September 6, 2024
Self-acceptance was always the solution. We are referencing a message we provided on this date a year ago, but you might be more willing to accept it today. That is your evolutionary process. It will be the solution to everything you have experienced and everything you want to manifest in your life.
We have said we provided an ascension guide for each of you as we wanted you to live an extraordinary life. All you needed was a guide, which we have given you through our messenger. But both he and you have experienced difficulty accepting your importance and your reason for living through this restructuring.
You were born with innate gifts, talents, and abilities awaiting your recognition. We are so grateful you’re here because it means that your essence, life journey, and experiences were needed for this transition in your evolutionary journey and your planetary ascension.
There is order in your Universe, which means it exists within you, and you were meant to have it flourish now. We have given you a guide to move beyond your limited awareness, and our method has been using the synchronicity of dates.
Still, many of you have found that challenging to believe, as you have experienced with whatever is in front of you now. But what we will give you today will aid your journey, and hopefully, you and our messenger will take the next steps in your evolution so you might live the life you want.
In this philosophy, we have given you a personal development, self-actualization, and ascension guide to uplift you and your planet.
As our messenger, many of you will experience physical healing, but all of you will experience emotional and mental healing and spiritual expansion.
September 6, 2008
Fear, doubt, and worry appear in your physical life experience to help you remember the true nature of your being.
While this is not a usual perspective for you to hold, it is a beneficial one for you to employ.
When these particular emotions arise for you, in your moment of now, you may re-claim your birthright of being an unlimited spiritual being, capable of creating whatever you desire.
If you maintain a very linear, particular hold on how those desires will manifest, you simultaneously halt all the vast resources, help, information, and assistance rushing to you in ways you could never imagine.
Simply go about your business of creating and, again, release the results to the Universe, and you’ll surely arrive at your destination.
September 6, 2009
Any resentment you hold on anything is only ever detrimental to you.
Detrimental here means that it impedes your intention of expansion, which is gaining greater awareness. Resentment, then, would be your very own acknowledgment that something has occurred in your life experience that was not for your highest good. Your greater awareness would tell you that this is not possible.
You have held those referred to as resentments about situations, circumstances, events, and people. As they come to your present-moment awareness, it would be beneficial for you to transform them with gratitude. In that process, the awareness and expansion are always revealed to you, eventually. Simply trust that.
September 6, 2010
Lighten up could be sage advice for you when you decide to take it. You intended your physical life experience to be a joyous and happy one. You are the only one who can choose to have it that way. The seriousness you place upon so many things diminishes that joy. When you make things life or death situations, so to speak, there is little joy found there.
You have an underlying judgment about what you do or do not do, which can be a vicious cycle. When you remove the unnecessary elements, everything you do or attempt to do can be fun. As you unravel the meaning of this communication, you will begin to lighten up and rediscover that joy.
September 6, 2011
You have difficulty holding trust because you simultaneously hold judgment. Allowing trust to become the center point of your physical life experience is one of the most valuable things you can do. When you hold that trust, you set up no resistance or limitations regarding what may develop for you.
Your judgment, on the other hand, will restrict what could occur because you can only have your moment of now judgment from what you have already experienced or come to know, which is always limited.
Your best effort will be made when you take the obvious steps in whatever you wish to accomplish or achieve and then actively detach yourself from any expected result.
September 6, 2012
Slow down. This admonition refers not only to your physical activity but probably more importantly to your mental activity. Many times, you will notice what you might consider mind-racing. That very activity is fueled by some particular fear or worry that you may be harboring.
In those instances, you may also inadvertently cause disruption in your physical body, which will serve as a signal, so to speak, for you to the advice to slow down.
When you allow yourself this opportunity, you will also notice a greater acceptance of yourself, your world, and your physical life experience. The result is always more inner peace.
September 6, 2013
Expansion means that you are in the process of coming to know your own worth. This was your goal when you decided to have a physical life experience. This can be confusing at times because you have confused your own goals. Sometimes, you think your goal is acquiring things and money or becoming recognized and appreciated. All of these things are merely physical tools that you use to come to know your worth.
Your worth is unique to you, and once you know and own that, you decide to share it or contribute. This is also thought of as an evolving process, and the end result is the expansion you sought.
September 6, 2014
Redefine yourself today. You would do well to look up the meaning of that word so that you might use all that it implies to great effect in this process. While this is something you can do at any time, it will be more meaningful when you set aside a particular time to have the full experience of what you are up to.
This is important because of your experiences; you have a different awareness now of what you desire to be and do in this life, and you are a completely different person now than you were a year, two years, or decades ago. You may even find that some earlier dreams and desires that seemed unattainable may be more in reach now if you develop the clarity of vision to “see” them.
September 6, 2015
At times, saying nothing is one of the most empowering acts you can perform. When anything shows up in your physical life experience that might elicit a response from you, and you decide to say nothing, it is because you know that you want to make sure that you will speak from the highest sense of your being.
At times, you will decide to say nothing because you know that whatever you might say would be defensive, and you desire to know there is nothing for you to defend.
Sometimes, you say nothing because you are so grounded in who you are that saying anything might disturb your peace, which is far more critical to you.
Saying nothing at times allows you to know and own your own truth.
September 6, 2016
This message may seem a bit insane to you at first until you are willing to fully accept its intended meaning and purpose. The awareness of what you might be able to do in your life frightens you much more than any perceived fear of failure of doing something.
In other words, you continually have ideas of what you desire to do, create, or manifest, and then you receive evidence that you can do this and it has made a difference to others, precisely as you intended. That awareness frightens you because now you know it is up to you to cause that to occur.
On one level, this is frightening, but you can now overcome that by deciding to turn it into your own personal motivation to finally do it.
September 6, 2017
You can indeed feel better in an instant, and you recently proved that fact to yourself. You had a challenging experience, suffered through it emotionally, gained some wisdom because of it, and then decided how you might operate in the future so as not to have that experience again.
While that was played out for you in this instance, that is precisely the process of all evolution that always occurs. You cannot go back and change situations, but you can examine them for the gained knowledge that is always there, decide to utilize that, and then you can move on.
The point of all this is for you to recognize that you are always making that choice.
September 6, 2018
Your lowest point holds everything you need to reach your highest point. In other words, when you find yourself in an emotionally difficult place, you are also uncovering thoughts, actions, and beliefs about yourself that have been preventing you from having everything you want and fulfilling all your desires.
Allow yourself to feel all of it without fear, for then all those problematic things you have been holding will be revealed, and you will release them all. Finally, it is not possible for you not to succeed because you want to become more.
September 6, 2019
You use other people to come to know who you are. We used all of those words intentionally, and in a language, you will understand. We must also say that Roger felt terrible before he received this message, but now he is experiencing much more empowerment as we desire for you all.
Those of you who choose to understand the following will feel as if you have gained a new lease on life. You are each born with desires for who you want to be and what you want to accomplish. Your birth held all of those possibilities. You begin living your life and start to see limitations and restrictions, and many of them you believe and accept. Now, you find yourselves living limiting lives. You will then “attract” certain people into your lives to irritate you just enough that you might notice where you have cut off your potential. It is never about the other person but what you do.
Here is the part that is the most empowering and the most challenging for most of you. Thank the person who irritated you the most, for they aided you the most in experiencing your own sense of empowerment.
September 6, 2020
If you change, you will heal the world. If that statement sounds too grandiose to you, you have uncovered the source of the difficulties you have experienced in your life. You are witnessing the results of your actions playing out in your world, specifically the United States.
We told you your world was undergoing a massive restructuring, and the only way that may manifest is through you. Each of you has felt insignificant in your lives in some way or at some time. You can recognize specific characteristics or qualities you have that feel like problems, challenges, or insecurities to you. Those very things are the ones you have attempted to eradicate for quite a while, and you knew this time in your earthly experience would be the most suitable time for you to heal those wounds, for that is what they are.
You also fear and resist change, and that is the conflict currently on grand display in the United States. However, we assure you this condition also holds the healing you seek, and it begins with you.
As we have told each of you, we told Roger to do his job. We also said the surprising thing is that your job is the most natural to each of you, and you have ignored it. It means honoring every aspect of you. Roger could not honor his job, which was to be love, because that seemed like a feminine characteristic, which is needed in the world now and in the United States. If he can own this for himself, he will experience his healing, as will the world.
We wanted that entire paragraph to feel like the most grandiose and verbose statement we might make because your only challenge in life has been not believing it, but now you will. Be patient.
September 6, 2021
You will become comfortable with your new self. You are here now because you desire to evolve. For that to occur, you must move into some unknown part of you that you may have grown to fear or, worse yet, did not believe existed within you. More of you now are experiencing the latter, which may be frightening for you in many ways, including changes in your physical body.
During our live talk yesterday, we provided vital information we hope you and Roger watch. We began with a message we delivered in 2009 on power. We did that for a few reasons. We wanted to speak of energy and your power of creation. You each possess it in equal amounts, but you may not have realized that because it is a part of your evolutionary process to come to that awareness.
We explained that Roger began aware recently that all our messages before that time were helping him move through his restrictions and limitations. He could know their origin as you may not, as you all are pushing through ancestral and generational boundaries along with guilt and shame. But each of you here now wanted to do this because you desired a great change for you which will also be your world, as we mentioned.
The other reason we mentioned energy is that you each will decide how to use it or allow it to hold you back. This could happen when you experience unexpected physical changes, which occurred for Roger when he began allowing our communications. We are telling you this now so you might embrace the coming changes that will emerge within you.
When we come through Roger, as we did yesterday, he moves through physical changes that produce excess heat and begins to sweat. When he was finished with the session, his clothes were wet, and he had little memory of what was said, so he, too, will listen to the recording. He has come to trust this process now, and we are relating this story so you embrace your changes as you move through your restructuring, and it will be fine.
September 6, 2022
We wanted you to calm down. We are referring to the message we provided in 2012, which we knew you could use now as your world rapidly changes and you are attempting to keep up.
September 6, 2012
Slow down. This admonition refers to your physical activity and, more importantly, to your mental activity. Many times, you will notice what you consider mind racing. Some particular fear or worry you may harbor fuels that very activity.
In those instances, you may also inadvertently cause disruption in your physical body, which will serve as a signal, so to speak, for you to the advice to slow down.
When you allow this opportunity, you will also notice a greater acceptance of yourself, your world, and your physical life experience. The result is always more inner peace.
September 6, 2023
Self-acceptance is always the solution. It is the solution to any difficulty you might see in your physical life experience and the answer you seek in your world.
We provided a message on this date three years ago when we began bringing awareness to restructuring your life and world. We used the word heal, and what that means for you and your world is remembering your connection to all that is. It is a gradual process, but you will accept more today.
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