Your best was always enough

August 28, 2024

Your best was always enough. You discover that fact when you leave physical form, but uncovering that fact during your life experience is much more rewarding. That is why we have provided you with guidance during your restructuring.

We have often said that your only difficulty is self-belief. You are each born with innate gifts that will allow you to experience an extraordinary life, which we have instructed our messenger to tell you often.

However, like you, he has difficulty accepting what is within him. We have provided everything in an order you can receive as you continue to evolve individually and collectively.  

Today, we will give you more as we would like each of you to take the following steps in your lives, as our messenger will. You all seek validation, and now you will have it. What you do with it is in your hands.

August 28, 2012

It is not possible for you to fail at anything you attempt to do when your intention is to do your best. Your best is always enough, and in each and every new moment of now, it is more than it was five minutes ago, last year, or years prior.

You are a continually expanding being, so your best is increasing constantly as well. Your best, as it is being used here, means the contribution you desire to make, not only to  your own expansion but to all others as well.

When you are focused on your best, you also know this is occurring because you feel good.

August 28, 2013

The idea of seeking gratitude may seem a bit strange to you at first, but once you understand its meaning and how it holds the ability to completely transform your physical life experience, you will actively engage in the process.

Seeking gratitude means that you consciously decide to find all those things in your life now for which you are grateful. You always create your own reality, and you do so through the thoughts and beliefs you hold and the words you speak. When you are in the process of seeking gratitude, you are actively generating a type of energy that will manifest more of those things for which you are grateful.

It is not possible for you to simultaneously be grateful for something and think about those things that displease you and then inadvertently create more of that. All you need do is use your logical thinking to understand the importance and power this process holds for you. 

August 28, 2014

You have often thought of the power of intention in your life, but now you would do well to study it even further. You came to the physical plane with the purpose of having experiences. Experiences are what enable you to gain awareness, wisdom, and expand as you intended.

You only ever get lost in this process, become confused, and hesitate to do certain things because you have failed to become clear about your intention.

Intention is not the same as a goal or some desired result. Those things cause you to focus on something outside of your moment of now. Intention is unlimited and expansive and means, more often than not, the contribution you intend to make to yourself and your world. This is the true power of intention, and it would help you to choose not to forget that fact.

August 28, 2015

The process of consciously breathing can lead you out of most difficulties you may encounter in your everyday life. While you may think that you are always breathing, you are not aware that you can actually use the process to bring you back to your present moment of now.

It is not possible to you to worry when you are consciously focused on your breath. When you decide to simply breathe in your moment of now, you will instantly feel its ability to calm you down, so to speak. This can alleviate pain, which you have previously experienced.

This is not only referring to any physical pain you might experience, but also emotional or mental pain.

It is not possible for you to feel hurried or rushed when you decide to pay attention to your breath. So today, just attempt to simply breathe.

August 28, 2016

It is far more important for you to focus on that for which you are grateful rather than what you regret. This refers to your incident or experience yesterday where you felt you might have received greater compensation for the work you did.

Now instead of regretting that experience and what you accepted, you ignored what was most important, and that was the recognition, appreciation, and ownership of your own talent and ability.

Your level of abundance or what you receive in money and possessions will reflect how you value yourself. Now through that experience then you gained something that will in the long run turn out to be far more beneficial and rewarding in your life than one particular incident.

August 28, 2017

“The Game of Life and How to Play It,” is the title of a book you read many years ago that recently came to your awareness, and for good reason. You have reached a place in your life where you can clearly see that everything you desire to do and achieve is right in front of you, and all that is necessary is for you to move toward your dreams.

Having that awareness does not necessarily make the process easy for you, as you are still encountering some of your self-imposed fears. Now, if you were to make this a fun process and think of it as a game, which indeed it is, you would have much more fun than you intended. If you approach it in this manner, you will always.

August 28, 2018

Respect your belief in time. As you think about that sentence, you will start to ponder and ask yourself what you do believe about time. You and most others believe in and have accepted linear time, meaning that you think things and creations must follow a sequential order of occurrence.

Now, because you do believe this, the events in your life unfold in this manner. But then, when things don’t show up instantly, you think things have gone wrong instead of the fact that your life is following what you believe precisely.

Here are your instructions to help you out of your dilemma. Know that what you intended to create and the life you wanted to live is just following what you set up, so know in every moment of now that everything you want is coming, and it will.  

August 28, 2019

You always know what to do, but don’t always do it. Roger is becoming increasingly more annoyed with us as he feels as though we are forcing him to speak on certain subjects he finds uncomfortable. You all operate in this manner, which is why you encounter difficulties in your lives. 

To explain this more fully, as you begin to believe there is something in your life that feels to you it is your path, evidence of that will continually show up. And to such an astonishing degree that you can’t possibly ignore the information. Though you might attempt to, this morning, Roger “heard” us nudge him to revisit a message entitled “Kicking and Screaming.” 

Now he hasn’t read it, but he did glance at the date it was written. When he reads it now, the reason we caused it to manifest in this way will make sense to him and all of you! We wanted the exclamation point.

August 12, 2014

When you observe the birth of a newborn, most times they come into the world kicking and screaming. They do this as an expression of their own resistance of leaving a place of safety and moving into an unknown territory.

This is, to a greater or lesser extent, what you do as you are about to embark on a new journey in your life or move into an unknown territory of your own expansion.

You would now be wise to become aware of this process; understand that what causes you to exhibit that kicking and screaming is your own fear. Then you will have a remembrance of what you are up to and what you intended on this life journey. Embrace the fear and decide to use it knowing that it allows you to make the difference you intended.

August  28, 2020

You are right, and so are they. Yesterday we told you more of the restructuring of your world would be revealed, and Roger wondered how that would occur, and he even posed the question to his friend. Then last night, he saw it right in front of him, and surprisingly it was within his family. 

The family was having one of their pretty regular Zoom meetings, and at some point, the conversation turned to politics. Of course, we speak of the United States, for as we mentioned, you are leading the way. Each member had an opinion that they felt strongly about and, at times, could not hear the others’ views.

In the beginning, Roger was pretty quiet, but then he began to speak up. He said he was making his decisions based on how they will define his life, and ultimately his life purpose. You each are doing that. Even if you think you are not involved in politics, that is not true, or you would not be here. 

All of your life experiences occur to provide you with a context to choose who you want to be. That creative sentence refers to the restructuring we mentioned, and none of it is right or wrong, and none of your individual opinions are right or wrong. Still, they are necessary because it is what you chose in this lifetime. You are moving through previously held limitations. 

We will provide you with Roger’s, and possibly it would inspire you to find yours. Roger has long known that finding his autonomy was challenging. Through a source other than us, he was told that he feared his benevolent nature. While that may seem to be a bit ridiculous, it was purposeful in his life. You each are here, in this lifetime, to evolve more. We are using phraseology, you will understand. 

We are giving Roger a statement that is somewhat shocking even for him. Roger feared if he unleashed his benevolent nature, he might harm others as it would avail him to innate power. Of course, the opposite was true, and his restructuring is happening, and making his choices about politics helped him own more of himself. You are doing the same, and it will be easier for you all when you know everyone is doing the same thing. 

Remember, we told you yesterday how it all turns out. 

August 28, 2021

Your life purpose is before you now. We are speaking to you, for every soul is born with a purpose they are meant to fulfill so they may evolve. They pick a time and place within the time trajectory of your planet to provide them with the best circumstances to accomplish their individual goal, which happens to coincide with the evolution of your world. Now you know why you wanted to be here during this restructuring.

That paragraph may be confusing to some, but there are others to whom the truth is recognized. That is why you are reading our words now, as confirmation that you are on the right path in your life. You always have been, but you only come to that awareness at times specific to your evolutionary journey and your willingness to release your resistance and belief in your smallness. You will no longer do that if you take advantage of this time in your life. 

We are giving you information we will explain further tomorrow in our live talk, but we have been leading you here for eons, which we will also clarify. We gave you a message years ago with the title, “you were being prepared.” We meant it was for this time in your life for each of you. You only thought things were happening accidentally.

Last night we had fun with Roger to inspire you all. You have thought your aspirations or dreams were fantasies at times or thought everyone else was given the gifts you weren’t. That thought pattern is one many of you have used, but when you discover that was never the case as Roger has learned, you will know why he has such passion now to have you know the same.

While watching television, Roger saw a young pianist he had never heard of but was impressed with his artistry. He decided to look on YouTube and discovered his work. Roger saw one video, and then we led him to another. The moment he touched the play button, the same song was being performed live on the television, and Roger did a momentary double-take as he couldn’t believe the synchronicity. Then we had him notice the clock, and it said 11:11, the angel number. Nothing occurred randomly in your life. 

Now you know your life purpose you have doubted, and we will explain more tomorrow, but you will be fine. 

August 28, 2022

Nothing feels better than this. What that would be is you become your authentic self. That was your only life goal, which is more important now in your life experience and that of your world.

We have said we provided guidance for this transition in your world, but belief in yourself is something you each come to at the right time in your life.

You each have guidance from your higher selves, and we will reinforce what you have heard but may not have yet embraced.

We have used specific dates with Roger for the experience of synchronicity is meant to cause each of you to have more faith and belief in your purpose, and as you will see, it is before you now. 

August 28, 2023

Your best is more than enough. Every soul is born onto the physical plane with what they need to fulfill their life mission as you each have one. It will allow you to manifest a magnificent life and contribute to your planet.

Your acceptance of what you possess becomes evident to you as you live. You exist at a dynamic time in your world because what you have will aid the ascension of all that is.

Please do your best to absorb the message we provided in 2012, and your way will be much smoother. We have always said you will be fine, but that depends on your actions and willingness to embrace and utilize your gifts and every aspect of you.

You can reread the 2012 message now.


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