hope you want the best for yourself and your world because you can accomplish it.

Please follow through to the end, and you and your world will be changed.

October 23, 2008

You are only responsible for your thoughts, deeds, words, and actions. Being responsible means recognizing how all those elements shape and mold the person you desire to be.

When you think you are responsible for others in this regard, you simultaneously halt your progress and obscure your vision. All others who come into your life experience do so because they have their particular agenda, and you then serve an essential purpose for them.

When you understand and accept this premise more deeply, you are in the process of practicing forgiveness, for you know that none of you ever did anything “wrong.”

The point of power is always in your moment of now. Become willing to gain a new perception.

October 23, 2009

Difficulty is merely a label you have placed on something you have given yourself to achieve your goal of evolvement.

You have become accustomed to using that label, which has become “normal” for you. Most of the time, you are unaware you have even used it. Now, you can also use that label to your benefit by allowing its presence into your awareness.

In that very moment, you now have the opportunity to reframe it to an advantage. You acknowledge that you agreed on this particular challenge, for you knew it would benefit you. This is always true.

October 23, 2010

You can’t dream bigger than what can be made manifest in your life experience. This is an important concept for you to study and absorb. You often do not allow yourself to dream too big for fear of disappointment. Again, this is not possible, for whatever does become manifest is for your highest good and what you intended to accomplish in this life experience.

The other part is that you will not manifest anything larger than you allow yourself to dream. While you may think that sometimes that has not been the case for what showed up was bigger than what you thought, rest assured you did dream it somewhere.

October 23, 2011

Your destination is always ahead of you. That simple sentence, when held by you, will help you remember that you always intended to move forward instead of continually visiting where you have been. Your past does provide you with a framework for the greater awareness and wisdom you sought; however, you never intended to live there.

The value you have gained from all your past experiences was meant to provide you with the fuel and motivation to continue your expansion. When you attempt to live in your past, you tend to focus on regret and, therefore, miss your now. You can only ever create now.

October 23, 2012

Own you. That admonition may sound strange or even unnecessary for you initially; however, as you begin to examine how you have chosen to live your life in many instances, you will find the importance of the concept and how it applies to your continued expansion.

Owning yourself means accepting every aspect of your being and becoming willing to express your truth as you know it today without shame, embarrassment, or guilt. There are times when you attempt to do so much to please or impress others that you end up leaving the direction of your life experience in the hands of those others.

In order to accomplish this, you need to relinquish your ideas of right and wrong and know you will come to know that for yourself as you begin to own yourself.

October 23, 2013

Your generosity is always rewarded because it operates in the Law of Abundance. Anything that you give of a physical nature will cause some increase in your own life. It matters not what you offer; whether it is your time, thoughts, wisdom, knowledge, or money, all of it will increase for you.

This occurs because giving something affirms that you believe you have plenty to offer. You have difficulty with this concept when your giving is predicated on what you might receive. When you think of what you might receive because of your giving, you are affirming that you do not have enough and because you always create your personal reality that will ultimately be your experience.

You will always know what you are up to when you are in the act of giving because you immediately experience that you feel good, and that is most important.

October 23, 2014

Slow down. At times, that can be the most helpful command you can give yourself. Many times, it also feels to you that you are being forced to slow down because of something that may be occurring in your physical body or your outside world that feels like an obstacle, but the truth is it is merely your higher self aiding you in experiencing a more joyful life.

You can also think of it as a time of reflection, which many times you fail to provide for yourself. This is an essential step for you and will help you regain your focus now in terms of your own expansion and who you desire to be. Decide to fully embrace the moments when you are advised to slow down, and this is one of them.

October 23, 2015

All of your experiences were purposeful, none of them were accidental, and each was necessary to provide you with the framework to live the life of your dreams now when you begin to honor all of those experiences.

That was a long sentence, and each word was used intentionally. You have difficulty at times understanding and accepting this process because you are busy classifying your experiences as either good or bad. When you use those labels, it takes you a bit longer to realize how beneficial all of your experiences were.

When you come to that place, it is your “job,” if you will, to decide how to use them to not only cause your continued expansion but also to fulfill the magnificent intention you set forth in your life.

October 23, 2016

As you move through your life, you will have what feels like momentous realizations. The one you are having now is the realization that your life is in your hands.

Now, this is both liberating and terrifying. When you know there is nothing standing in your way so that you might manifest the life you desire, you simultaneously eliminate your previously held excuses.

You move through this period easily when you decide to stay aware of precisely where you are in your life and recognize now that everything depends on your choices. You will choose to take control or not, but at least you know it is all in your hands.

October 23, 2017

Money and self-worth have nothing to do with one another except what you have made up. Now, you have made up many beliefs about money and your worth or value because of what you were taught and observed and then decided to adopt. The process differs for everyone, and you only need to know yours.

You witnessed an apparent lack when you were younger and began to believe that lack somehow had something to do with you. Then, you started associating your worth with the amount of money you had. You continued to re-create those realities in your personal life not because they were real but because that was what you believed was real. You can change this at any moment.

All things are energy, including money, so if you concentrate on raising your belief in yourself and your worth and value, then the money will follow because that is the system you created.

October 23, 2018

The only manifestations that show up in your life through your experiences and circumstances are the ones that will aid you the most in becoming who you want to be, without exception.

You find it difficult to believe and accept that statement even when things are going well in your life, and you find it even more challenging when you are in the midst of something uncomfortable.

Now, all you need do is find one past challenging experience where, at the time, you didn’t know why it was occurring, but now you can see clearly how that event allowed you to become more successful today. Remember this, and you might start to embrace those hard times because you can sense what is about to come, which is what you wanted. 

October 23, 2019

You never wanted perfection. We use the word wanted to remind you that you desired all your life experiences.  Even the ones that don’t feel good or comfortable for you. Additionally, many of your events bring you a plethora of information if you are willing to receive it. Such was the case for Roger. 

Yesterday, he was involved in a meeting that went well. But there was one uncomfortable exchange. After that, Roger noticed where he might have misunderstood something or misspoken. Now, what he did was focus on what went wrong, as it felt to him, rather than what was achieved throughout the event. You all do this to some degree. But there is a reason for it. You were born into the world. 

When you are born, you must rely on others to show you around. You then inject all manner of authority into those people. Now, you even go into formal education, where you are taught there are right and wrong answers to everything. And you must find the right answers. Now, when you don’t do that, you label yourself as being a wrong person because you have achieved a wrong conclusion. Then, you become fearful of doing anything for fear of being wrong again. 

How could you know what was right for you unless you knew what wasn’t?

October 23, 2020

You have changed. We gave Roger an incredibly long title for this message, but those simple words will capture the attention of many, for it has occurred for all. 

We are speaking of the restructuring of your world being led by the United States and manifesting and being felt internally by you at this time. You each have been lying to yourselves in an attempt to stay where you were and not evolve, which in actuality you cannot accomplish. But what you have done is resisted your restructuring.

There was a political debate in the United States last night, and the stark contrast that was exhibited has been embodied within you. The restructuring is causing each of you to own every aspect of you, individually and collectively, which cannot be accomplished through judgment. That is the definition of inclusion. When you notice how you have allowed yourself to believe lies you have told yourself, you may blame others when you were the one who withheld who you were and the power you hold.

We will not explain more of that at this time, but your feminine natures will shift the world’s balance, as we have said. You will nurture yourself more, which includes forgiving others who allowed you to see your truth. You will be fine. 

October 23, 2021

Your world will change when you do your part. You are in the world now because you desire to evolve and expand. You wanted a significant change within yourself and your evolutionary journey, so you decided to be alive during this restructuring. 

You come into the world to move through your restrictions and limitations so you might experience the life and world your desire. Still, you also hold yourself back because you don’t recognize your significance in the entire process. We will give you another story which is also a completion of something we showed you in our live talk last Wednesday. Roger listened again last night, and portions he heard with his friend we mentioned during the session. “The one who sent him something that caused Roger to strengthen his belief in himself was the same one who brought as much disruption as you are witnessing in your world now.

We told Roger that he agreed to have this person come into his life to help him move through his barriers and fears. We gave him that information years ago and will share the message we gave him one day before the “helper” arrived. We used that intentionally. 

We are sharing that message because regardless of what you may think now, you are just at the beginning of manifesting a magnificent life and world if you keep going. We will help.

January 30, 2017

You have only just begun. You would do well to attempt to embrace and celebrate that fact. When you hold the mental attitude that you have only just begun about anything you are trying to do in your life, you also know there is so much more to come, and you will do everything in your power to cause that to occur.

When you are focused only on the end of something or the finished product, you can easily experience frustration, impatience, and a willingness to give up.

It is also important to celebrate and acknowledge the fact that you have indeed begun, for that is the most difficult part—that first step. Now, you can recognize yourself as a sculptor in the process of molding something beautiful.

October 23, 2022

Nothing happens accidentally. When you begin to accept what is occurring and know that you have always had guidance, you allow yourself to become aware of why you were born.

We have said you are restructuring your life and world, and today would be an excellent day for you to own who you are. When you decide to become your empowered and authentic self, you will change your life and aid your world.

October 23, 2023

Awakening is progressive. You do it as you live your physical life experience, but for it to be effective in your life and world, you must also take action.

The message we provided three years ago on this date will inspire you far more. We love having you recognize that your divine plan is always in motion. 

You can read it again now, and you will notice how much you have changed. Now, you and your world can achieve anything, and as we said earlier, it is now in your hands.


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Ending the Inner War: Embrace Your Power and Purpose
November 1st, 2024 — 12pm Pacific Time
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