Joy wasn’t accidental, either

August 30, 2024

Joy wasn’t accidental, either. We are beginning this message in that manner to capture your attention, particularly those in the United States, but remember we said this was a global restructuring.

We gave you several messages last year on Barbenheimer to alert you all that you are provided information from your history that allows you to make new choices now that will enable you and your world to experience healing. That healing will become evident when you allow yourself to experience joy. That healing has been made manifest in our messenger, but not even he has accepted what he has accomplished, as you have not.

We want him to repeat the entire message we provided on this date last year, as it will benefit you all.

August 30, 2023

You will manifest the new world. We have provided information so you might understand and accept the changes in your lives and world.

Every soul contributes to the formation of their lives and the planet. Your job is before you, and we gave you something three years ago that you will incorporate now. You have the wind at your back.

August 30, 2020

Things can’t be the same, but you could use that belief to keep them that way. Roger was struck by this thought this morning, and we pointed out he used it himself yesterday. It is an excuse many of you use to stay where you are in your lives and continually deny your innate power. Of course, we mean you as an individual and the world as a whole, and now we will explain it all.

Yesterday, when Roger remembered events in the United States more than fifty years ago, he heard a current video that sounded to him like the same language and behavior exhibited then. However, you do have the advantage of the history you can see, and if you examine it, the pattern of evolution is more than apparent.

The way you will harness your change and how the United States will lead the way in the world’s restructuring is a redistribution of perceived power. In other words, you must acknowledge and own your strength and ability to create your life in the way you want it to appear, and the more of you who do so, you collectively change and restructure the world.

We said things couldn’t be the same because when Roger heard those words of decades past, he was no longer willing to allow them to dim his view of his world personally and as a whole. You are doing the same in your life. Because of that, you are creating the world you want, and it all begins with you.


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