September 25, 2024
We have given you everything you need to achieve personal success and world peace. You will then discover that your achievement will lead to the restructuring of your world, which we have spoken of and provided guidance through our messenger for decades.
It has actually been eons, but that is a concept not many will accept. It also will not matter, for as humans, you all operate, evolve, change, and succeed the same way, which is reaching higher states of consciousness.
But you decided to live during this restructuring, which is an integral part of your evolutionary journey, and what you came to contribute is awakening now. Many of you, including our messenger, have not acted on our words before. That is why we have used the title, “You didn’t believe Jesus, Tesla, or Buddha, Tesla either, so it was challenging for many of you to believe us, as Roger didn’t know either.
We are making that statement as none of you know who you can become until you take the journey of self-discovery. Your world doesn’t recognize it either until you collectively can accept new operating methods that would sustain your planet and allow more of you to flourish.
It would help if you did not regret what you have not done or feared doing because now is the time to change that and the trajectory of your life and world.
There is an order in the universe, and you each have a role to play. You will contribute to this planetary ascension when more of you can accept and own yours. You have had others but would have no memory of them, only the felt limitations and restrictions you continue to carry.
Our messenger was the most resistant, as he accepted a role that was challenging for him. He did so to make it easier for the rest of you, but none of your roles become meaningful until you embrace them fully. He was further shocked when we revealed what we are giving you today. He and you could not have accepted it before, for again, it is a natural function of your individual and collective ascension.
We asked him to post the messages on this date from 2008. You will witness a progression in consciousness over linear time, which we intended for more of you to embrace now. That is why we asked our messenger to complete his “job” to aid more of you in doing yours, and you all will witness your new world.
We have never made a mistake, and neither have you. We wanted you to love yourself, and that was the intent of our philosophy. If you choose to accept it, it is also the goal of your life. We have given you everything but can’t interrupt your free will. We wanted you to become self-empowered.
September 25, 2008
Everything you do, say, think, act upon, reject, allow, all of it, is an attempt by you to experience the true nature of your being and your innate powers and abilities.
When you have lived a life of fear and limitation, it may be necessary to allow people, situations, and events to enter your experience, allowing you to make a new choice. It is never about the particular events but merely what you choose to do with them.
You intended to live a life of evolvement and expansion, and that is only accomplished when you use your free will of choice to continue to create. Creation is always about more than what was there prior.
You are always seeking this, and you will see it clearly when you release any particular judgment about the process.
September 25, 2009
There is no higher purpose in giving than there is in receiving. While that statement may take a while for you to absorb, it would be to your benefit to do so.
You intended to have a physical life experience where every aspect of your true nature was realized. Part of that is held for you in the act of receiving. In that act, you acknowledge your own worth, contribution, and magnificence. There is always a balance of sorts that you attempt to achieve that provides you with a beautiful life experience.
There are many times when you have not allowed yourself to notice your resistance to receiving. As you become willing to do so, you simultaneously allow more to come into your life experience precisely as you intended. Revel in that.
September 25, 2010
There is a flip side to the popular phrase “just do it,” and that is, “just be patient.” From a very early age, you have learned that your security rests in what you know and have experienced.
As you evolve, both physically and intellectually, that old concept is still with you. As you begin to experience these new manifestations and experiences, it is quite normal for you to experience a bit of apprehension, even in your own acceptance of what is occurring in your life experience.
This is where patience comes in handy. When you notice your procrastination, doubt, fear, or other uncomfortable feelings, you begin to judge yourself and think that something has gone “wrong.” Now, be patient.
September 25, 2011
You always have a choice. This concept is important to remember as you move through your physical life experience. You maintain your ability to choose about absolutely everything. Whenever you say, “I did not have a choice,” it is inaccurate.
While you may feel pushed or encouraged to take some particular action, speak certain words, or do something else that feels out of your control, the ultimate choice you always have is how you think about it or perceive it.
Your entire life lives in your thinking, not in what occurs in your physical world. This idea makes sense when remembering you are an eternal spiritual being.
September 25, 2012
Self-appraisal will always be a part of your evolving process as long as you are in physical form. Appraisal here means questioning and analyzing who you are, who you desire to be, and where you are heading on your physical life path.
It is unrealistic to think this appraisal will not occur, and it is much more important for you to choose what to do with it.
You can use this appraisal either as an opportunity to take actions that you know will lead you to the person you desire to be or to beat yourself up, temporarily halting your expansion.
When you are able to embrace those periods of self-appraisal and use them in your moments of reflection, you hasten the expansion you seek.
September 25, 2013
The biggest irony you discover during your physical life experience is that the key to the expansion you seek is being you, and the fear you hold is being you. Your awareness of this irony also allows you to resolve it.
You will notice yourself deciding to wait or hesitate to do something you know you desire to do that would further that expansion. That waiting period is when you have allowed that fear to control your life.
Now, you will also understand that the fear is not because of who you are but what you think others will think of you. When you study this entire concept, you will find it difficult to see any exceptions to this.
September 25, 2014
Many times, gradual change is more effective, easier to maintain in the long run, and more acceptable to you.
In other words, whenever you desire to change something in your physical life experience, it is because you have become aware that making this change might bring you better or your desired results.
The reason that gradually changing might be more desirable is because of your own fear of letting go. You become accustomed to a certain way of being, thinking, and living. Because you have become accustomed and comfortable, you know that letting go of it may cause you to experience something unknown, which you have also come to fear.
Now that you know what you are up to, go about it gradually.
September 25, 2015
You are in the process of finding what might be thought of as a delicate balance in terms of the choices you make in your physical life experience. You will have certain experiences that you will classify as failures or mistakes. Then, you begin to distrust your instincts and the acquired knowledge and wisdom you might utilize to make confident choices. In other words, you are allowing fear of possibly repeating mistakes of the past to prevent you from making choices in your present.
Mistakes and failures only occur in your thinking, for what truly happened is that you gained knowledge and wisdom. These are indeed the most valuable gifts you possess.
September 25, 2016
It is not difficult to manifest what you truly desire when you decide to do something. That may sound like a ridiculous statement at first or even quite obvious, until you examine your own behavior.
You will notice the times when you sit back and think all those things you desire will simply appear. While it is true that the power of your thoughts will cause a great deal of that to occur, your actions are the other crucial parts of the equation.
You do something when you state what you desire for yourself and others. You do something when you begin to own who you are and your purpose in life and become vulnerable enough to share it. You do something when you actively move in that direction. Now you have done something.
September 25, 2017
The most powerful act you will ever perform is deciding to take full responsibility for whatever shows up. You did this yesterday and knew it was probably more potent because it was also the most uncomfortable. Most people shy away from this act because it is that uncomfortable.
You will examine your current life and its manifestations, and when you find something that does not please you, you will also seek to find another person, situation, or “accident” to blame. You will never experience the empowerment you strive to know, own, and share unless you are willing to perform this act consistently.
September 25, 2018
You held a question that perplexed you this morning, so here is your answer: You cannot live in a state of empowerment and use judgment simultaneously.
You were attempting to justify the judgment you held on others because you felt they had judged you, didn’t understand you, or saw you as being wrong in some manner.
They were responding to energies you had been emitting, so you would do well to thank them for their lack of belief in you because now you have it in yourself. The bonus is that you feel empowered because you have released your judgment.
September 25, 2019
Why you need to be rich. We wanted to use words that would grab your attention, and while we are speaking to Roger, it is also for all of you. First, did you notice how you felt a sense of relief by reading the title? You felt that because all of you carry some form of what we call residual guilt around money.
Roger had trouble receiving this message, for he thought he would be the last person to speak on this subject, but he was the most qualified. A while ago, we gave you the message, the energy of money.
It was stated that abundance will ensue when you find your money and energy. While that concept is valid, there is another aspect that we want Roger to discuss. And that is of your ancestors.
Roger received an email from a friend containing a wealth hypnosis video. He did not open it for two days. We caused that. Then, last night, he did, and the clarity came. You can relate to familial ideas and beliefs you have developed from your immediate families, but you may not feel that from your ancestors, yet it is there.
Now, this is the part most of you find difficult to understand. Everything exists now, even your ancestors. As you recognize or energetically feel their limiting beliefs around money, they have impacted you. As you work to lift those distortions, your ancestors also feel that because all is happening now. Now you understand why we said you need to be rich.
You also understand why you felt relief: You have more motivation and permission to be rich. We know this was long but vital. Study this often.
September 23, 2018
Everything of a physical nature is created by energy, including money. You each then will use any energy, and therefore money, in a manner that causes your life and you to evolve.
You don’t understand this when you have not figured out how you have been using the energy of money, and for everyone, this is an individual choice. You have known that you used the appearance of the lack of money as a motivating factor. You did this because you knew it would cause you to do something to change the situation.
What you had not examined is the underlying cause of you operating in this manner. You were attempting to move beyond fear, and this situation helped you accomplish that, but what you feared was being and embodying your true self. You can now choose to move into who you are meant to be, and you will not need that appearance of lack to push you.
September 23, 2019
You can only change now. This message will deliver life-changing results for those who choose to follow through. You will discover that Roger often does not, which should encourage you.
We will repeat a process we have given you: Go to the website,, and enter the title of this message in the search bar. Then, read all the sequential messages produced by that search. Now, of course, it is tailored more to Roger, but you are all one, so you will find the elements that resonate with you.
Secondly, you might want to download the program we gave Roger, “Ten Steps to Transformation.”
All the information we are giving you now is there, which Roger recently recognized. Then he questioned why he hadn’t followed through. The reason is that you all develop ways of thinking and acting that become habitual, and you don’t realize you are doing it. You require some tools to aid you, so you use affirmations.
This affirmation will be the most powerful one you can use. When you remember you can only change now, you will be in your moment of now and have access to all of your power. Try it for a day, and the results will be palatable.
September 25, 2020
You will succeed together and a message to Stan. We love this message as much as you will when we tie it together. Yesterday, we gave you a message regarding your family; well, actually, we used Roger’s family, and they served as a perfect manifestation of what your world is experiencing now. We are giving Roger a lot of information, so be patient.
In yesterday’s message, we mentioned Roger’s family would have a Zoom call, which was preceded by the apprehension of any impending conflict. That is what is happening in your world, specifically in the United States. You each typically require a bit of conflict before you are ready to own yourself and your place in the world.
The call went beautifully and better than any of them expected, and unbeknownst to most of them at this time, they each actualized empowerment within themselves. It went well because Roger’s older brother decided to take a leadership position. Your world needs this now. But again, it must be actualized in each of you first before it manifests in the world.
During the call, Roger began to speak of Stan and decided to share Stan and his father’s photo with the rest of Roger’s family. They all looked at the picture and thought it was Roger; even his 83-year-old aunt attempted to figure out when that picture might have been taken. We are mysterious because it’s so much fun.
This morning, we gave Roger the most excellent definition of coincidence, and each of you will discover it as your world is doing now. A coincidence is a previously planned event awaiting your recognition and utilization. Don’t you love that?
Roger had his recognition by seeing that photo. When Roger “coincidentally found” Stan online one day, Roger intuitively knew this was a direction for both of them. We have described how every relationship shows up in your life, and no matter how it feels to you, even the “horrible” ones are there to aid you in your quest for empowerment.
Roger and Stan have a webinar planned. Stan is currently sitting in a place of concern where Roger has lived many times, and what Roger knows is that this will allow Stan to evolve and Roger. They will surmount this challenge together, which is what your world is doing now. You see, it comes down to you becoming willing to succeed together individually and collectively, and Roger’s family was a beautiful demonstration of that yesterday.
A caveat. Roger’s 92-year-old aunt attended the meeting and provided them with a proud family history, but none had known. Each of you has a proud family history you are actualizing due to the pandemic. We love using that, and please know you will succeed just as you have for eons. The result, as we have said, is that you evolve. We did mean that collectively, for there is no difference between you and them. We know this is long, but it will be worth it, and yes, Roger, send it to your family.
Sorry, one more thing for Stan. You did not make a mistake. None of you have.
September 25, 2021
Your intention now will create your new world. Some time ago, we told you there would be a time when you would choose who you wanted to be, and that choice would affect your life personally and manifest the world you live in collectively. That was the purpose of this restructuring, and you choose to be alive now because you intend to manifest a world of equality, inclusion, light, and love. You might think we are mincing words, yet we are not.
We told you during our Sunday talks that we were so adamant about holding them, for we knew the choice that would be before you in your world. You might not have felt as powerful as others to make a difference, but there again, you were mistaken.
Every experience you have had where you thought you lacked power was so you might manifest it now. Every mistake you might have experienced was an effort to build resilience within you. In every situation where you believed others held more power than you, appeared for you would muster yours now.
You will come to understand that you intended to be here during this lifetime, for you knew if you chose to believe in who you are, your intention, as we stated earlier, would be manifest and create your new world personally and collectively. You will be fine.
September 25, 2022
You were meant to prosper now. Today, we went to extraordinary lengths to help you believe in yourself more as you move through your restructuring and that of your world.
We had Roger go back to a year ago, download the conversation we had with you then, and put that together with the message we provided in 2012. Nothing about your life has been accidental, and as you each begin to accept or strengthen your belief in who you are, you will help shift your life and world as you intended.
Here is the video replay held September 25, 2021
Allowing yourself to prosper is part of your life purpose and mission, which you agreed to long before this existence. We are grateful you are here, for we knew we would speak to the correct person, and you are them.
September 25, 2023
Now, you will confront your biggest irony. We have said you were moving through a massive restructuring, and you aid your evolution and the planetary ascension by becoming your authentic self.
We provided a message ten years ago that will resonate with you today. It is the reason for all our work and is more critical for you and the world now.
September 25, 2013
The biggest irony you discover during your physical life experience is that the key to the expansion you seek is being you, and the fear you hold is being you.
Your awareness of this irony also allows you to resolve it.
You will notice that you decide to wait whenever you hesitate to do something you know you desire to do, which would further that expansion. That waiting period is when you have allowed that fear to control your life.
Now, you will also understand that the fear is not because of who you are but what you think others will think of you. When you study this entire concept, you will find it difficult to see any exceptions to this.
You are meant to prosper now. From September 25, 2021
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