Yes, you have everything you need to live an extraordinary life and manifest a magnificent world, and it has always been within you

October 5, 2024

Yes, you have everything you need to live an extraordinary life and manifest a magnificent world, and it has always been within you. We have been reminding you during your restructuring.

Today is the day we would like you to accept a greater portion of yourself. We will do that by repeating the message we provided last year, but we asked our messenger to do a video explaining the following messages that will mean a lot to him and each of you in the coming months. We are always ahead of you.

October 5, 2023

Judgment will be your greatest challenge. When you are born onto the physical plane, you are provided a divine plan to follow that is unique and meaningful. But you also have limited awareness or consciousness, and some of your choices and actions may not have provided you with the results you believed you desired.

The other part of the puzzle is you were also part of the divine plan for your world so whatever you might have experienced that did not serve your goal of expansion was also meant to alert you to that fact. But your first reaction might have been one of self-judgment. When you invoke those thoughts and beliefs, you halt your expansion and that of your world.

We have said you are moving through a restructuring. The next several months might bring challenges, but when you decide to love who you are and fulfill your divine mission, you will experience a different life and world. We gave a message ten years ago that you can utilize today.

October 5, 2013

The tool of reflection exists in your physical world so that you might use it for your expansion. In other words, what you feel and experience in your outside or external world reflects what you are feeling and experiencing in your internal world or your thoughts and beliefs.

One of the most effective for you to use is the experience of judgment. When you feel that others are judging you in some manner, it reflects your judgment about yourself. If this were not the case, you would never feel that judgment from those others.

You can decide at any moment to use this process of reflection to make changes and choices that further your expansion. You will accomplish this when you give up blaming others for your experience.

October 9, 2023

You are the answer. That answer you have sought for any challenges or difficulties you might have experienced in your life or witnessed in your world is within you.

You come to the physical plane at the perfect time for your unfolding and that of your planet. But you must use your physical resources of consciousness, energy, and linear time to allow that ascension to manifest within you and your world.

We provided a message in 2009 on this date that will aid you today and the rest of this week. You stand at a pivotal place in your life and world; all you need is to love yourself and do your job.

October 9, 2009

Your only “job” is to live and experience your physical life journey fully. Sometimes, you get distracted and mistakenly believe that part of that job is to help others live theirs. You can never accomplish that, and your efforts in that direction are always futile.

While that may temporarily distract you, it never serves your ultimate goal of expansion. All your relationships, interactions, and associations with others are always meaningful and purposeful, or they would not be there.

However, their purpose is merely to provide a context to choose who you desire to be and how you desire to live your life. You soar when you let down your judgments and barriers to this information.

October 17, 2023

You are creating a new world. We used the word creating, for we want you to recognize your active participation.

No matter what you may experience in your outside world, your contribution will be the result of how it turns out. None of you have more ability than another to perform this task, but you do require reminders along the way, and we have given you all of them during this restructuring. Please embody the one we provided on this day in 2012. Nothing is accidental, especially you.

October 17, 2012

Decide to continually hold the vision of who you desire to be. As you move through your physical life experience, you often require some motivation to create or manifest what you desire. The vision of that, in all its aspects, will help you find that motivation.

You must not limit that vision or think you must know precisely how it will all occur. The only thing that is truly important for you is your imagination. Your imagination is much more powerful than you usually acknowledge.

As you decide to embark on this particular journey and process, you will also find the happiness and joy in your life increasing.

October 18, 2023

The savior is you. We know some will have difficulty with that statement since you have assigned the responsibility for your life and world to those outside yourself. We have advised you that the salvation you seek is within you.

Our message has been the same as any other ascended master, but you don’t necessarily hear or accept that belief as a collective society and civilization. But today, you can listen to us.

Examining your world and life today will inspire you to take more action. That action is to recognize your importance, love who you have become, and release any negativity you have held about yourself and others. Then, restructuring you and the world we have said you are experiencing will be aided.

October 19, 2023

Your anger, judgment, and hatred might be old. Every soul is born with embedded beliefs and ideologies that may not serve them now as your planet is moving through a restructuring.

We provided a message three years ago that will aid you now as you experience more conflict.

October 19, 2020

Your pain is not new. You will gain some comfort through this message, and if you are diligent about genuinely desiring to understand what we are about to give you, your life will be easier to traverse.

We have said you are currently experiencing a restructuring of the world you knew, which begins with each of you. You decided to be alive to aid you in your evolution. It will be different for each and the same. We love our cryptic sentences, but that is one you will come to understand.

One of Roger’s “issues” has been guilt, and we must say it has been typically artificial guilt, which he could not explain most times. Roger made an error in his email to his family and had horrific guilt episodes that bothered him all night. Last night, we told him to use one of our techniques, “sit in it.”

What we meant by that is, at times, you do not know the origin of some of the difficulties you experience because they are quite old. We have said you have connections to your ancestors that continually surface for their release; using our sit-in-it technique will make sense.

We had Roger observe an explanation about climate change that can apply to Roger’s condition and your world. You can easily understand the importance of not leaving a child in a hot car. The science has told you that when hot air cannot escape and is trapped inside a vehicle, it will be harmful and kill the child.

You have been that child; you placed yourself in the car, allowed the heat to accumulate, and almost killed yourself. You collectively have done it over lifetimes, so also apply this analogy to your planet. But using it for yourself will be more helpful. Allow yourself to breathe who you are.

November 5, 2023

Conquering self-doubt is your goal. As you view the message we provided last year on this date, you will be moved to love yourself more. 

November 5, 2022

Self-doubt will be your only challenge. We said it would be because you are still moving through a rapidly changing world, which we called your restructuring. You are on an evolutionary soul journey, and what is revealed to you about yourself will also be new, and it will be up to you to accept who you have become.

You only have self-doubt because you have compared yourself to others. Your journey is a unique and integral part of the fabric of the world you manifest for yourself and all others.

You each have disbelief in yourselves, but this is also purposeful, for you cannot expand on your journey without first expressing that doubt. But when you receive tangible proof of your mission, holding yourself back does the same to your world, for you each contribute equally.

We said this change is generational, and you are moving through the limitations of your ancestors. It is not accidental that today is Roger’s father’s birthday, who transcended the physical plane twenty-five years ago.

But we gave you all a message on this date in 2012 that would aid you. It would be best if you let go of your disbelief before you can find your self-belief.

November 5, 2012

If you desire to expand your physical life experience, decide to expand your thinking every day. In other words, anything you desire to be, do, have, create, or manifest must first take root in your thinking.

It is pretty challenging to do anything physical if your thinking has not accepted your idea of what it is you desire to do.

When you become accustomed to your current conditions or station in life, you will create more of the same if your thinking has yet to expand to include more. It also becomes crucial that you do this each day. Many times, what you think of as grandiose thinking will not necessarily produce the results you desire because you might not accept that.


Here’s the video

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