It is always your lack of self-belief

August 18, 2024

It is always your lack of self-belief. Whenever you come to the physical plane, you are tasked with a goal of evolution within you. It is your life purpose.

It unfolds in linear time for you and your planet. We have said you were moving through a restructuring, and it turns out well when you accept a higher version of yourself. We and your guides have been leading you all the way.

The only thing we can’t do is interfere with your free will, but the message we provided last year on this date and the conversation we will have tomorrow on your full moon will cause more of you to awaken to your purpose and greatness.

August 18, 2023

Your time has arrived. You came to the world at a specific time in your evolutionary journey to use your life experience to offer awareness and wisdom to your planet. You require linear time to reach that awareness; we have used it to aid you.

We gave you a message three years ago, which you will understand today.

August 18, 2020

You will become more of yourself now. Of course, we mean you, for you individually and your world collectively are in a continual state of evolution. At times, this may frighten you, but even that is purposeful.

It took Roger a while to accept this message. He wasn’t sure where we were going, and he, like you, still fears the unknown. We will attempt to tie it all together.

We mentioned the law of attraction yesterday and said we would continue, and now we will. You were each born at a specific time so that you might experience the current conditions of your world, for you knew they would aid you in your evolution. You would then contribute to the evolution of all that is, as you are all one. That last sentence is what you are all figuring out now.

You decided to live at this time so you would recognize who you are and use the law of attraction to accomplish this. You will know when you are doing so because you will feel good. Anything else means you are attempting to do someone else’s job. After you contemplate this, you will be pleased with your discovery. 


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